类别 全部 - area - qualifications - motivations - interest

作者:Mehta Ridhima 29 天以前


Factors Influencing My Career Decisions - Ridhima Mehta

Choosing a career is influenced by several factors that can be both internal and external. Being interested in a job can enhance performance and happiness, making one feel settled and content.

Factors Influencing My Career Decisions - Ridhima Mehta

Factors Influencing My Career Decisions - Ridhima Mehta


Qualifications are main and very important to get in a job because you need to be quilafied to do that job in order to stay in the job. This is really important because qualifications could give you knowledge on what you need to do and how you need to do it and can also shape your interest and likingss representing you and the person you are.

Family Traditions

Family traditions also influence career disions because it is most likely what the next set of generation could do. This can help the person shape their interest in such a way that they will go into that job.


Area is an important aspect as well because it should align to your interest and if your interested in the job or its not an interest. Another reason the area of where your going to work is important is because you need to feel safe where you work and comfortable.


Salary is an important role when choosing a career because you should know how much you will get for the job you want to go in to. Another reason is that the salary should be fare as well.

External Factors


Job feeling

Feeling for a job is important because you will want to keep on going to that job over and over again.

Job interest

Being interested in the job is important and has a major role in the career you want to go in to because if you are interested you can exel in your work and feel happy. Another reason is that you will feel more calm and happy that your life is setteled.

Job liking

Liking you job is important so that your peace of mind could remain as you need to spend most of your life in that career. Another reason is you could feel happy going to work everyday because it is a job of your liking.

Internal Facotrs