类别 全部 - toys - values - media - expectations

作者:Najah Abdi 4 年以前


How I was Socialized as a Child

During childhood, a combination of family values, clothing, toys, and media greatly influenced personal development. Clothes were often gender stereotyped, with pink and glittery outfits reinforcing traditional female roles.

How I was Socialized as a Child

How I was Socialized as a Child


A lot of the clothing my parents bought me were pink and glittery, which conformed to the gender stereotypes of girls wearing only pink.
Pretty much all the toys I received as a kid were from my parents, and they helped me learn new skills and develop intellectually. I had a lot of Barbie and Bratz Dolls, which taught me about empathy and caring for others, which I still value to this day.
Values and Expectations
My family expected me to be kind, respectful, and honest. They really valued responsibility and taught me it through giving me chores, and taking care of our environment.

Negative Consequences

My socialization has caused me to be very hard on myself when I don't achieve my goals. This has lead to me getting stressed out easily.

Positive Consequences

This has helped me be environmentally conscious, be responsible for my actions, and gain a sort of independence.

Mass Media

The Giving Tree
Societal Norms

Gender is indirectly addressed in this book, and it impacted me unconsciously.

The tree is referred to as female and being as this is the "giving" tree, there is a connection made between females and being, caring and nurturing. So, I associated these actions and roles with the female gender.

The young boy engages in "male"-typed activities such as climbing the tree and swinging from the branches. As he grows older, he uses the tree to build a house for his family. This emphasizes that males are the providers in the family. So I associated the male gender with these roles.

In his teenage years, the book implies he has a girlfriend. At middle-age, he wants to start a family. The book taught me the different stages in life I was expected to pass through.

Care for Environment

As the boy ages, he begins to use the tree only for its resources. I saw this as abusing the environment. Through The Giving tree, I was taught to have greater respect for nature, and that has become a big part of who I am.

Share Fairly

As the boy ages, he uses the tree for selfish reasons. After reading this book I realized that the boy was being unfair and asking the tree to give more than he is giving in return. This emphasized the importance of sharing fairly


Social Norms
One of the pilliars of islam is Zakah, which is a type of charity, so I’m expected to help the poor in my religion.
Being a muslim, Im also encouraged to dress in a more modest fashion.
My religion has also helped me have faith through all the difficulties and hardship I’ve faced.
I went to an islamic school as a kid, and i learned a lot of important values like being kind to others and being non-judgemental.


Social Skills
I learned social skills through my interactions with teachers and fellow students, and I was socialized by my school into behaviors like practicing teamwork, following directions, and meeting deadlines.
Character Traits

In elementary school I received awards for displaying certain character traits, like honesty or respect, and this taught me the traits that I was expected to have in order to be successful in my society.

Environmental Awareness

In school I was socialized to care for the environment, through books, like The Giving Tree, and celebrations like Earth Day.