类别 全部 - layout - website - engagement - visuals

作者:Archan Paul - Jean Augustine SS (2612) 6 年以前


The Breakfast Club

The Grocery Foundation's website impresses with its smooth layout and well-organized information. However, to emphasize the critical issue of child hunger, the site could benefit from more impactful statistics highlighting how hunger affects children'

The Breakfast Club

The Grocery Foundation has a great overall page layout and design, when scrolling their website I noticed they have a very smooth layout and have organized their information very well. Some improvements I would recommend to the organization would be to include more facts about children being hungry to show the reader the severity of the issue. For example, they can include statistics about children's grades being affected from lack of food in the morning. Another recommendation I would suggest would be to be more active on their social media account (Twitter). The last post was April 10th, so I think they should post some more frequently to keep people updated.

The Breakfast Club

Hungry kids are seven times as likely to have behavioral problems as not hungry kids.

Children who miss breakfast are compromised with regards to mathematics and reading ability, later morning problem-solving tasks and poor behaviour.

The percentage of children in Canada who reportedly do not consume breakfast has been estimated at anywhere from 6% to 42%

For several years, children have been going to school in the morning with empty stomachs. We at Jean Augustine want to create a breakfast club program to ensure no student goes to class hungry. Children who eat breakfast in the morning will feel more energetic and active, our goal is to ensure every student is provided the right nutrient for the day.

Actor #2

Organization #2: Student Nutrition Ontario Central East https://twitter.com/SNOCentralEast
Scrolling through the website for Student Nutrition Ontario Central East, I feel like the website needs more appealing visuals because the overall website isn’t really eye-catching. When someone is visiting the website, I feel as if they won't be interested because of the layout and the overall look of the website. Another improvement I would recommend would be to include a bit more facts to get the reader or viewer engaged. When reading through the website the facts and statistics should be more visually appealing and popping out so whoever is scrolling through won't miss it. Overall, the organization should work on their website design and layout, as well as including more statistics. They could also include more locations or expand on their regions as the organization only operates in certain local areas.
STOCE has impacted many children around the region as they have provided meals for thousands of students. They have impacted our group into taking action and planning out on how we will successfully run our breakfast club. Many people visiting the website can gain knowledge and realize how much breakfast in the morning can impact a child's learning and health. We plan on using the design thinking process to run our breakfast program. We have steps towards on what we’re going to do for our club such as creating awareness, roles for group members, and creating a flexible menu. The next steps that we plan on taking is to try to contact these different organizations to help fund our breakfast program. We’ve discussed already on creating awareness and giving out surveys to students to give them choices on what to put on the menu. We want to keep in touch with these organizations such as the Breakfast Club of Canada and Taking It Global. We want to ensure that we have the necessary funds to run our school breakfast program.
Student Nutrition Ontario Central East is an organization that ensure students in the region attend school with full stomachs and are well nourished and ready to learn. Their programs serve all children in the region regardless of their financial status. STOCE had 832 nutrition programs operating in 612 schools whiling serving 175,000 students in regions such as Durham, York Regions, and other places such as Peterborough and Northumberland. These programs are run by local committees which include parents, teaching staff, volunteers etc. to help run their programs and to help supply to nutrition programs. This relates to us because we want to create and run a breakfast program at our local school at Jean Augustine. The organization thrives on providing food to children in the local region.

Actor #1

Organization #1: The Grocery Foundation https://twitter.com/GroceryFndtn
The Grocery Foundation has a huge impact on thousands of people who visit their website daily and also has a impact on our group as well. In our school, we want to create a Breakfast Club that can provide food for children in the morning. We want to help people realize that food in the morning is very important for a students well being and their ability to learn and pay attention in class. Breakfast in the morning affects a students physical and mental health, it can also impact how well a student is doing in their classes. The Grocery Foundation is focused on providing children nutritious food from fundraising and working with grants. This is very similar to the Breakfast Club that we’re trying to create in our school. In the beginning of the year, we created a JLLF framework where we created out first steps towards planning our breakfast club. We went through on creating awareness, planning steps, creating a menu, and the roles of each member of the breakfast club. This framework is just the first framework that we learned to create and follow. Using this framework, we gained feedback on the improvements and next steps to follow. When working out our planning and ideas for the breakfast club, we decided to remove a fee we would include when we opened the club. We worked through the framework and realized that we should give out the food without a fee as it would draw more students to come. Our next steps are to create a survey for students to complete, so that we can have an understanding of what they would like to see on the menu. We also need to create a grocery list for all the supplies we would need to create the club.
The Grocery Foundation is an organization to help children who need a hand up in life, the organization does more than just feeding hungry children, they work towards nourishing a child's potential and wellbeing. The funding of The Grocery Foundation helps ensure tens of thousands of school children get proper nutrition throughout the day. The organization does this through various Foundation grants, and through campaigns such as Toonies for Tummies. 100% of the donations made through the campaign go straight to the kids and youth of the communities where funds are collected. The Grocery Foundation also conduct various programs such as the School Voucher program, which is to help make nutritious foods affordable. Overall, the organization has raised over $88 million dollars and have donated this money to several charities. This program has prioritized feeding hungry children before anything else. The Grocery Foundation has also worked with organizations such as the Ontario Student Nutrition Program Network and the Breakfast Club of Canada.