Catégories : Tous - security - business - systems - ict

par Jason Oliver Il y a 7 années


ICT Department Organogram

The document outlines various roles within an organization's ICT and related departments. Key positions include heads of specific areas like ICT, Network & Security, and Design & Architecture.

ICT Department Organogram


Head of ICT

Head of Business Engagement and Intelligence

Collections Systems Manager
ICT Trainer
Database Administrator
CRM Systems Manager

CRM Systems Offficer

Business Intelligence Analyst
Head of Network & Security
ICT Governance Officer
Network & Security Officer
Head of Design and Architecture Alaister Boyd
Solutions Architect
Database Developer
Service Desk Supervisor

Apprentice - Systems Assistant Kyle Williams

Apprentice - Systems Assistant

Systems Analyst

Systems Analyst (Weekends) Anthony Than

ICT Systems Administrator Chris Marsh

Cloud Administrator Alex Costa