类别 全部 - nervous - digestive - brain - movement

作者:Brayden Brazeau 2 年以前


Human Organ Systems

The human body comprises various organ systems that work together to maintain overall functionality. The musculoskeletal system, which combines muscles and bones, is crucial for movement and physical support.

Human Organ Systems

Human Organ Systems

Digestive System

The large and small intestine in your body are part of the digestive system and they absorb any water that goes though and then the liver cleans out the bacterial water from the clean water and the bacterial water is your pee while the other water is absorbed into your body.
The digestive system is made up of your stomach,esophagus,large intestine small intestine,rectum,anus.
The digestive system is the system that breaks down food and absorbs water and turns that food into nutrients and gets rid of bacteria in the water.

Musculoskeletal System

The musculoskeletal system is a system made up of 2 systems the skeletal system and the muscular system.
The musculoskeletal system is a system with you muscles and bones combined together to make one system instead of having two individual ones.
you need your musculoskeletal system to move otherwise you would be a big blob of jelly on the floor unable to do anything.
this is a picture of the musculoskeletal system.
the musculoskeletal system was made so that there wouldn't be so much different systems and its easier to learn about them when they are together because they need each other to move and do simple things like wave.

Respiratory System

The respiratory system is a very important system as your lungs put oxygen into the blood and those blood cells then bring that oxygen to the heart to keep you alive.
The respiratory system is the system that includes your nostrils your lungs and the oxygen in the air your respiratory system helps you breathe and give oxygen to the blood.

Nervous System

the nervous system is a very important system in your body because it tells you that if you need to move your hand or if your hurt your nerves will make you feel that pain.
Say if you put your hand in fire your nerves in your hand will tell your brain to move your hand away or it will burn and hurt very badly
The nervous system is the system in you body that allows you to be able to automatically breathe instead of manually breathing and also digest automatically the nervous system is made up of your brain spineal cord nerves and other important things but your nerves are the most important because they send signals to the brain when something is hurt or needs to be moved.

Circulatory System

the circulatory system is a very cool system because it has a lot of cool things in it like the heart tissues blood vessels veins and a lot of other cool thing
without any of the systems in your body you would die but circulatory is one of the systems that you really need to survive in the world because without it you would be a white pale thing and wouldn't be able to move because you have no blood in your body.
the circulatory system is very important to the body to keep tissues in the body alive and it also keeps it so you can move your body with blood in it.
the circulatory system is a system that carries blood and oxygen throughout the body and gives nutrients to the tissues and the heart is in the circulatory system so it pumps blood out throughout the body