Kategorier: Alla - immigration - business - workforce - economy

av Ho Li wen (Westwoodss) för 2 årar sedan


Chapter 5 : why is there greater diversity in Singapore

Singapore has experienced a significant shift in its demographic and economic landscape, prompting changes in immigration policies and contributing to greater diversity. The nation has seen a brain drain, with professionals opting to work overseas due to better opportunities and the convenience of English-speaking environments.

Chapter 5 : why is there greater diversity in Singapore

Chapter 5 : why is there greater diversity in Singapore

Challenges of declining birth rates

Weaker defence for the country
Fewer people to sign up for NS

Weaken SG's defence because chances of external attacks will increase because we are seen as an easy target

More unrest and insecurities in the nation

Ageing Population
Fewer young people give birth

in the future, there will be less working people

Fewer people to tax, Therefore taxes will increase for existing people

Government revenue will be affected, economy will be affected

Unattractive to MNCs
Hinders economic progress

Smaller pool of labour + labour cost will be higher

Higher cost of operation + lower profits

Consumer market is too small

Less profit for businesses because lesser people buying their products as compare to countries with bigger populations

Singapore : 5.4 million

China : 1.4 billion

Part 1 : shrinking population leads to revising immigration policy

Revising immigration policy
Government's foreign workforce policy evolved overtime

To meet Singapore's manpower needs

new policy focuses on higher-skilled foreign workforce to support a knowledge base economy

help strengthen Singapore's economy

help bring money for country

Brain drain
Professionals find it easier to work overseas e.g.Australia as they could speak english

There is more working opportunities overseas for better life

Low birth rates
The number of elderly will almost double from 440000 in 2015 to 900000 by 2030
Singapore's overall citizen is predicted to decline from 2025 onwards if current low birth rates persist

Factor 1 : greater diversity because of immigaqtion policy

Greater diversity as a result of immigrants bring their experiences from their country
immigrants contribute ideas and expertise to Singapore
Challenges faced due to the changes in immigration policy
Tension between

Singaporeans and governments

for allowing too many foreigners to come in into the country

Singaporeans and foreigners

For allowing too many foreigners to come into the country

Singaporeans feel threatened because they feel like they are no longer prioritised

Feel that foreigners are competing with their opportunities and resources

Relax immigration policy
Immigration policy was revised to make it easeir for foreingners to come into the country, as well as to study, work and start famillies here in SG

Easier entry requirement

Attractive education pakages

Subsidised housing

Factor 2 : greater diversity due to economic opportunities

Ease of doing business

Easiest place to do business

eased property registration

by improving its computerised system

Having forms for construction permits

new workplace safety and healthcare regulations can also be submitted online

Simplifies the process of setting up business

by registering for taxes using the same online form

By making it easy to establish a company

Hassle-free way in which administrative matters are handled

Stable political environment

Best investment potential

Most favourable operating conditions and strong diplomatic ties

No restrictions on the flow of capital for business

Singapore ranked 1 out of 50 countries

Stable political and economic climate creates an ideal environment for investments

Growth potential of business
Well-established judiciary system

Least corruption in Asia

Strict laws and legislation imposed on business transactions ensure that corruption is kept to a minimum

Factor 3 : greater diversity due to socio- economic environment

Education system

international students add to the diversity in schools through sharing and learning

Become a well-known hub for quality education


Teriary institutions offer a wide variety of courses and high standards of certification

Public schools accept international students

Well-recognised, effective and high standards

Community support
Wide range of ethnic communities and cultures from all over the world found in Singapore

Many ethnic communities gather in certain districts to strengthen ties

immigrant communities bring with them distinct national identities to Singapore

e.g. ethnic practices unique to their countries of origin

A safe environment
immigrants consider safety and security when deciding on the country to work and lie in

Foreigners and supporting communities thrive in this environment

Low crime rate and laws that protect individuals and their properties indicate level of safety

which benefits business and citizens