作者:Amanda Merchant 9 年以前
Unit 5-Activity 1-Assignment 1
Cults are characterized by their devotion to a particular figure or object and are typically led by charismatic leaders who have complete control over their followers. These leaders are often unchallenged and unaccountable within the cult.
Cults Leaders there is no questioning his decisions and he is not accountable to no one part of the cult. has complete control over his followers. Charismatic leader: A leader who has the ability to get epople to follow him without thinking about it Can be more than one There is no cult without a powerful leader Formation and structures They "brainwash" the members so they do not leave the cult or "brainwash" them into joining the cult Michael Langone a psychologist who specializes in cults identified some traits of a person a cult may recruit: Naive idealism- a blind belief that everyone is good. Gullibility- a tendency to believe what someone says. Unassertiveness- a reluctance to day no or question authority. Members of cults are all ages and all personality types Definition: Cults are a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. One specific cult:
Branch Davidian Cult Was active in a mainstream Christian church before he was thrown out for "negatively influencing" some of the church's younger members. Was destroyed during a U.S. government siege in 1993 Leader is David Koresh Practices Animal Sacrifice Keeping Secrets Believers are told things that they are not allowed to tell others. Sex Magic One of the ways they generate energy