类别 全部 - standards - abuse - beauty - race

作者:Alexis Birch 5 年以前


Concept Map of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

The narrative explores themes of beauty, societal standards, and racial discrimination through the experiences of Marguerite. Beauty is depicted not merely in terms of personality or body shape, but significantly influenced by race and color, where the ideal is a white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair.

Concept Map of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Marguerite describes beauty not just by personality or body shape, but by the colour of a person and their race.

Marguerite describes beauty in Stamps as a white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair (4).

Marguerite was partially gulty of in trapping herself in her cage of depression because all the thoughts in her mind were kind of like a bird cage holding her free spirit and happiness inside

Marguerite did not know what was happening when Mr. Freeman first started touching her inappropriately. Thought it was a loving touch of a father figure and not of an abuser. She did not get a lot of affection towards her growing up which would explain this incident and why Marguerite thought it was okay

Marguerite feels guilty for what happened because she feels as though “I was convinced that I helped him to do it” (82). This puts a massive weight on Marguerite's shoulders as she thinks that if anyone around found out what had happened, they would be disappointed and ashamed in her. Because of this, Marguerite would not talk to anyone; her mother, Bailey, lawyers, etc.

Mr. Freeman was convicted after Vivian discovered blood on Marguerite's bed and she told her what happened. Marguerite felt safe knowing that her abuser was going to be locked away.

Because Marguerite was scared and ashamed to tell the lawyers what had happened, Mr. Freeman was realesed because there was no evidence concluding that he had done it seeing that Marguerite wouldn't confess

Vow of Silence

Concept Map of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Thesis: From an archetypal point of view, the novel I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, uses symbols to connect to the bigger picture and how these three torturous events demonstrate how the Caged Bird and the character, Marguerite are similar.

Child & Sexual Abuse
Breaking Free

Marguerite had sex with a random boy to prove to herself that she was more than just an assault victim, but this ended in her getting pregnant

After being sexual abused, Margeruite felt more in trapped like a caged bird and when trying to break free of her worries and rumors, she but her self in a deeper hole after getting pregnant which sent her into a deep spiral of hate and panic

Mr. Freeman

Mr. Freeman took advantage of Marguerite seeing that she thought of Mr. Freeman as a second father

Beauty Standards
Black and White Race

In Stamps, coloured people would receive lower wages and were only allowed certain jobs like cotton pickers

Vivian, Margeruite's mother told her that “they don’t accept colored people on the streetcars” (257) when she told he mother f her intention to become a onductor. Even for cotton pickers, Marguerite stated that the wages were so low that “no matter how much they picked, it wasn’t enough” (9).

From the beginning of the novel, it was clear that coloured people were discriminated against during this time period and because of this, Marguerite felt trapped in a coloured cage like a caged bird, wanting to be free from here so called "black ugly dream" (4).

Women's Standards

There was a a certain standard that all women would have to uphold in order to seem presentable or pretty

Self Acceptance

Margeruite was constantly doubting herself and putting herself in a spiral of self loath.

She calls herself a "black ugly dream" (4), wishing she would wake up one day.

Marguerite struggles with her self-confidence, constantly doubting herself, her physical appearance and her capabilities

Would taunt and tease coloured people like Mama. For example, white children would come to the Store after school and taunt Mama with inappropirate gestures and manners
Limiting Jobs and Wages

Arkansas had two parts, the Stamps was a place where only coloured people live. Outside the Stamps, lives the white people who mistreat and disrespect the coloured race

To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee tells a similar story of racism and how people of coloured were treated differently because of the colour of their skin