作者:Ada Giannatelli 5 年以前
Various European and international academic and professional collaborations offer numerous opportunities for students, researchers, and staff. These initiatives include the IDEA League, which connects leading technical universities across Europe to foster joint programmes and projects.
Politecnico di Milano Recognition agreements relevant people to be interviewed Barbara Del Sole Paola Butelli Roberto Terza Rossella Magni Francesca Andrich Erasmus Exchange Pegasus etc. traditional agreements QTEM Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management
http://www.qtem.org students achieve MSc + QTEM certificate academic partners + companies Athens www.athensprogramme.com intensive technical courses for engineering students in partner institutions 20 European technical universities Global Engineering Education Exchange (3E) https://www.iie.org/Programs/Global-E3/About student mobility (37 universities in the USA and 39 in the rest of the world) only extra EU? Pegasus www.pegasus-europe.org internships abroad Erasmus agreements for international mobility Magalhães www.magalhaes-network.org bilateral agreements for the mobility of architecture and engineering students 35 European and Latin American technical universities MEDes https://masterofeuropeandesign.wordpress.com 7 HEIs in the field of design T.I.M.E. (Top Industrial Managers Europe) www.time-association.org bilateral agreements among member institutions for double digrees (MSc) in engineering 53 European and international universities UNITECH International Society www.unitech-international.org study in partner HEIs + internship in partner companies 8 technical universities + 18 multinational companies Alliance4Tech (INSYSTED) www.alliance4tech.eu European Campus without borders CentraleSupélec, Technische Universität Berlin, University College London IDEA League www.idealeague.org programmes and projects for students, PhD students, researchers, academic and non-academic staff ETH-Zurich, TU-Delft, RWTH Aachen, Chalmers University