类别 全部 - agencies - staff - departments - president

作者:fatima nuñez 6 年以前


Organization of Executive Branch

The executive branch of the government is composed of multiple independent agencies, government corporations, and regulatory commissions. These entities play critical roles, such as the U.

Organization of Executive Branch

The Organization of the Executive Branch

Independent Agencies

As part of carrying duties, independent agencies take a role in the executive branch.
Government Corporations

- Private businesses - They generate a profit because they provide services that for normal businesses may seem too expensive - Ex : US Postal Service

Regulatory Commissions

- Currently there are 12 - Each R.C. makes and carries out rules for a specific business activity - They also settle disputes among the businesses they control - FCC, CSPC - Should be free of political influences. (Neutral)


Executive Agencies

- Under direct control of the President - NASA, EPA

Executive Departments

The Cabinet
- Its core is made up of the department secretaries and the Attorney General. - It is an important group of policy advisers to the President
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Executive Office of the President

The EOP is conformed by people chosen by the President, with the job to advise the him/her on important decisions.
Special Advisory Groups

-They help the Pres. make decisions on domestic and foreign policies. - OMB decides the cost of the President´s policies and prepares a budget for Congress. - NSC helps the Pres. make foreign policies.



Vice President

- Presides over the Senate - His/her role is determined by the President, either active or not. - If the Pres. dies the Vice Pres. may become President.

White House Staff

- Center of Administration - Made up of trusted advisers and assistants hired by the Pres., without Senate approval - Aside from providing insight on important matters, they help fulfill the Pres.´goals