作者:holly topper 13 年以前
copyright fair-use
Fair use principles allow limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders under certain conditions such as research, scholarship, news reporting, teaching, and nonprofit educational purposes.
copyright/ fair use SOURCE FOR ALL INFORMATION http://www.uwlax.edu/murphylibrary/faculty/facts.pdf favoring fair use research nonprofit educational institution news reporting comment scholarships teaching gives owners rights to: display the work preform the work distribute copies reproduce a work opposing fair use denying credit to original author entertainment profiting from use commercial activity basic information there are certain situations where it is permitted to "borrow" materials without obtaining the copyrigh holder's permission - fair use only the copyright owner has the right to reproduce or display publicly their work just because there is no copyright symbol does mean you can freely use the work laws apply to: motion picture and audiovisual productions architecture sound recordings pictures, graphics and sculpture music literature