Kategorier: Alla - qualitative - quantitative - continuous

av Paula Paula för 2 årar sedan


Statistics Variables.

In statistics, variables are characteristics that can be measured, recorded, or analyzed and are broadly categorized based on their nature. Qualitative variables, unlike quantitative ones, are not numerical and include data types such as text, audio, and images.

Statistics Variables.

References. •Berhman, H.B. (2022, august 14th). Stat Trek. AP statistics. https://stattrek.com/descriptive-statistics/variables •Christensen, H. (1990). Estadística paso a paso, 221-222. •COMMON MISTEAKS MISTAKES IN USING STATISTICS: Spotting and Avoiding Them. (2022, august 14th). https://web.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/statmistakes/ordinal.html •Frost, J. (2022, august 14th). Statistics By Jim. https://statisticsbyjim.com/basics/what-is-a-variable/ •GCFGlobal. (2022, august 14th). Estadística básica: Variables estadísticas. Variables estadísticas. https://edu.gcfglobal.org/es/estadistica-basica/variables-estadisticas/1/ •Springer Link. (2022, august 14th). Dichotomous Variable. The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-0-387-32833-1_112#:~:text=A%20variable%20is%20called%20dichotomous,always%20be%20reduced%20and%20dichotomized. •Statistics How To. (2022, august 14th). What is a Polychotomous Variable?. https://www.statisticshowto.com/polychotomous-variable/ •SearchCIO. (2022, august 14th). qualitative data. https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/definition/qualitative-data#:~:text=Qualitative%20data%20is%20information%20that,graph%20databases%2C%20timelines%20and%20infographics. •Mate móvil. (2022, august 14th). Matemáticas física y mucho más. Variables estadísticas, ejemplos y ejercicios. https://matemovil.com/variables-estadisticas-ejemplos-y-ejercicios/ •UCLA. (2022, august 14th). What is the difference between categorical, ordinal and interval variables?. Statistica Methods and Data Analytics https://stats.oarc.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/whatstat/what-is-the-difference-between-categorical-ordinal-and-interval-variables/ •YouTube. (2022, august 14th). Qualitative and Quantitative Research. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69qP8kFJp_k

Finally, you can find an interactive way, showing the differences between Qualitative and Quantitative variables.

Statistics Variables.

a set of characteristics that you can measure record or analyze it.

That cannot be counted, measured or express it with numbers.

Text, audio, pictures or visualization tools, such as concept maps, graph datbases, etc..

Categorical or Nominal.

Two or more categories without a clear ordering.

Hair Color: (Blonde, brown, red, etc).

Two or more variables but it has a clear ordering

Considered in between the definition of categorical and Quantitative variable.

It fits in Qualitative concept

Economic Status. Three categories: -Low. -Medium. -High.


Two or more values and can be ordered, unordered or sequential.

Sequential: College matriculation 1. Sophomore, 2. Freshman, 3. Junior or 4. Senior.

Unordered: 1. for lemons, 2. For cherries or 3. for apples.

Ordered: 1. if your earn 2,500,000. 2. If you earn 1,500,000. Or 3. If you earn less than 1,000,000.

Dichotomous or Binary.

Only takes two variables.

Gender only has two values: Female and Male.

Describes information that can be measured or expressed it with numbers.




Only takes specific values, in other words, you cannot subdivided.

Number of students in a classroom.

You cannot say, you walked 2,5 steps or there are 25,1 Students.

Number of steps you wal per day.