Luokat: Kaikki - inequality - stereotypes - capital - resources

jonka H HEMDEV H HEMDEV 4 vuotta sitten


Social Inequality

Societies are characterized by distinct social hierarchies where resources, opportunities, and privileges are unevenly distributed across different groups. These hierarchies, often inherited and perpetuated across generations, are supported by entrenched beliefs and ideologies that justify the status quo.

Social Inequality

Social Inequality


presented as motivated by other justifiable reasons
may not be open or explicitly stated
disqualify one group from opportunities
actual behavior towads another group


treat communities like a single person with one trait
refuse to recognize variation among individuals
fix whole groups into homogeneous categories
Fixed and inflexible charecterisations of a group of people


positive or negative
do not change even with new information
not based on direct evidence
based on hearsay
held by members of one group towads another
Pre-concieved opinions or attitudes

Social Stratification

Supported by patterns of beliefs and idealogies
great social privilege--> strong support for stratification
Exists over Generations
social position is ascribed
inheretance of social resource
linked to family
Charecteristic of Society
this is not based on individual abilities
seen in categories of people
social resources unequally dristibuted

Social Resources

Educational Capital
Social Capital
Economic Capital