Kategorier: Alla - exploitation - government - donations - production

av Ben Monti för 6 årar sedan


Ship Breaker

The film highlights the tough conditions faced by workers in Bangladesh, particularly in the ship-breaking industry. It reveals the exploitation and lack of safety regulations that allow businesses to operate with minimal regard for worker welfare.

Ship Breaker

Ship Breaker


Does the film impact me? It's good that this information has been passed on and spread to people who were uninformed about conditions in the third world but the film won't change the workers lives for a couple reasons. 1. When watching the film I didn't see anywhere that offered a donation number for people living in the harsh conditions of Bangladesh, this is small but if people who want to support the cause don't know where to start supporting the cause will fall through. In this day and age a lot people will throw their money at anything this could've been taken advantage of to send money over for workers to pay for their kids education or clothes and blankets. 2. The main issue is that ordinary people can't change a government across the world, it just doesn't happen like that in reality. It will be a while before Bangladesh can turn their ways and advancing their society as a whole. So people fighting for this change in cause will just be dismissed as the government can't give up steel production as their trade is low enough and they don't care what happens to environment as of right now.



Why care?
Why there?
Why in Bangladesh? Bangladesh is a third world country which doesn't meet the same legal requirements such as a first world country. For this reason they can do stuff as; dump toxic materials into the ocean, pay workers little to nothing, have child labor, leaving ships on the beach, and no safety requirements. Bangladesh is a big country having a population of 147 million, for this reason they can have more workers producing a greater work effort, they give these workers shacks and little food and keep them working into the night. As Bangladesh needs the steel production from ships the government will turn a blind eye to activities that are illegal. The environmental state of the country is at a low point as many things that make money for the country are harmful for the environment but overlooked as they prioritize money first.
What is where?
Why is it happening? Bangladesh's economy isn't the strongest and relies on the steel industry to make money which the ship industry is a big supplier of. Kids don't have a choice to work as they need to help support the family and if the shipping company doesn't take them some other workplace will take them. Paying their workers very little is big part as they can use the profits to get more ships and to hire more workers speeding the process.
What's the issue? There are many problems set around the ship graveyard industry. For starters child labor is frequent with kids as young as 12 out on the beach working for very little money in dangerous work conditions. With ships being broken down on the beach many toxins are flowing into the water killing sea life as the toxins ride down the coast doing major damage.