类别 全部 - laws - taxes - british - protest

作者:Nicholas Baur 5 年以前


nicks project

The American Revolutionary War was precipitated by a series of British laws and taxes that incensed the American colonists. Key among these were the Navigation Act, which restricted trade, and the Proclamation of 1763, which halted westward expansion.

nicks project

revolutionary war cause


battle of bunker hill
battle of lexington and concord

a rumor was going around that the British where marching towards concord to seize weapons and ammo. Paul revere and other riders rode thru the night to warn people. and the minute men and they intercepted them and they fought and people died

french and Indian war

was a war between the french and Britain for the Ohio river valley. and George Washington were involved. English was in big debt

sons and Daugherty of liberty

they were a club they were a group of people that spied on British

had a laundry code and helped

bring down British in america Sam Adam was in the sons of liberty ransacked British officials

Boston massacre

it was a piece of propaganda made from Paul revere he made a image that showed a line of British solders shooting unarmed colonist and it spread all over the 13 colonies


declaratory act

it was when the British taxed different items after the stamp act was repealed

stamp act

in 1765 the British started taxing stamps and the colonist protested and it was reeled and it gave the colonist a sense of power and was a starting cause for the revolution

sugar act

the sugar act was the first tax on the american colonies to raise revenue not taxation without representation all the colonies were mad

tea act

was the last straw in a sires of unfair taxes on the colonist. the British taxed tea/ the east India tea company . the east Indian tea company had a total monopoly lead to the Boston tea party

Boston tea party

the Boston tea party was a act due to the tea act the sons of liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians and boarded the ships in the Boston harbor and threw 92,000 lbs of tea in the harbor .

town shed act

was a series of taxes put on the colonialist that taxed every day items. the colonials had no say and thought it was a abuse of power. this was a run up to the revolution war


navigation act

the navigation act was a law that said when the dutch and England traded they had to be in English or colonial vessels

proclamation of 1763

a law made by king George the 3 after the french and Indian war it stooped all 13 colonies from expanding west

quartering act

this was a law passed in 1765 and it stated that if barracks could not hold all British solders then they can stay in colonist house

intolerable acts

the British shut down the Boston harbor after the Boston tea party it was meant to punish the colonist after they protest the taxed goods