类别 全部 - cyberbullying - psychological - power - physical

作者:amanda rosa nuñez pacheco 5 年以前


types of harassment in the workplace

Employers are increasingly adopting new technologies to attract younger employees and leverage the advantages of a digitally connected environment. However, this shift has also led to a rise in cyberbullying and online harassment, which pose significant concerns for employers.

types of harassment in the workplace

types of harassment in the workplace

cyber bullying

employers are embricing new technology in order to appleal to younger employees and reap the benefits of a digitally connected world cyberbullyng and online harassment are a serius concerrn for employers among many, many other things online bullies may.

share humiliating thigs about the victim by mass email or mass chat.

spread lies or gossip about the victim on social media

send harassing instant messages or text messages diretly to the victim

psychological harassment

psychological harassment has a negative impact on a persons psychological well being. vitims of psychological harassment often feal put down and belitted on a personal level a professional or both.

isolating or denying the victyms pressence

belitting or trivializing the victim thooghts

power harassment

power harasment is a common of work place harassment thats characterized by a power disparity between the harasser and the harassed

excessive demands that are impossible to weet

demeaning demands far below the employees capability

intrusion into the employees personal life

harassment physical

physical harassment also often called workplace violence refers to a type of work place harassment that involves physical attacks or threats in extreme cases physical harassment may be classified as assault.

direct threats of intent to conflict ham

physical atackts chitting shovig kicking

threa tening behavior shaking fists angrily