作者:vamshi mugatha 6 年以前
PreAssessment for Differentiation
A structured approach is detailed for teaching algebra and solving equations, emphasizing differentiated instruction for students with varying needs. The process begins with a pre-assessment to identify students'
Pre-Assessment for Differentiation & Differentiation Strategy Pre-Assessment (Algebra - Solving Equations) 5 students - need support Retest (Retake) Reteach one-on-one or small group guided instruction extra help sessions during lunch/after school Form A SPED Quiz Form A ELL Quiz Teach with Supports entry/exit slips and HW (some modified, as needed) to monitor progress notes and instructional videos provided small group guided instruction 12 students - average group Retest (Retake) as needed Teach/Review Students who did not need reteaching could begin a preview of the next unit using Khan Academy interactives As necessary - for any students who might want a retake on the quiz Assess Form A Quiz Teach entry/exit slips and HW to monitor progress small group & independent practice white boarding demonstration 5 students - accelerated group Accelerate to Next Topic in the Unit -Advanced Preview Pretest/Preview Activities for Upcoming Unit - Khan Academy Project - Video Tutorial Creation Accelerate to Form A Advanced Quiz Scheduled when student feels prepared Advanced quiz Teach with Acceleration continue to demonstrate proficiency on HW and entry/exit slips self-paced videos of lecture