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Social Media

Cybersecurity threats in social media include neighborhood attacks, where assailants leverage relationships to identify victims, and click jacking, which tricks users into performing malicious actions.

Social Media

Age Group

50 - 64


Over 65s

30 - 49

Generation Z



People from anywhere can connect with anyone. Regardless of the location and religion.


We can promote our business to the largest audience. The whole world is open for you, and can promote to them.


It is very easy to educate from others who are experts and professionals via the social media.

Social Media and Online Video Games

Social networking site and Internet Gaming Disorder

Several nationwide empirical studies demonstrated that SNS and video games can contribute to psychosocial impairments and behavioral dysfunction in users
SNS addiction and IGD contributed toward deterioration of psychological health by increasing depression, anxiety and stress levels
IGD and SNS addiction share a common cause with other behavioral addictions
Latest technological advancement
Social media experiences in the era of Web 2.0

In 2014, an average of 375 million people played Facebook connected games each month

social media rise in popularity

blur the lines between SNS use and video gameplay
socially phobic individuals prefer online forms of social interactions
allow users to leave uncomfortable social situations by logging off
provide users with unique opportunity to satisfy their social connection needs

Social aspect in games

Online games as another form of social media
Users can play in virtual social world
MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplay Game

Social interactions in gaming environments

make gaming more enjoyable

make friends and partners throughout gaming experiences

Gaming communities use platforms that are oriented towards social interaction outside of games such as social media

'IRL' section

viewers can communicate back using instant messaging

streamers engage with the viewers in video or audio chats

biggest website for live video streaming of people playing games

a new platform for video game coverage and discussions

More discussions in communities, the more likely to reach new audience
Growth of video games
cause of the growth

social interaction among gamers both online and offline

The rise in popularity of mobile games

in 2010, there was a rise of mobile game popularity

mobile games are mostly free to play / download

due to increased storage and processing power of smartphones

Social media is used by the company as a way to promote / market the games

promote events or merchandies
Used to post updates and news about the game

Anderson and Jiang (2018)

Teens have mixed views on the impact of social media on their lives

24% describe its effect as mostly negative.
31% say social media has had a mostly positive impact
45% believe social media has a neither positive nor negative effect

Vast majority of teens have access to a home computer or smartphone

88% of teens report having access to a desktop or laptop computer at home
95% of teens now report they have a smartphone or access to one.


Problems of using social media

Acceptance & usage

The acceptance and usage can be predicted by Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)

3 different processes of social influence that affect individual behavior
Introduce 2 Main Factor
Perceives usefulness
Ease of use

Foster et al(2010: 7)

Found that social network users participate in social network ro satisfy range of difeerent motivational needs

Constanrinides, 2008:217

One of the consequences of social media's empowerment is that traditional media have become much less effective and less influenctial as a communication medium to potential medium.

Types of social media

1) Social Network 2) Media Sharing Network 3) Social Bookmarking 4) Discussion forums 5) Online blog 6) Social Shopping network

decide the posts' position on the site's pages by voting entries up or down
social news and excitement organizing site where enlisted clients can submit substance/content posts
post data about travel, form, sustenance, workmanship and comparable subjects.
a visual online networking stage. The site has more than 400 million dynamic clients and is possessed by Facebook.
share photos, video, and information.
social network that allows users to interact with others, connect with friends and family
As of July 2015, 400 hours of video content was uploaded every minute on YouTube
registered users can rate (like/dislike), upload videos, comment on and share them.
a go-to resource for viewing videos.

Social Media is a digital tool which allows user to communicate, interact and share content between other user using a specific platform i.e Twitter, Instagram etc, it could be an application as well as an website.

What is it?

Prevention strategies

Evaluate your settings

Stay updated w/ the social media privacy & security settings. Change the default settings if it allows everyone to see your profile.

Beware of strangers

Limit the people who are allowed to contact you on social media & also be cautious if interact w/ unknown persons especially when sharing info or agreeing to meet them in person.

Limit the amount

Limit the amount of personal info you post & never disclose info such as residential address, upcoming schedule or daily routine.

Beware of third-party apps

Avoid apps that seem suspicious & make sure to modify your settings to limit the amount of info which the app can access.

Know what to do

If someone is harassing or threatening you, make sure to use proper measures to remove them from friend list, block or report them to the social media admin using proper channels.

Categories of basic security attacks

Active attacks

Form new nodes in an essential way & try to connect to the linked nodes & gain the access to the other nodes.

Passive attacks

Totally anonymous & undetectable.

Privacy breach

Find link between nodes & edges & possibly identify the relation between them.

Attacking scenarios

Neighborhood attack

Done by the attacker by knowing the friends of the victim. Using the relationship among these friends & based on this relationsip, the attacker will try to identify the victim.

Click jacking

Attacker posts something to the victim & when the victim opens it, some malicious actions are performed.

CBIR (Content Based Image Retrieval)

Attacker can know the location of a user by matching the patterns of the images associated w/ the profile of the user.

Types of attack

Cross-site profile cloning

Attacker steals info from one social media & uses this info to make a profile on another social media site.

Profiling risk

Associated w/ profile cloning where the attackers retrieve the personal information of the users & make a clone of the profile w/ aim to make their victims image bad.

Cyber bullying


Fake product sale where the attackers will advertise their products and mention about huge discount. When user clicks on the advert, their profile info goes to the attackers.


The main purpose is to harm economically where the phishers try to retrieve the profile information to know about the banking or financial information of their target.

Identity theft

Attackers will ask permission for accessing the information provided in the profile & once the user allow them to do so, they will get all the information & misuse it easily w/out user permission.

Why cyber-conspirators prey on social media?

Users upload their personal information (interests, social relationships, pictures, confidential info & more) & share it to others via social media


Sleep hygiene

Problematic sleep due to social media

Health (Sleep Deficiency)

Discussion / Findings

FOMO is stronger than CSMU among working professional rather than student.
Reason: Limited opportunities for social interactions
CSMU & problematic sleep due to social media is significant among students than working professionals.
Social media oversleep duration or quality


Do the associations between FOMO, CSMU, sleep hygiene & problematic sleep due to social media use differ for young adult who are employed VS in academic pursuit?
Is there an association between FOMO, CSMU, sleep hygiene & problematic sleep due to social media use?
What is the association between anxiety, CSMU & depression?


Depressed young people may increasingly turn to social media at night time.
Online gaming
Social media
Body clock changes
Phones are more accesible


Growing number of users engaged at night time
Compulsive Social Media (CSMU)
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Social Media

Security & Privacy