Luokat: Kaikki - unity - politics - racism - stereotypes

jonka Zachary Walji 5 vuotta sitten


Understanding and promoting racial literacy can significantly reduce racism and discrimination worldwide. Integrating racial literacy into various forms of entertainment, such as movies, TV shows, and podcasts, can help spread awareness and understanding.

Racial Literacy

Where Would This And The Speakers Position Fit On The Political Spectrum

This would be considered a left side topic and this speaker would fit on the left side of the political spectrum because of the change it would bring and possible satisfaction it would bring citizens. Opposed from the right side, the left side is open to change and satisfactory needs for citizens.
On the political spectrum the topic of racial literacy would most definitely be considered a "Left Side" placement

Why Most People Are Racially Illiterate

Some citizens simply do not care about this issue and therefore do not take the time to learn about it
The place some citizens are raised could be remote and not connected with relations between people of different colour and background, therefore leading to a stereotypical mindset
Some parents or guardians tend to be racist or against people of different backgrounds, therefore possibly leading their children to follow in their foot steps

What Happens When A Person Is Not Racially Literate

Overall a stereotypical mindset is developed when one is not racially literate
Due to these assumptions many people can/will be racist towards people of different decent and ethnicity
Citizens tend to make false assumptions about people of different backgrounds and origins.

Ways To Promote Racial Literacy

Could be expressed through forms of entertainment and mainstream media such as movies, T.V, shows, songs, podcasts etc.
Have events that focus on uniting people of different colors and background more often such as the Carassauga Festival
Have it taught to students in schools or learning environments. This could consist of courses, clubs or special events

How Can Someone Be Racially Literate

Watch and generally invest time into other peoples culture and understanding their traditions. Overall one should not transgress forms of hate towards religions and ethnicity and should respect others choices and opinions.
Understanding and perceptive about why words and actions towards other individuals can be offending
Doesn't discriminate other citizens based on the colour of their skin, backgrounds, beliefs, values etc.

Positive Effects Of Racial Literacy

Citizens would be educated on a variety of different beliefs and values
This would also generate peace and prosperity among citizens globally.
If more citizens were racially literate then there would most definitely be less racism and discrimination worldwide

The Different Opinions/Perspective On This Issue

The other perspective is that this issue is not prevalent and that society should continue to operate as it currently is. This would be more of a "right side" approach to the situation.
One perspective or opinion on this issue would be those who agree with this issue and believe that being racially literate is necessary and beneficial. These citizens feel that this change will bring positive affects to the future as there reduction of racism and a increase in peace