类别 全部 - insurance - speed

作者:Dania Vega 2 年以前


Tips for driving in the USA

When driving in the USA, several key factors should be taken into account to ensure a smooth experience. One crucial aspect is the use of exclusive lanes, such as carpool lanes, which are designated for vehicles with multiple occupants and are strictly monitored for compliance.

Tips for driving in the USA

Tips for driving in the USA

Parking: meter, public parking

As a general rule, if there is a parking meter, check the times when the vehicle can be left and when not (there is usually a prohibited time). Regarding the payment, we always did it with coins or with the credit card, and they must also check the maximum number of hours they can park there.

Automatic vehicle box.

Like all the cars that we rent in the USA, be it a motorhome or a Mustang, the box is usually automatic (this is true in 99% of cases). Broadly speaking, vehicles with an automatic transmission do not have a clutch. The left foot rests while the right is used for the brake and accelerator. The box has different modalities.

Check vehicle insurance

If the vehicle you are going to drive is rented, we recommend paying special attention to the insurance included. Most companies rent you the car with a minimum insurance, which covers all the damage that you may cause to the vehicle, but does not include coverage for third parties.

Driving history.

The driving record is essential, and if you are stopped, you must also have your passport.

Payment of tolls on routes and highways.


Try never to let the tank drop below the middle. Although there are many gas stations, it is better to be calm about fuel

Respect the maximum speeds.

You will find different speed limits on all streets, routes and highways. They usually vary between 45 and 70 miles per hour, although always, they should pay attention since depending on the State the limits may vary. We recommend downloading the Google maps that have the speed limits built in. Also, remember that speed in the USA is measured in miles per hour.

Exclusive lanes and painted lines.

Also in some large cities there are exclusive lanes for vehicles with several people above and others ("Carpool"). Nobody uses it if it does not meet the requirement since the control system on these items is severe. We understand that all this has to do with respect but also with control.


With regard to turns, as a general rule, you can turn left or right as long as the street lines indicate so. It is very important to pay attention to avoid fines and accidents. If you realized that you had to turn right and were coming from the left, put the turn and you will see what gives way.

STOP signals

This first tip is VERY IMPORTANT! When you are driving down a street or avenue, in whatever state, and you see a sign that says STOP on the corner, you have to brake completely. It doesn't matter if there is traffic on the other corners, you always have to brake, look both ways, and then start again. And as much as you may doubt internally, know that EVERYONE respects this rule.