Kategorier: Alla - sexuality - awareness - testing - protection

av Kadence Monte för 5 årar sedan



Discussing sexual health with a partner is crucial, including conversations around STI testing and readiness for sexual activity. Ensuring mutual consent and respect are vital components of a healthy relationship, and it'


Gym/Fitness 2019


Copping Skills/ Conflict Resolutions
Conflict Resolution skills




Conflict Management





Giving Feedback

Handling Difficult Personalities

High Emotional Intelligence


Asking for Feedback


Interviewing and Active Listening

Sense of Humor

Nonverbal Communication









Not Everyday Activities (Copping Skills)

go somewhere with people

Go Shopping

Daily Activities like (Copping Skills)

Watch TV

Watch Movie

Be with Other people

Cry by yourself



Do a WordSearch


Listen to music

Read a Book

Do School Work


Take a Shower



Toxic Relationships/Friendships
SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE CONNECTION= While under the influence of drugs it clouds your judgment of if you're actually in a toxic relationship or not and with the presence of drugs in a toxic relationship can lead to even worse mental suffering and may lead to greater injuries
A toxic relationship is a relationship that is unfavorable to you or others

Toxic Relationships Are






Fearing the other person

One person has an unhealthy mindset and preys on people who are happy

Can Be caused by polar opposite personalities


You Feel insecure

Jealousy all the time


Jealousy/Blame Game

Teasing/Making Fun of you

Emotional Black Mail

No Appreciation

More Like a competition then a relationship

One Sided

No Compromise

Only thinking about him/her and their Happiness

Personality clash

Not Happy Anymore

Hostile Atmosphere

Negative Energy

Doesn't Like being around significant other

Always On phone

Passive Aggression

Abuse Occuring

losses weight

Non resolving fights

Breaking furniture/objects

Aggression is encouraged


Lack of Trust

You stop hanging with friends


Friends Try to tell you somethings wrong

Aggression towards family

Everyday Safety Methods
physical car key, keep it in your hand when walking alone

If someone is following you don't go to your car. Cross the street and proceed to the nearest populated location

Avoid public transportation after dark

Avoid taking shortcuts through unknown parts of town or in dark alleys

Keep your cell phone and keys in your front pockets less of a chance of robbery

If someone attempts to kidnap or grab you, scream for help at the top of your lungs

Cover cameras

Do not overshare on social media

Enable remote wipe for your smartphone

Do not have conversations with "wrong number" callers.

Set the home address in your devices to an address near your home, but not to your actual home address

PERSONAL CONNECTION= Doing basic things like putting an close address is something most teens my age don't really know that they should do because no one thinks their phone can get hacked but now knowing this and simple things I will now know to do the simple things with just my phone and now i walk with confidence but i'm aware of my surroundings so im not in immediate danger

A strategy that involve attempting different solutions and eliminating those that do not work

L= Look Back Evaluate, and Adjust

If your best strategy doesn’t work, go back to your list of possible strategies

A= Act on a selected strategies

Act on the strategy you explored before hand

E= Explore Strategies

Examine your list of possible strategies

D= Define the Problem

Think of 2-4 strategies so its clear that you understand the problem at hand

I= I got this

Identify the Problem

Recognize Complications with in the problem

There are multiple perspectives you must think about when identifying problems

Types Of Conflicts
There are different types of conflicts and different ways to solve them

Conflicts of interest

achieving goals are distributed, such as time, money, space and staff

Instrumental conflicts

Usually About goals, structures, procedures

Personal or relational conflicts

Aspects of a relationship

Usually about identity or self-image


Human Trafficking
Definition=illegally transporting people from one country to an another for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation

Human Trafficing has been more frequent throught the years

PERSONAL CONNECTION= Knowing that Human Trafficking has been on the rise in Brampton it makes me more cautious of people and who i'm friends with. It makes me more cautious of the future and who i am with and how too prevent that from happeining

Signs of Human Trafficing


Avoids Eye Contact

Has others speak for them




Works in Unfamiliar neighborhood

Moving Frequently

Not having forms of I.D. in their possession

Having Fake IDs

Lying About age

Being controlled

No control of devices

Always being watched

Consent means that you are giving someone permission to do something

You can not give proper when under the influence of Drugs

If anythings happen you can press charges

without Consent then that action is Illegal

Rape and sexual Abuse are two of the main charges regarding consent and it being violated

Communication with partner About Sex

Id you do have an STI tell your partner so they can get tested

Talking to your partner about STI testing is important

Even if you haven't had sex you should still get tested

Better safe then sorry

Are you Ready?

Talking to your partner if you're actually ready to have sex

your partner has to respect your decision if not ready

CONFLICT RESOLUTION CONNECTION= When in a toxic relationship you are under extreme pressure to "impress" your partner with very little communication and usually don't respect their view and/or their self so the talk of are you ready isn't really an option

Talking About Protection

Talking about what types of protection you're going to be using is important

It prevents spreading STIs

It prevents pregnancy



Very contagious virus most people don't have symptoms

There is NO cure for HPV

Vaccines given to children to pervent it

Can Cause Cancers

Spread through Unprotected sex and skin on skin contact


Spread through Bodily Fluids

There is No cure

You will have HIV for life once acquired

AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV

HIV is a intial Infection

Attacks and Weakens the immune system


Its a virus that affects the liver

Not Curable

There are Three types A, B, and C

C does not have a vaccine

Transferred usually through Blood

A and B have vaccines to prevent it

B is transferred through blood and bodily fluids

A is transferred through fecal oral route

It can Cause Cancer

Of the Liver


Spread through skin on skin contact

And Unprotected Sex

Not Curable but is Treatable

Caused by HSV

Causes Sore/Bumps

Some people with herpes never develop sores,



Caused by a parasite that is usually transmitted sexually

Can survive on Wet Towels and Bathing suits

Male and Female condoms can help prevent the spread


Caused by an Itch mite

doesn't have to transmitted sexually

Lays eggs under the skin

Symptoms for all the parasitic STIs Include

All Can be treated with






Reddish rash

Pubic Lice

attach their eggs to the pubic hair and feed on human blood

Avoid sharing clothes and bathing suits



Can Be Treated with Antibiotics and/or a needle

A Rare STI that is transmitted through unprotected sex that can cause serious health risks if not treated

Symptoms may include


small reddish-brown sores in Genital region

Hair Loss

Swollen Glands



Gonorrhea is a STI that causes inflammatory discharge from the genital area of both females and male

Can be treated with antibiotics

Can come again

Most people have no symptoms

If they do have Symptoms the usually experience different things for both men and women


Painful urination

Increase of vaginal discharge

Abdominal/pelvic pain

Vaginal bleeding after sex


Urinating frequently

swelling/pain in the testicles, and/or sore throat

swelling of the penis

a yellowish/greenish/brownish color discharge coming from the penis


It's one of the most common sexually transmitted disease

Can Come again if treated

Antibiotics can help cure infection

Most people Have no symptoms

If they do people usually experience

unusual discharge

Pain during sex

Pain in abdomen area

Pain while peeing

Types of Protection
Each Type of protection method has a different level of effectivness

SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE CONNECTION= While under the influence of drugs a lot of the time people don't care about protection leading to unexpected/unplanned pregnancy and the chance of STI spreading that can cause major damage to their health



Helps avoid spread of STIS

90% Affective

Most common method used for conception



Similar To the Birth control pill but in an injection form

Remains for 12 weeks

Cervical Cap

Similar to the Diaphragm but is smaller

remain in the vagina at least 6 hours after sex and should be taken out within 48 hours.

Used with a spermicide


The Diaphragm is placed at the cervix preventing sperm from reaching the womb

Needs to be used with a spermacide

94% Effective

Birth Control/The Pill

tablet containing hormones that you take once a day

Typical Use 91% Effective

99% Effective

Female Condom/ Dental Dam

Helps pervent STIs

Worn Inside the Vagina to keep sperm from entering the womb

Typical use= 79% Effective

Perfect use=95% Effective


Drug Prevention
PERSONAL CONNECTION= Drug prevention is taught in school and being taught I am now aware of what drugs can do to me and my health and how it can affect my future. For Example, if i get addicted to drugs at this age it will affect my grades and my school attendance

For those of who needs treatment for and addiction knows that it's there

encourage accreditation

Improving them


Two Rehabilitate centers are

National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program

National Youth Solvent Abuse Program

Information Handouts

On prescribed drugs and how to handle them

Opiates being the main drug of concern

Warning Stickers


Educating people about the Dangers of drugs and effects on personal life

First Nations

Don't really have education on drugs

Mainly Parents

School aged Children

Affects of Drugs on Kids/Adults
For the Affects it depends on the type of drug this persom is using


Most drugs provide their own unique effect for short time



Muscle Weakness

Bad Coordination

Poor Speech


Attention Problems

Unaware of Surroundings

Slow Thinking

Heart Palpitations

Excessive Sweating

Blurred Vision

Intensify Perception

Slurred Speech

Uncontrollable Eye movements

Mood Swings

Impaired Judgment

Trouble concentrating

Memory Issues

Long Term

Long Term Affects also varies on the type of drugon the





Hearing Loss

Coordination Loss

Limb Spasms

Liver Damage

Kidney Damage

Bone Marrow Damage

Brain Damage




Puncture marks/scars

Nasal Bleeding

Irritation of Nasal Cavitity

Heart line may gain Infections

Irregular Hormone Production

Memory Failure

White matter damages Brain

Brain connection to other areas are weakened

Sleep Problems


Heart Rhythm is irregular


Immune System Weakness

High Blood Pressure

Liver Cancer

Breast Cancer

Mouth/Throat Cancer


Long term

Drug Abuse

Causing Death


Heart Attacks


Damage Of the


Blood Vessels




Short Term

Overdosing May Happen




Violent Behavior

Bizarre Behavior

Body temperature Increases

Heart Rate Increases

Blood Pressure Increases



Weight Loss

No appetite

Dangers of Drugs
Risking Your Life
Risk of crime
Becoming pregnant

Addiction can cloud judgment and addiction may over power and harm may come to the baby

Gaining a Tolerance/addiction to the drug

Developing psychological and physical dependence

Withdrawal symptoms

Signs of Drug Use

Ditches class

Grades start to drop

Losses Connection with friends and Family

Can Lose Children If Parent/Neglecting

CONFLICT RESOLUTION= Teens don't know how to properly deal with a situation under the influence of drugs and become more violent and their friendships and relationships turn toxic

Stops going to Work

Can Get fired From Work


Don't have money for drugs


Stops Attending School

Can't Go to work


Health Risks

Unprotected Sex

CONNECTION TO SEXUALITY= By having Unprotected sex under the influence you are unaware to the other person and if they are giving consent and you ca get charged. In Addition, with having unprotected sex you are more at risk of getting an STI and/or getting pregnant

Drving Under Inflence

Using Dirty Needles

Not doing what interest them



CONNECTION TO FIT THEORY = People/Students who get addicted to drugs tend to become less active affecting their health and their mental health

Fights A lot

Stealing to support addiction



Annoyed easily

Mean Spirited

Types of Drugs

Slows down the bodies nervous system and brain function

Some Depressant drug are Legal but most are Illegal

Illegal depressants Include


Small amount of Marijuana


Alcohol is the main Legal Depressant

People appear..




Speeds up the bodies basic Functions and gives energy for a short amount of time

These drugs are both prescribed and Illegal

As of most drugs stimulants are addictive

Some Examples of Stimulant Drugs


Diet Pills



Used for many different daily things




Alters mood, awareness and perception of what's world

These drugs are man-made

Some examples include

Magic Mushrooms

Grows in the Wild

Synthetic Marijuana




Shopping Tricks
Brain only knows price of 4 items

Water the fruits tomake them look nicer

essential items at the back of the store

Shopping Carts are Bigger

More than half of shoppers decide not to buy stuff in the checkout line

Slow music in stores for slower walking

What to Avoid/Watch For
People Think that Fats are bad for their body but your body needs certain fats to function plus without fats then you won't have another energy source to take energy from and you body will start taking fat from your muscles making your body weaker and weaker

FIT THEORY CONNECTION= Eating contributes to the way you workout. when eating healthy you are more energized and eating unhealthy you are more sluggish and don't want to workout

Calorie Count

The average amount of calories an adult should be having 2,500 calories a day


the average amount a teen should be having 2000 calories a day

many teens tend to have a negative connotation of calories and tend to not eat the daily recommended which means their bodies aren't getting the nutrients it needs

Proper Portions
1/4 of the plate should be non-fatty meats and/or a perspectives like eggs, and good fatty nuts like peanuts

1/4 of the plate should be whole grains and very small amounts of bread and high bad carbohydrates

1/2 of the plate should be fruits or vegetables per plate of food you have

PERSONAL CONNECTION= I personally don't eat the daily recommended amount and the proper proportion. I figured this out by counting my calories for a week and calculating my proportion on an app and tracking it

Canada's Food Guide
Suggestions Given

The Canada's food now gives suggestions to what to avoid, how to shop


Water is now the drink of choice for meals

No four food groups

Reduced to

Whole Grain

Fruits and Vegetables


There is a plate for accurate porportions

Before was just a Rainbow

Alternatives are gone as well

No diary as a major food group, but it has been added to the protein group



Lifting the Ball= a scooping motion and or catching of the ball

Hitting the ball twice= the ball can only be hit once by one person then it must be passed over the net or to another person

Results in a foul/turnover

Contacting the Net= touching the net at any point

Harm To Players




Will Result In a foul

Hand-Ball= Soccer is a game where you can only use your feet. If an offense player touches the ball with their hand


Any Harm to other players

Double Dribble= when you caught the ball dribbled it a distance tops and starts dribbling again

Will all result in a Foul

Traveling=When moving the ball without Dribbling

Skills for Each Sport


Placement of people

3 offence for for actually getting goals

4 mid-fielders

3 Defenders towards the back of the field

Usually referred to as the W formation

Then there are Blockers

there are two and they are located in the middle of the court

Then there are two hitters

Left-side/outer hitter

Right-Side hitter


You have a setter in the top left corner and one at the back right corner also known as the server.



Fore Hand

Used for long range distances at the mid-length level (not to high and not to low)

Back Hand

The typical Frisbee throw

goes long distances but doesn't have distinct direction of travel


Small Pass

Passing the ball small distances so there is a less chance of interception

More of Chance of Defense catching the ball


Long Pass

You use a long pass when you need to get the ball down the court

Usually when open person is down the court

Chest Pass

When you pass the ball from your chest out using power to get the ball to your target

When in open space for an easy pass

Bonce Pass

You pass the ball to your target by bouncing the ball on the ground and the target catches it

When being guarded

Usually done when the ball can't be dribbled/ caught

Types of Games
Target Games

activities in which players send an object toward a target

Usually objects in the way

Striking/Fielding Games

Players can only score on offense by hitting a specified object into open area and they are unable tp get it in time

You are striking an object

Territorial invasion games

Main focus of these games is Teamwork, Keeping the ball in the team's possession

Teams usually have an equal amount of players on the field/court

Gain Points when attacking the opponents area/territory

Net Wall games

You want the object to land in the opponents area while making it difficult for them to return the object

That's how you gain a point

Goal is to send the object to that court without having the object hit the ground on your side


Table Tennis




Keeping one foot on the ground and moving the other and your body

Used when being guarded and you can't move with the object anymore


By guarding the ball and/or a person it makes it so that the person who has to throw the ball and it's easier to intersect

Moving To Open Space

Takes Longer for defense to reach you

By moving to open space it makes it so the person who has the ball/object have an easier way of completing the pass without interference

Requires Long passes or if Defense are bad short passes

In different sports you need to communicates different things

When passing the ball/or object Call it out.

When getting the ball. Call it out Helps prevent injuries

When in open space. Call it Out

PERSONAL CONNECTION= While playing games like basketball and badminton it was important to call when you were going to get the ball and/or when you were in open space it made the teams in which i was in successful in scoring because we didn't have multiple people running after the object and getting injured

FIT THEORY CONNECTION= The more you play sports the more you are working out the same muscles you would be strengthening when doing work outs like 12 minute run and the sport that would correlate to that would be sports like soccer and football


How To Improve THRZ
Can be improved in many ways


NUTRITION CONNECTION= Depending on your age you should get the recommend amount of calories so that you have energy to actually use and your body isn't the fat that the muscles need. I addition having a well balanced diet helps too because by eating healthy your body isn't getting unnecessary fats and other stuff that can damage it.


Changing the Workouts

Improving the Amount of times per week you workout

By frequently exercising you can improve your resting heart rate/ target heart rate zone

Improving the frequency while getting better

Major muscles
Bicep Brachii

Helps flexes the elbow joint

Helps carry heavy items

Modern Day Example

Opening something with a cork

Carrying Groceries

Pectorals Minor

Found under the Pectoral Major

Used to help Lift up objects and keep shoulder attached

Pectorals Major

Four Major Actions

Allows the humerus to rotate

Flexing the Humerus

Keeps shoulder connected to body

Allows shoulder to move

Quadriceps Muscle Group

Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Intermedius

Knee Extension

They work together


There are both Major And Minor



Keeps the Shoulder blade attached to the ribcage

Hamstring Group

There are three major muscles in the Hamstring group works together to perform their function

Biceps Femoris

Function= helps extend the hip and flex the knee


Function= Helps flex the knee and move the hips


Function= Attaches the pelvis to the leg through tissue and helps bend/flex the knee

Triceps Brachii

One of the main muscles for the functions of arms

Enables extension and retraction of the upper arm

Gluteus Maximus

One of the Strongest muscles in the human Body

Helps move

The Hip

The Thigh

Helps you with

Stay Standing fora long period of time

Climbing Stairs



Keeps shoulders and arms attached

The ultimate/key muscles for lifting heavy objects

Types of Exercises
Cardio Respiratory Endurance

measurement of how well your heart, lungs, and muscles work together while acting

Stair climbing





Ranged of motion in which your joints and muscles can extend

Examples include



Toe Touches

Muscular Endurance

Exercising in which you are repeatedly using the same muscles against resistance

Examples Includes

Deep Squats

High Planks


Body weights

Free Weights

Resistance Training

Similar patterns of exercising/muscles move in the same constant motion



Muscular Strength

Exercising in which you you are repeatedly using the same muscles against resistance

Example Includes

Power lunges

Pull ups




Target Heart Rate Zone(THRZ)
What's My Target Heart Rate Zone

My Target Heart Rate Zone 63-75

From the four times we tested our heart rate during workout Wednesdays my heart rate has effectively has improved from the beginning of the semester to the end our heart rate

What is Target Heart Rate Zone

Target Heart Rate Zone= The maximum heart rate while exercising

By keeping track of your THR you...

Reach your heart rate zone for your age

Better results for exercising

Reduce the Chance of Injury


The type of exercise in which you are doing

Examples Include

Cardio Respiratory Endurance

Muscular Strength


Muscular Endurance


How long you should do fake exercise


How intense/how much effort should be exercising

Usually expressed through percents


How many Times a week you should exercise/each type of exercise.