类别 全部 - inclusion - stereotypes - education - culture

作者:Samantha Bedford 3 年以前


Inclusive, culturally responsive and Effective Practices

The text discusses the importance of inclusive and culturally responsive practices, emphasizing the challenges faced by individuals when their culture and language are not represented in educational content.

Inclusive, culturally responsive and Effective Practices

Inclusive, culturally responsive and Effective Practices


Another connection I can make is my own experiences whether in school or in my personal life with people around me who think that cultural appropriation is okay or that making prejudice remarks is funny. Many times I have had to say to students that a comment they have made is not appropriate and explore with them why that comment is inappropriate. I always try to approach the situation as chance to educate the students and make sure I am including everyone around who may have heard the prejudice comment so that they can see that we do not accept comments like that. They are harmful to everybody around, they are not funny and and they have the potential to make people feel unsafe and unwelcome. This comes up so often and I wish I could say it didn't. I wish hearing students/people say discriminatory things was just not a thing ever.
My connection to this topic is that I am an Ojibwe person and I see many of the challenges that my family have faced and the struggles with maintaining culture and language. In my own experience it is challenging to feel connected to the learning when you don't feel heard, when you don't see yourself reflected in the content.


I feel empowered to bring these values to my classrooms and to make sure that all my students feel the effects of my efforts when it comes to creating inclusive, and culturally responsive spaces. It's a big job but one by one and little by little we can all do our part to ensure that all students feel safe, welcome and able to succeed.


I think that it is important to spread awareness and to speak up when somebody is saying or doing something that is cultural appropriation because they may not know that is what they are doing. They may think it is harmless and not realize how harmful it actually is. But we need to take a brave stance in our roles as educators to shut it down when we see it.


I see that the video Cultural appropriation vs. Appreciation seeks to clarify why the appropriation of a minority cultural is bad. Unfortunately many people don't see it as harmful but it really is because the act of appropriating a culture means you are taking a minority culture and emphasizing stereotypes that are created without including the culture from which they are taken.
I see that according to the Truth and Reconciliation video that Aboriginal and First Nations people are working towards bringing awareness to Issues affecting Aboriginal people and
I see that, according to Stephanie Fearon, black students are more likely to report feeling unhappy, unsafe, and unwelcome at school.