Kategorier: Alla - agriculture - waste - overpopulation - pollution

av Musa Qureshi för 2 årar sedan


Water Quality Issues In Pakistan

Water quality in Pakistan faces significant challenges due to various factors, with pollution from agricultural and industrial waste being prominent. Chemicals from these sources seep into groundwater and mix with irrigation and rainwater, adversely impacting the environment.

Water Quality Issues In         Pakistan

Floating topic

High concentrations of arsenic is a major problem

Big cities of Punjab and Sindh

Around 16% of people are exposed to Arsenic
More than 50ppm of Arsenic

High concentration of salts


Chemical industries
Sea water encroachment
Soil salts dissolution

An estimate of fertilizers and pesticides used in the country is about 5.6 million tons

Chemicals leach into ground water, and mixes with irrigated and rain water

These find their way into rivers and canals that consist of clean drinking water

Chemical contaminations


Soil Sediments
When the rainy season in the country begins. All the built up chemicals from the factory smoke comes down along with the rain as acid rain and gets mixed with clean drinking water

Floods causing damage to the drainage systems

Release of toxic chemicals and oil into rivers and canals. leading to the death of marine life

Buildings and standing crops have been destroyed

spillage of sewage water into clean water bodies

Microbiological contaminants

Biggest problems in rural and urban areas.

Caused by leakage from pipes, and pollution from sewage lines flowing into drinking water supplies.

An estimate of 25% of patients are suffering from diarrhea

Exponential decay

Water Quality Issues In Pakistan

Environmental issues

Effect on wild animals
Some wild animals end up drinking contaminated river water

They either die immediately or slowly die

Many poor people who are unable to afford clean drinking water, are forced to drink the ocean water filled with chemicals
The country faces a major threat of environmental degradation
Effect towards nature
Plants are dying due to them constantly being watered with unclean water
Crops are sometimes watered with contaminated water

Crops can end up absorbing the chemicals

Animals that eat plants can also get infected through this

Effect on marine life
Dead fish end up getting washed up almost 150 yards offshore
Hazardous industrial waste finds its way into the oceans

Fishes and various other forms of marine life end up swallowing these toxic substances

The same marine animals are then served to humans to eat.

Due to improper waste management systems, many companies are dumping their waste into, seas, rivers, and canals.

Societal issues

Dependence of water supply in the provinces of Pakistan
Clean water availability
In some areas of the country, water for showers is only available for a certain time period during the week
Independence of Pakistan, August 14, 1947

5600 cubic meters of water availability per capita.

This decreased to 1038 cubic meters of water availability in 2010. Roughly 406 percent!!!

If this trend continues, water availability could go down to 575 cubic feet in 2050

Tap water is extremely unsafe to drink

Companies like Nestle, and Aquafina provide large bottles to people, those bottles contain clean and filtered water for people to drink

Not everyone can afford this service, especially the low income people

Boiling the contaminated water allows them to drink the water as boiling contaminated water kills microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses. Making the water microbiologically safe.

Many low income people in the country are forced to drink that water due to lack of accessibility to clean water
Impacts on Humans
Common diseases caused by the contaminated water:

Typhoid, Cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, giardiasis, guinea worm infection, and cryptosporidiosis.

These diseases are responsible for 80% of all diseases and also responsible for 33% of deaths in the country

20-40 percent of all hospitals in the country are filled with people who had reported illnesses to waterborne diseases. (According to UNICEF)


Calculating pH and concentration of hydrogen ions
Calculating pH in a river
Portable pH meter is used to find the pH level in large bodies of water.
pH level of exactly 7 is classified as neutral. (i.e. water)
pH levels above 7 are classified as basic solutions. (i.e. Baking soda)
Strong acids dissociate completely in water
Weak acids don't completely dissociate in water.
pH levels bellow 7 are classified as acidic solutions (i.e. Lemmon's)

Causes of issues in water quality

Agriculture waste and biproducts (manure)
Instead of getting rid of agriculture waste by throwing it into rivers and oceans

There wouldn't bee a need for artificial fertilizers

They can be used as a natural fertilizer

Dumped into canals and rivers
Poor sewage system
Municipal governments need to heavily invest in new sewage systems as majority of them are extremely old and lack the maintenance they need
Untreated and poor swage water

flows and dumped into canals and rivers


Untreated industrial waste in fresh water. Mainly released by industrial cities like Karachi and Lahore.
The country needs to invest more into industrial and chemical waste systems

Investing into these things is a major problem due to the high corruption rate in the country, and due to constant threats from neighboring countries such as India. Due to the threat against India, Pakistan has invested heavily into its military, which also allowed Pakistan to obtain nuclear warheads

Lahore: 6500 Tons of municipal waste daily
Karachi: 16,500 tons of municipal waste daily
Pakistan land area: 881,913 km^2. Pakistan population: 227 million

Items fount in drinking water

nickel, copper, chromium, lead, cobalt, manganese, iron, bleach, and hydrochloric acid(these elements can cause a change in the pH level of the water.)
NaCLO(aq) + HCL(aq) = Cl2(aq) + H2O(l) + NaCl(aq)

Drinking water quality rank: 80