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作者:Vitinho Santos 3 年以前


Cimento Portland

O Cimento Portland é um material amplamente utilizado na construção civil e possui um histórico rico, com origem atribuída a John Smeaton em 1756 e popularizado por Joseph Aspdin. Produzido a partir de matérias-primas como calcário e argila, o cimento passa por processos rigorosos de produção, incluindo a mistura e moagem do clínquer com gesso.

Cimento Portland

Cimento Portland

Keywords: goals, career, education, personal growth, target, setting goal, plan future, health, personal growth

Goal setting is everywhere in our daily lives. We set goals almost every day for our health, career, vacation, etc.

Impactos ambientais

We all have annoying traits, we might not be so aware of these but those around us are. Identify these and find ways to remove them your life.

Co- processamento
Bio- tratamento


Want to learn something new? It's never too late. Start now!

Moagem do clínquer e mistura com gesso
Produção do Clínquer
Mistura de moagem da Matéria-Prima

Controle de qualidade

Besides our own wellbeing, we are also a little responsible to leave a good place after us. Think about how you can contribute to your community.

Ensaios de laboratório
ABCP (qualidade)
ABNT (normas técnicas)

Cuidados na estocagem

This is something that one should work on all their life. We are responsible for our growth. Set your goals! Are there any hobbies that you've always wanted to try? Any skills that you feel you should work on?

Evitar umidade
Armazenamento do cimento Portland
Esticar em local seco

Principais aplicações

If you feel that your relationships or some of them are not at a level that you'd like them to be, you can find ways to improve. The first and most important step is identifying these relationships`!


Tipos disponíveis

Everyone has imagined at least once how their life should look like. Try to keep it realistic, plan your future income. After you decide your target, find ways to reach it.

Cimento Portland Branco (CPB)
Cimento Portland de baixo calor de hidratação (BC)
Cimento Portland Resistente a Sulfatos (RS)
Cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial (CP V- ARI)
Cimento Portland Pozolânico (CP IV)
Cimento Portland Alto-forno (CP III)
Cimento Portland Composto (CP II)
Cimento Portland Comum (CP I)

Matéria Prima

Add information on how to improve your overall health. Keep in mind that mental and physical health are both very important! As the saying goes 'Mens sana in corpore sano'!



Add information about your career. What position are you in now? Where do you see yourself in the future? Set your goal now! And find ways to climb up the ladder.

Vicat, 1800
John Smeaton, 1756
Experiência Brasileira
Joseph Aspdin
Origem do termo "cimento"
Origem do Cimento Portland