Kategorier: Alla - death - numbers - birth - philosophy

av Luis Fernández Rodríguez för 3 årar sedan



Presocratic philosophers, spanning from the 6th to the 5th century B.C., laid foundational ideas for Western philosophy. Notable figures include Anaxagoras, who proposed that everything originates from a mixture of tiny particles, with birth and death being processes of mixture and disgregation.



Type in the name of the company you are going to have an interview with.


Are you qualified for this position?

Interviewers will want to know whether or not you are able to do the job.

Answer the questions from this section and see if you are the right person for this position.

Heraclito thought that fire was the best simbol of perpetous change and the fight of opposites

Because fire is only kept consuming and destroying

Perpetous movement

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man

The engine of perpetous movement was the opposition of opposites

That kept the stability of cosmos

He was against democracy
Was born in Efeso
540 B.C.-470 B.C.


Research the company

You should find and learn as much as you can about the company where you are having an interview.

The interviewer will want to see what you know about them and why you chose the company.

Doing your homework will show that you are really interested.

Became a religious sect

Goverment eliminated the sect by killing all their members

They pretended to expand and they had influence in the politics

The stucture of the universe was arithmetic and geometry

Geocentric theory

Earth was the centre of the universe

Explain the universe with maths

Strict life
Arche= numbers
Numbers are reflected in geometric figures that forms bodies
They are entities and have their own existence
Was captured in Egypt
Born in Samos
569 B.C.-475 B.C.


How ambitious are you?

Earth was flat
Arche= Air
Air's rarefaction forms fire
Ground's condensation form rocks
Water's condensation form ground
Cloud's condesation form water
Air's condensation forms clouds
We need air to live
Participated in Mileto's school
585 B.C.-528 B.C.
Hail was formed when wind solidificates
Thunders and lightings were formed by the wind that cut the clouds
Earthquakes ocurred because of droughts or because of lots of rain
Clouds were formed by evaporated water
He thought that Earth had a drum form
He thought that humans come from fish
Arche: Apeiron
He thought that cosmos and the universe were born and died in apeiron
He studied in Mileto's school
He was disciple of Tales
610 B.C- 546 B.C.

Tales de Mileto

Do you fully understand what this position implies?

After you've made some research on the company, read the job description thoroughly, and try to fully understand what your responsibilities will be.

Found Mileto's school
Two of his discipules were



Arche: water
He thought that the Earth was floating on the water
Philosopher, mathematic, astronomy, geometry, pfisic and lesgislatos
He thought that all the things had life
He made Tale's theorem
He predicted an eclipse
Thanks to him, occidental philosophy was born
Born in Mileto
624 B.C- 546 B.C.

Who are they?

They are the philosophers that existed since Tales to the last philosophers that were not influenced by Socrates

Democrito and Leucipo

Born in Mileto/Abdera
He lived in V Century
Born in Abdera
460 B.C.- 370.C.


Mixture and disgregation
Disgregation is death
Mixture is birth
It penetrate animated things
Whirlwinds that order homeomers
Tiny particles
Born in Clazomenas
500 B.C. - 428 B.C.


Soul is a divine spiritu that is imprisoned in bodies for punishment of discord
Inexistence of the non-being and immunity of the being
First pluralist
Arche was the sphairos

Love joins and discord separates

Sphairos is made of





The arches join in a espharios, so it can be also considered as monism
Was born in Agrigento
495 B.C. - 435 B.C.

Zenón and Meliseo




Is a unit

Without beginning or end


Stateman and naval commander
Was born in Samos
470 B.C.- 430 B.C.
Parmenides' disciple

Achilles and the turtle's paradox


Movement is only an ilusion


Cosmos is an only unit

He was born in Elea
490 B.C.- 420 B.C.


On Nature
Way of senses
Way of truth
True can only be reached by racional thougth
Senses only lead us to doxa
The being
whatever is is, and what is not cannot be


It can not change as that would implique that it would pass from being to the not being

It can not move, as there isn't anything outside the being were it can move


As it can not be separated by something, as all the things are, and separation includes that you are separated by something different to the being


It can not be destroyed

Because it can not turn into the not being

It can not be genertaed

As it can not come from the not being

He was philosoopher, legislator and a doctor
Was born in Elea
540 B.C.- 470 B.C