类别 全部 - technologies - treatment - development - diagnosis

作者:Theshani Vijayaratnam - Turner Fenton SS (2572) 4 年以前


Hospitals In The General Community

Hospitals are vital in providing comprehensive healthcare services, including advanced medical technologies and patient care. They play a crucial role in treating individuals requiring prosthetics, artificial organs, and long-term care for organ transplants.

Hospitals In The General Community

Hospitals In The General Community


create vaccines and other medications for highly infectious diseases such as AIDS, HIV and TB
recombinant DNA techniques

this helps with gene cloning. Gene cloning is used to synthesize protein materials for component vaccines.

made from fragments of protein (antigen) that has been isolated from viral DNA

will be highly beneficial to patients in hospitals that require vaccines to prevent the spread and chance of obtaining infectious diseases. Thanks to biomedical repair, vaccines have been made available in hospitals and to the general public.

living cells and cell materials to develop pharmaceutical and diagnostic products.
hospitals provide services in clinical trials and to educate the patients in the hospitals about new therapeutic options.

patients will be put in clinical trials, monitored by medical care workers in hospitals to see the effectiveness of the new treatment.

provide more nutritional foods to patients to ensure they receive their necessary vitamins and minerals.

malnutrition is an issue that medical care givers focus on in hospitals.

with the help of biotechnology, they produce genetically modified foods, such as golden rice, maize, potato and soybean that is enriched with nutrients, vitamins and minterals

help patients to receive their nutritional needs and produce energy to remain in homeostasis.

gene therapy

the patients DNA is isolated and is treated outside of the body.

treatments are offered in Canadian hospitals however costs are very high and OHIP may not cover some of them.

medical caregivers are very helpful in educating the patients in the hospitals about the therapies and providing them with the treatment if they choose to despite the low chances of success.

in vivo gene therapy where genes are genetically engineered to target speciific cancer cells

this helps prevent the chance of healthy cells being damaged with the therapy. It has the benefit of having the ability to target and enter cancer cells.

patients have a risk of being sick due to this treatment, hospitals and medical care workers are constantly present to monitor these patients to prevent the symptoms from getting progressively worse.

the patients immunity might fight off the gene that is inserted in their body, preventing response to the treatment.

doctors provide immunosuppressants to the patients to increase their chances of success. But, taking the immunosuppressants increase the chances of infection and other illnesses

the patients that are taking these treatments remain in the hospital to be constantly monitored to prevent further infection. Hospitals play a very important role in maintaining symptoms and preventing the patient from getting worse.

treat cancer

cancer is a genetic disease and each person has a unique combination of genetic changes

certain basic treatments like radiation might not work on the patients due to how specific the genetic mutations can be.

tumor DNA sequencing caters to the patients genetic mutations, which can increase the chances of success

Medical Technologies

develop drugs for patients with rare or unknown diseases. It is also developed to meet high demands.
utilize their funding to help develop drugs that will benefit patients

mainly focuses on cancer patients today. They currently provide equipment for the development of drugs and treatment on cancer patients

clinical trials.

OHIP may not cover some of the funding's for these trials as the drug development itself is costly.

patients in the hospitals have more availability to these treatments and can be constantly monitored by medical care workers to care for any symptoms or for anything that goes wrong.

patient care
implementing long term care facilities

improve the quality of senior care

increasing the use

modern technologies

blood sugar monitors

especially useful for seniors in independent care or patients with diabetes

there are currently 1 in 3 Canadians that deal with diabetes. This machine can detect diabetes early, to treat it before it progressively gets worse.

medical care workers will consistently use this machine to double check and make sure appropriate diagnosis is made and to constantly monitor the patient for any changes.

MRI machines

various hospitals, in Ontario, provide or they recommend clinics to attend.

help with detecting brain tumors, injuries in the brain, infections in the brain, spine or joints, diagnosing strokes in their earliest stages.

has helped with preventing any serious damage, hospitalizations, excess money spent on surgeries, equipment and medication when they detect any conditions at an earlier stage.

Artificial Technology

being used in hospitals

help with the diagnosis of patients at a faster and efficient rate. This minimizes the chance of misdiagnosis and unnecessary costs of medication, treatment, long term care, etc.

during surgery, where robotic technology is used for precision to minimize mistakes.


it as helped view the uterus, ovaries during pregnancies to see the baby's and mothers health.

hospitals can provide these ultrasounds or they recommend clinics that will provide to detect any diseases



they cannot detect the difference between benign and malignant cancers, they can still detect the early stages to prevent it from getting worse

can help doctors to treat the cancer or cysts before it progressively gets worse.

BP machine

this can easily help with

high blood pressure in patients prone to hypertension

prevent future complications from occurring in patients with history of stroke, heart attack or heart failure.

kidneys are also in risk as they are over working to decrease blood pressure, filter the blood at a faster rate as a mechanism to achieve homeostasis.

can result in complications with the kidney, such as kidney failure.

hospitals deal with hypertension, with the detection help from BP machines, by providing immediate care. They provide the patient with labetalol to immediately decrease the high blood pressure through vasodilation.

can help lower arteriole pressure by 25% in minutes to hours.

low blood pressure in patients prone to hypotension

prevent symptoms such as dizziness and fainting.

hospitals deal with hypotension patients by providing medication such as fludrocortisone. They also make sure that if medication is causing the hypotension, they lower the dose. They monitor your bodily fluids to make sure you're getting an adequate amount of food and water to raise the blood pressure back to normal.

biomedical repair

hospitals provide surgery to help patients that require prosthesis, artificial organs, etc.

provide long term care for patients that require the organ transplant as there is a low supply for them. Doctors in the hospitals monitor these patients daily to ensure their organs are not at risk.

they enlist the patients under organ transplant waiting lists. In the meanwhile, nurses are mostly taking care of these patients in hospitals.

Public Health

enforcing important hygienic rules
hospitals as the chances of contracting an infectious is more likely in a hospital.

providing hand sanitizes, advising to wear masks if it is highly contagious, washing your hands, wearing gloves, etc.

reduces the chance of others contracting the disease

health codes in kitchens

prevent food borne illnesses

washing your hands!

not leaving out temperature-sensitive foods out in the kitchen.

this can cause bacterium to grow and spread quickly.

washing food during preparation

enforcing long term care facilities

the ageing population is expected to have the highest rate of mental illness, an increase of patients with dementia by 66% and an increase of cancer cases by 40%.

hospitals in the general community are not built for long term senior care. Since Alzheimer's is one of the most prominent diseases in seniors, they need more medical workers to treat them directly.

doctors and nurses are in high demand, so hospitals must enforce more facilities, and educate family members on independent care.

limit spread of diseases
providing immunizations to the general public

prevent the spread of diseases known to cause epidemics

the Ebola virus, which has killed almost 11 000 people.

hospitals take the extra step of controlling and preventing the spread of the disease.

making sure that the equipments used on the patients are being disposed of properly, or disinfected properly as the very touch of the bodily fluids can activate the disease in someone.

ensuring that patients are in single patient rooms with private bathrooms and closing doors.

monitor who enters the patients room to ensure that the disease does not spread to the public

wearing PPE (personal protective equipment), such as gloves and goggles.

advising patients to visit specific clinics if they have similar symptoms to the outbreak disease.

this helps to prevent the patient from spreading the disease to other patients that might have weak immune systems.

hospitalizing and isolating the patients

prevent the spread to families, friends and the general public

prevent outbreaks
conducting investigations

asking questions, especially in the hospitals, to verify diagnosis, find common symptoms, patients, etc.

focus on the source, to implement control measures.

epidemiologists are usually called in hospitals to order an investigation if the public health is in risk from the outbreak.

Pathogens and Diseases

they treat patients that have infectious diseases

a highly dangerous, and easily spread disease caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

is easily spread by airborne particles, like coughing, sneezing or spitting. Inhaling a single bacterium from this can result in the infection.

doctors hospitalize patients that contain this disease to minimize the chances of spreading the disease.

order for skin test or blood test to detect any source of TB infections.

helping patients with medical necessities to support their body, and maintain it in homeostasis
administering antibiotics

due to patients constantly under medication as their immune system is weaker than usual, bacterium are more capable of mutating

antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

results in the immune system working ten times harder to remove the bacteria.

with the help of vaccinations provided by doctors, the immune system, utilizing its immunological memory can kill the bacterium. B cells help with producing the antibodies post vaccination and T cells kill the invaders.

doctors highly advise, and 90% of the time do, provide vaccinations to highly contractible diseases beforehand to build immunity.

is highly dangerous to patients with the weak immune system as the bacterium can easily affect the patients health.

there are more patients that are capable of contracting the disease. Doctors now have to deal with patients with longer hospital stays.

other problems that doctors in hospitals must deal with

extra steps in hygiene to prevent the transmission of the bacterial disease.

extra money being spent by hospitals to fund for more medications to treat the patients that cannot use antibiotics. This can result in debt.

fight of bacterial infections.

for patients that are in intensive care.

are in risk of contracting bacterial diseases

acinetobacter baumannii

reason behind as to why these patients are in risk of contracting the disease is because their immune system is weakened.

now doctors must take the extra step to prevent them from contracting any contagious diseases by providing the necessary antiviral/antibiotic medication

providing vaccines

protect the patients from contracting and spreading deadly diseases

enforcing different types of vaccines


contains sub units of the pathogen

hepatitis B

hepatitis A

if the patient has already contracted the disease and is in risk of infection, doctors will prescribe antiviral medication such as viread, epivir,etc.


contains the toxins produced by pathogen. The harmless toxins are inserted in the vaccine.

diptheria, tetanus, etc.


the inactivated/killed version of the pathogen inserted inside a vaccine.


a highly contagious and prominent disease that hospitals are constantly treating.

diagnose the patients by taking lab tests using molecular detection of the virus in clinical specimens. The doctor could also order for serology to finding specific pathogens.

deal mainly with children, seniors and pregnant women and their fetuses as their immune system is weaker. Hospitalization is especially high for children ages 0-4.

can result in severe infection, which is when the patients would be hospitalized. Doctors will prescribe antiviral medication such as tamiflu, relenza, etc.

reduced hospitalization rates by 50% and shorten the illness by a day. This is easier for doctors to focus on other patients that require direct help.

polio vaccine

live attenuated

the weakened version of the pathogen inserted in a vaccine

measles, mumps, rubella, oral polio, etc.


One of the main priorities of doctors and nurses is to prevent malnutrition.
Providing fresh, local food. The menu consists of a variety of food



Vitamin K

help with blood clotting, wound healing

this helps with patients who may have wounds or internal bleeding. Clotting the blood helps with excess blood loss and fixes the wound at a faster rate.

Vitamin A

help with growth, good eyesight, healthy skin

Vitamin B

helps with red blood cell production, release energy from food, healthy bones, and teeth, wound healing, etc.

patients in hospitals usually don't contain enough energy, however, Vitamin B would be a good supplement

the more that they produce strong red blood cells, the more iron and oxygen that is being produced. his boost in red blood cell production is highly beneficial to the patients, providing the energy, and to the medical caregivers as they do not have to worry about providing additional medication in order for them to supplement their nutritional needs.

low fat milk and yogurt

contains both a monosaccharide, galactose, and a disaccharide, lactose.

digesting, the lactose will be broken down until it becomes a simple sugar to be properly used by the body.

the help of enzymes, like amylase, are released from the pancreas and the salivary glands to break down the complex carbohydrates.

help with providing and transporting energy to body cells.

is very important to patients that need the energy to complete their daily activities. It is important for patients to be active, if they are able to, to make sure their energy is being restored. With these supplements, transporting more and more energy to the body cells helps them to function better and efficiently.

a good source of vitamin B12

helps red blood cell production, growth, wound healing, healthy bones and teeth and helps with proper digestion.

is highly beneficial to patients as they receive more energy, faster wound healing and proper digestion allows them to absorb their nutrients and use it in a productive way for the body to benefit from. Patients that sit in hospital beds all day do not necessarily digest their foods properly, but with these supplements, they can properly receive their nutrients.


good sources


help with body cell development, growth and body acitivty.

can also be used as antacids and laxatives.

patients that take magnesium supplements can have one less thing to worry about, and that is infectious diseases. With an increase in cell development, including white blood cells, they have a healthier way of combating infection and pathogens.

Vitamin E

help with stabilizing the cell membrane, and protecting red blood cells.

is very beneficial to the hospital patients who are prone to infectious diseases. With the help of Vitamin E, their cell membranes can be stronger and better protected from invading viruses and bacteria.

lean red meat

contains vitamin B12

help with building a healthy nervous system, growth, wound healing, red blood cell production, etc.

can be beneficial to the patients, as the more red blood cell production there is, there will be an increase in oxygen levels.

natural wound healing is much more beneficial than when doctors have to perform additional surgery or provide additional medication to speed up the healing. these medications often given by medical care workers have symptoms that can do more bad than good. Therefore, this vitamin supplement is much more beneficial.


helps with absorbing calcium and phosphorus to improve the structure of bones and teeth.

are proteins that contain amino acids that are not produced by our own bodies.

broken down by enzymes like pepsin, released by the stomach, to break down the proteins into amino acids.

Erepsin in the small intestine that does the final digestion of the protein, converting peptides into the amino acids.

fishes contain the amino acids cystine, threonine, lysine, methionine and tryptophan

allows the patient to build their structural components stronger. Patients that are especially in long term care do not have the opportunity to exercise and make their body structure strong, as it should be. With these supplements, patients now have the opportunity to have a better bone structure in their body.