类别 全部 - replication - genetic - dna - proteins

作者:Marco Nevarez 10 月以前


Biology 311C

Researchers conducted various experiments to determine the nature of genetic material and the structure of DNA. They used bacteriophages labeled with radioactive isotopes to infect bacteria and observed the distribution of radioactivity after centrifugation, which revealed that DNA, not protein, is the hereditary material.

Biology 311C

Protein Transport and Mutations


Frameshift mutations
Change in DNA= Reading Frame is changed
Nonsense Mutations
Change in DNA= Stop Codon is made. Stopping the Sequence.
Missense Mutations
Change in Change in DNA= Amino Acid Changed
Silent Mutations
Change in DNA= No Change in Amino Acid
Mutations also known as mistakes
Can they be corrected? Yes

DNA Polymerase notices the mistakes , and corrects it.

Destinations of Protein

Destinations in secretory
Membrane Protein
Back to the ER



The 2 replication forks meet and are dismantled, the ends are joined by DNA ligase
2 daughter DNA molecules now have 1 parent strand and 1 new strand (semiconservative)


In forming the lagging strand, multiple RNA primers have to be laid down and then extended by DNA polymerase III to form short Okazaki fragments.
Another enzyme, DNA polymerase I removes the RNA and replaces it with DNA nucleotides.

Another enzyme called ligase seals any gaps by connecting nucleotides by phosphodiester linkages.

the DNA polymerase synthesizes a leading strand continuously, moving toward the replication fork. Only one primer is required, the strand is made in one direction 5’ to 3’


At the origin of replication, an enzyme Helicase separates the two strands of DNA to form the replication bubble.
SSB or single stranded proteins keep the DNA single stranded. Another enzyme Topoisomerase helps relieve any strain caused by unwinding of the DNA.

Primase – makes RNA primers complementary to the DNA parent strand sequence

The sliding clamp binds to the 3' end, once this happens DNA polymerase lll will add nucleotides only to the 3’ end

Eukaryotic- inside the nucleus prokaryotic- in cytoplasm

DNA Structure


DNA is double-stranded, with complementary base pairing.
The amount of Adenine equals the amount of Thymine. The amount of Guanine equals the amount of Cytosine
Model of Replication- they showed that after switching bacteria from heavy to light nitrogen and allowing two rounds of replication, their DNA consisted of equal amounts of light and hybrid DNA. Demonstrated that DNA replicated semi-conservatively
A virus injects cells something to spread so what is being injected? -They infected bacteria with 35S (proteins) bacteriophages and another set of bacteria cells with bacteriophages with 32P (DNA). The bacteria and the bacteriophages were mixed in a tube, after some time they shook the tube to release the bacteriophages from bacterial surface. Then they centrifuged the bacterial cells and looked for the presence of radioactivity – in supernatant and in the pellet. The pellet was blue which meant that DNA was injected into the protein. DNA IS THE HEREDITY MATERIAL
Where is the genetic material, DNA or proteins? - injected S. cells (pathogenic) and R.cells (nonpathogenic) into live mice. When the mice was injected with live S.cells, mixture of heat-Killed S cells and living R cells the mice died. When injected with living R cells or heat -killed S cells the mice lived

Translation and Gene Regulation

Gene Regulation

In Prokaryocytes
In Eukaryocytes
Regulation can occur at the level of transcription

Transcription Factors

control elements

Distal (far from gene they control) control elements Enhancers Sequences in DNA upstream or downstream of gene Maybe close to or far from the gene they control Bind specific transcription factors (activators/repressors)

Proximal (close to promoter) control elements: Sequences in DNA close to promoter Bind general transcription factors

Specific: activators and repressors bind to distal control elements called enhancers and bring about increased level (activators) or low levels (repressors) of transcription.

Activators and repressors (proteins) are results of cell signaling and are created after transduction.

General: factors bind to the promoter and regions near the promoter to bring about basal or background level of transcription.


Histones +proteins

10-nm fiber DNA winds around histones to form nucleosome “beads” Nucleosomes are strung together like beads on a string by linker DNA 30-nm fiber Interactions between nucleosomes cause the thin fiber to coil or fold into this thicker fiber 300-nm fiber The 30-nm fiber forms looped domains that attach to proteins Metaphase chromosome The looped domains coil further

8 histones in a histone core. Nucleosomes wrap around each histone twice and Linker DNA connects the nucleosomes

H1 Histone is the only one not a part of the nucleosome.

H2A H2B H3 and H4 make up the histone core (2 of each)


Players in translation: mRNA tRNA Ribosomes Amino acids Amino acyl tRNA synthetase Peptidyl transferase Initiation factors Elongation factors Release factor
For Eukaryotes: -Needs mature mRNA -Mature mRNA travels from nucleus to cytoplasm through nuclear pores.
For Prokaryotes: -Simply needs mRNA -mRNA is already in the cytoplasm when it is created, and it stays in the cytoplasm for translation
mRNA contains code that will help with the formation of proteins mRNA is made of nucleotides while proteins are made up of amino acids.

mRNA in the cytoplasm attaches to free ribosomes: Prokaryote: 70S ribosomes Eukaryotes: 80S ribosomes

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase matches the correct tRNA with the correct amino acid.

tRNA anticodons bind to the corresponding mRNA codons. (Start codon is AUG)

tRNA first binds to the P site of the ribosome. Then another tRNA binds to the A site of the ribosome (in accordance to the codons on the mRNA) and the amino acid attached to the tRNA in the P site slides over to the tRNA on the A site. While this happens, the tRNA in the P site slides to the E (exit) site of the ribosome and the one in the A site slides to the P site. While this happens, a tRNA attaches itself to the A site. This process continues over and over until the stop codon on the mRNA is reached.

After a protein is created with all of the amino acid bonds, it has two different routes to be a part of the endomembrane system.

To Rough ER (bound ribosomes)

SRP (Signal-recognition particle) attaches to signal peptide

Travels to SRP receptor protein. SRP binds to a receptor protein in the ER membrane. SRP leaves and signal prptide is cleaved by an enzyme in the receptor protein complex.

Protein is released into the rough ER. Several carbohydrate groups are added by enzymes in the ER to the protein, creating a glycoprotein.

Protein travels through a vesicle to the cis Golgi then out of the golgi through the trans Golgi.

Protein then goes from the Golgi to either the plasma membrane, back to the ER, or it gets secreted outside of the cell.

To organelles

Protein travels to mitochondria, chloroplast, peroxisomes, nucleus, or just stays in the cytoplasm

Codon chart utilized to show which set of three nucleotides (codons) is coded with which set of amino acids

Gene Expression

RNA Processing (in eukaryotes)

RNA Splicing
Splicing by Spliceosomes

1. protein snRNA and other proteins join to become a spliceosome

2. find intron and cut it, intron is recycled

3. join together exons

Alternative Splicing

different combos of exons are generated

make different proteins

introns help removal of different ones

Joining of exons
Removal of introns
3' End -poly A tail (1-200 A nucleotides) -made by poly A polymerase

Help: -exit from nucleus -prevent degradation -translation initation

5" End -modified G nucleotide -"5' Cap"


4. Termination
Eukaryotes -sequence signal to cut pre-mRNA (AAUAAA) -release from DNA
Prokaryote -RNA transcript released -polymerase detaches from DNA
Transcription factors bind to DNA (eukaryote only)

RNA polymerase binds Unwinds DNA

RNA synthesis (elongates transcript)

DNA reforms in double helix

2. Initiation
Makes a new strand (5'->3')
Doesn't need a primer
RNA polymerases

Binds to promoter upstream (before +1)

Eukaryotes: RNA polymerase II

Prokaryotes: RNAP

1. Start
DNA as template (3'->5')
First nucleotide (+1)
Eukaryotes: nucleus
Prokaryotes: cytoplasm

Cell Signaling

Synaptic Signaling

1.) an action potential arrives, depolarizing the presynaptic membrane
2.) the depolarization open voltage- gated channels, triggering an influx of Ca^2+

3.) the elevated Ca^2+ concentration causes synaptic vesicles to fuse with presynaptic membrane, releasing neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft

4.) the neurotransmitter binds to ligand-gated ion channels in teh postsynaptic membrane

Intracellular receptors (in cytoplasm and nucleus)

Steroid Hormone
1.) the steroid hormone aldosterone passed thought the plasma membrane (can only pass if it is non polar/ hydrophobic)

2.) aldosterone binds to receptor protein which activates it

3.) the hormone receptor complex enters the nucleus and binds to specific genes that starts the transcription of mRNA

4.) the mRNA is translated into a specific protein

signaling molecule (or signal or ligand) and receptor

membrane receptors (needs help from a second messenger)

Ion Channel Receptor
Un-gated Ion Channel

the channel is always opened

Ligand Gated Ion

1.) when the ligand attached itself to the receptor the channel opens and allows for specific ions to pass

2.) when the ligand is no longer attached to the receptor the channel remains closed and is inactive

Tyrosine Kinase Receptor
1.) signal molecules binds to both receptors which then leads the receptors to bind forming a dimer

2.)Tyrosine is alone so ATP turns into ADP releasing a phosphate group

3.)There are 6 ATP so 6 phosphates and ADP from

4.)These phosphates bind to the 6 tyrosines which leads to cellular responses

G-protein linked receptor
1.) Signal molecule binds to GPRC, once bound, there is a slight alteration in the shape of GPCR which allows the G-protein to bind, this causes GDP to be replaced with GTP which now activates the G-protein

2.) This active G protein can activate a nearby enzyme

3.)nOnce the enzyme is activated, G protein removes the phosphate group from GTP and converts it back to GDP (G-protein has a phosphatase function), this inactivates G- protein

4.) The enzyme activated called Adenylyl cyclase converts ATP to cAMP

5.)cAMP (second messenger) activates other proteins until it leads to a cellular response

-physical contact, local signaling, long distance signaling


Free Energy

Gibbs Free Energy
Delta G<0 A reaction can occur spontaneously. Exergonic
Delta G=0 A system is at equilibrium. No change
Delta G>0 Cannot occur spontaneously. Endergonic Reaction
Energy changes in chemical reactions
Free Energy Change - The change in free energy (Delta G) during a chemical reaction is the difference between the free energy of the final state and the free energy of the initial state


Second Law-Every energy transfer or transformation increases the entropy of the universe.
First Law of Thermodynamics- Energy can be transferred and transformed, But it cannot be created or destroyed.
Surroundings- Matter in the rest of the universe
System- Matter within defined region of space
Open system
Closed system

Kinetic Energy

The energy associated with the motion of molecules or objects
Examples: -Thermal -Light Energy

Potential Energy

Stored Energy
Example: -Chemical

Anabolic Pathways

Pathways that consume energy to build larger, complicated molecules from simpler ones.

Catabolic Pathways

Cellular Respiration
C6H12O6+6O2 ———-> 6CO2+6H2O+ Energy
Pathways that release energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler compounds.

Plasma Membranes

Action Potential -membrane charge flips

Undershoot -step 5 -Na+ closed -some K+ open -return to resting state
Falling Phase -step 4 -inactivation of Na+ channels -K+ channels open -cell negative again
Rising Phase -step 3 -most Na+ channels open -cell positive w/ respect to outside
Depolarization -step 2 -some Na+ channels open
Resting State -step 1 -Na+ and K+ channels are closed

Bulk Transport

Endocytosis -take in contents
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis -solutes bind to receptor site -form vesicle of bound molecules
Pinocytosis -take in fluid
Phagocytosis -take in food particle
Exocytosis -release contents

Selective Permeability

Doesn't pass -large, uncharged polar molecules -ions
Passes -small, nonpolar molecules -small, uncharged polar molecules

Membrane Proteins

Protein Transport
Cotransport -coupled transport

H+/Surcose cotransporter -active transport driven by concentration gradient

Active Transport -uses energy -against concentration gradient

Electrogenic Pump -transport protein that generates voltage

Proton Pump

Sodium-Potassium Pump

Passive Transport -no energy used -with concentration gradient

Facilitated Diffusion -passive transport aided by proteins -spread evenly

Carrier Protein -undergo change in shape -translocates solute

Channel Protein -corridor of channel

Diffusion -tendency for molecules to evenly distribute across available space

Ion Channels

Gated -open/close in response to stimuli

Voltage-gated -response to changes in membrane potential

Ligand-gated -neurotransmitter binds

Stretch-gated -when membrane is mechanically deformed

Ungated -always open

Osmosis -diffusion of free water


N-terminus -amino c-terminus -carboxyl

Phospholipid Bilayer

Membrane Fluidity
cholesterol -reduces movement at moderate temps -increases movement at low temps -ability to change amount in membrane to environment
unsaturated hydrocarbon -tail kinks -more fluidity saturated hydrocarbon -no tail kinks -more viscous
specific phase transition temperature -above, fluid -below, rigid
hydrophilic head -on outside and inside of cell hydrophobic tail -face each other -middle part of bilayer

Cell Respiration and Fermentation

Oxidative Phosphorylation

Happens in the proteins in the inner membrane
Energy Input: 10 NADH, 2 FADH2, *oxygen is the final electron acceptor
Energy Output: 26-28 ATP

Net Output: 26-28 ATP

Goes through electron transport chain
Delivery of Electrons by NADH and FADH2
Electron Transport and Proton Pumping

Splitting of Oxygen to form Water

H+ Gradient goes through ATP synthase, creating ATP through oxidative phosphorylation


Citric Acid Cycle (Kreb's)

Happens in the mitochondrial matrix
Energy input: 2 Acetyl CoA molecules, 6 NADH, 2FAD
Energy Output: 6NADH, 2 ATP, 2 FADH2, 2 CO2

Net Output: 6NADH, 2 ATP, 2 FADH2, 2 CO2

Acetyl CoA interacts with Oxaloacetate to form Citrate.
Citrate becomes isocitrate

Isocitrate oxidizes and NAD+ is reduced to form NADH

CO2 releases when isocitrate is oxidized

Cycle happens twice and NADH and FADH are created


Pyruvate Oxidation
Oxygen Present
Happens in the matrix of the mitochondria
Oxygen is not present

Alcohol Fermentation

Pyruvate forms acetaldehyde and releases 2 CO2 in the process

Acetaldehyde is reduced to form ethanol

NADH electrons are reduced creating NAD+

NAD+ goes through glycolysis again

Energy Output (Net is same): Ethanol, 2 NAD+

Lactic Acid Fermentation

Energy Input: 2 pyruvate, 2 NADH

Energy Output (Net is same): Lactate, 2 NAD+

Happens in the cytoplasm

Pyruvate is reduced to form lactate

No CO2 is created

NAD+ is created and recycled through glycolysis

Input: 2 Pyruvates, 2 NAD+, 2 CoA

Energy Output: Acetyl CoA, 2 CO2, 2 NADH

Net Output: Acetyl CoA, 2 CO2, 2 NADH

Pyruvate from Glycolysis is oxidized

Electrons from oxidation are transferred to NAD+ to form NADH

Acetyl Coenzyme A is formed.

Happens in the cytoplasm outside of the mitochondria
Energy investment: 2 ATP
Energy Output: 4 ATP 2 NADH 2 Pyruvate + 2 H2O

Net Output: 2 ATP 2 NADH 2 Pyruvate + 2 H2O

Step 1: Hexokinase transfers phosphate group from ATP to glucose. The charge on the phosphate also traps the sugar in the cell.
Step 2: G6P becomes Fructose 6 Phosphate

Step 3: Phosphofructokinase transfers a phosphate group from ATP to the opposite end of the sugar, investing a second molecule of ATP. Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate is created.


Nucleic Acids

nitrogenous base, pentose sugar (ribose)
A and U, C and G
single strand
phosphate group, nitrogenous base, pentose sugar (deoxyribose)
A and T, C and G
double helix
storage of genetic code


formed when a dehydration reaction joins 2 monosaccharides creating a glycosidic linkage
cellulose (plants), chitin (insects)
glycogen (animals), starch (plants),

-alpha=carboxyl group at carbon 1 is on top -beta=carboxyl group at carbon 1 is on bottom


-provide energy
-spare protein


hydrophilic head, hydrophobic tail amphipathic= having hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts

hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids are not tightly packed together (cis double bonding causes bending)

Liquid at room temperature


hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids are highly packed together and held by hydrophobic interactions

Solid at room temperature


contain four fused rings

-store energy
-cell protection

chemical messengers

Proteins and R Groups

Protein Structures

R groups held together by disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and non-polar hydrophobic interactions



Positive (+) Charge


Negative (-) Charge

Polar Covalent


Nonpolar Covalent

CH, ring, H

Main chain groups interacting through Hydrogen bonds
Amino acids interacting through peptide bonds

Chemical Bonds

Disulfide Bonds

Non-Polar Covalent

Bond when the electrons are shared equally, electronegativity is equal

Ionic Bonds

Bond that includes to oppositely charged ions, + -

Van der Waals

When two non polar atoms interact

Hydrogen Bonds

Is a bond between a hydrogen atom and a very electronegative atom


The force between + end of a molecule (polar) and a - end of a molecule (polar)

Polar Covalent

Pull between the atoms is unequal (electronegativity difference)

Cell Structures

Prokaryotic Cells -includes bacteria & archaea domain

Organelles (not membrane bound)
Contractile Vacuole: pump excess water out of cell
Inclusion Bodies: storge of carbon, phosphate, etc.
Periplasmic Space: hydrolytic enzymes
Nucleoid: location of DNA
Gas Vacuole: float in aquatic environments
Plasma Membrane: selectively permeable barrier
Cell Wall: shapes cell protection
made of peptidoglycan in bacteria
Endospores (not all)
water is removed

can be rehydrated and viable

metabolism halts

-original cell copies chromosomes -surrounds it multiple layers of cell wall
remain viable in harsh conditions

Eukaryotic Cells

Cell Junctions
Animal Cell

Gap junctions: -everything moves between cells

Desmosomes: -connection between cells -some substance can pass through

Tight Junctions: -tightly packed membranes -no fluid or substance can cross

Plant Cell

Plasmodesmata: -connect neighboring cells -particles travel freely

Extracellular Matrix -outside cell -various proteins
Integrins: proteins in membrane that connect ECM to inside the cell
Cell Wall -plant cell only -primary -secondary (multiple layers)
Intermediate Filament

nuclear lamina

cell shape maintenance

anchor organelles


cytoplasm movement

Amoeboid Movement: crawling of a cell

muscle contractions


Cilia & Flagella: cell movement

Centrosome (animal cell only)

where microtubules grow out of

organelle movement

Organelles (membrane bound)
Central Vacuole -plants only -stores inorganic ions -lots of water
Chloroplasts (plant cell only) -endosymbiont -site of photosynthesis

Stroma: -internal fluid -has DNA & ribosomes

Thylakoids: -membranous sacs -stack = granum

Double Membrane -inner & outer

Lysosome (animal cell only)

enzymes inside hydrolyze biomolecules

part of phagocytosis

Autophagy: recycles cell's organelles

Peroxisome: -endosymbiont -single membrane -packed w/ enzymes -detoxify -hydrogen peroxide to water
Mitochondria: -endosymbiont -site of ATP reactions

Matrix -space inside -steps of cellular respiration in mitochondrial matrix DNA -free ribosomes

Double Membrane: -inner & outer -inner folded into cristae -inbetween: intermembrane space

Golgi Apparatus

Trans Face: releases cargo after making changes

Cis Face: receives cargo from ER

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Rough ER: -studded w/ ribosomes -secrete glycoproteins, distributes transport vesicles -membrane factory

Smooth ER: -lack ribosomes -synthesize lipids, metabolize carbohydrates


Nucleolus: site of rRNA

Nuclear Pores: transport molecules in & out nucleus

Nuclear Envelope: double membrane

Chromatin: DNA & protein of chromosomes


Food Vacuole: cell engulfs food or other particles


Free Ribosomes: make enzymes & catalyze sugar breakdown

Bound Ribosomes: make proteins for membranes or secretion

Genetic Material: DNA

stores information

Biology 311C