类别 全部 - abilities - mindset - motivation - challenge

作者:Keegan Woods 3 年以前


Mind Map Assignment

The concept of mindset plays a crucial role in how individuals perceive their abilities and potential for growth. Those with a fixed mindset believe that their talents and abilities are static and unchangeable, often attributing them to innate traits passed down from their parents.

Mind Map Assignment


has control of self esteem and understands when practice is need

belief that ones abilities can be developed through practice

What is the Fixed Mindset?

approaching variety of situations

This is a direct correlation to self esteem because once they tell themselves they can't do it they either won't or just don't try it at all
This relates back to that fixed is only worrying about the positive feedback rather then negative which will help you more
fixed often views challenges as an obstacle they can't get around

growth people are often challenging these while fixed is looking for the easy way

they often visualize that they can only be flawless rather than doing a good job and learning from it

How does this differ from growth?

Fixed is ultimate the opposite of growth due to the characersitcs of whjivch they portray
another aspect is that fixed has the idea that if your already good at something why work at it? Growth believes in perfecting their craft and you can never stop learning

What is the difference between the fixed and the growth mindset? Why is failure a threat to the self-esteem of people with the fixed mindset, but not the growth mindset? How does this affect motivation to learn?

Main Point-fixed mindset is a belief that your abilties are fixed and cannot change

belief that abilities are set in stone
that you are born with them

your parents pass on traits to you

abilties are permanent from the fixed mindset
ability is like an imoveable object
fixed mindset beleieve that some people have talent
unlike growth they beileve they cannot grow
Idea that someones talent has a capacity


16- should have a learning drive like toddlers because they are just interested n learning and do not care about failure
This is difficult because it will be hard to find it when you are not challenging yourself. this is why growth people are more likely to be more motivated
fixed idea of motivation is hard becausethey often do tasks that are relatively easy to complete, requires little to no challenge.

Self Esteem

often only cares about positive feed back rather then kn"the truth and learning/gaining knowledge from it
Lack of confidence/ego is a aspect where fixed st struggles due to the idea that you tell yourself your already not going to succeed 1-3
This is different from the growth perspective beca they understand failure and know how to cope with it
self esteem is a reoccuring problem with fixed mi set due to the ability of not responding to failure/adversity


fixed people often believe these are set and ca be changed 6-7