Категории: Все - diplomacy - militarism - nationalism - neutrality

по Keanna Albright 17 дней назад



The early 20th century saw the United States grappling with its role on the global stage. Different forms of diplomacy, such as Dollar Diplomacy and Moral Diplomacy, were employed to expand U.




Big Stick Diplomacy - To talk nice to other countries but remind them you are a big power - ROOSEVELT
Moral diplomacy - To act kind to countries in order to force democracy onto them. WILSON
Dollar Diplomacy - US would lend money to other territories and as a return they would support the US. TAFT
Spanish American war
Philipeans were insurrected as a result
Panama Canal being built was a result
Annexation of Hawaii was a result
Cuba's fight for independence major cause
US rejects league of nations making it less powerful
Non-interventionist - The belief that US should not be involved in foreign affairs
Interventionist - The belief that US should be involved in foreign affairs
Yellow Journalism - this would focus on the headlines and bad things furthering imperialism
Nationalism - The desire to spread American democratic and moral ideals
Raw materials - the desire for raw materials and new markets


Wilson's 14 points
President Wilson's outline for how to end WW1 that would prevent it from happening again
The homefront
Opposition by conscientious objectors Men who refused to be drafted
Voluntary rationing - people volunteer to decrease the food they eat in US
Schenck v. United States decides the Espionage Act is constitutional
committee of public relations - created to support US in WW1 and spread info Woodrow wilson
Women and minorities take over factory and nursing jobs to support
New Technology
Tanks - created a new way for people to get across the battle field and avoid gun fire
Submarines - were able to get into small spaces that other big ships could not and take big ships down
Planes - could carry tons of bombs to be dropped on the enemy or on enemy's planes
Trench Warfare
Attacks would be launched from trench to trench
Combat heavily used to protect yourself from fire by digging a ditch and setting base there.
Important people and groups
Avin C. York - the most decorated soldier in WW1
Harlem Hellfighters - US regiment that fought for france army
John J. Pershing - lead US army and reorganized to end the war
Herbert Hoover - was the head of US relief administration
American entry in war
Zimmerman telegraph was intercepted calling the president of the US weak and alliance against US
US wanted everyone to force democracy onto others
USS Maine explosion was blamed on spain
Reasons for US neutrality
Economic gain - by staying out US could be an allied and central power
President Wilson's stance to stay out of the war
Isolationism - the belief that we should focus on domestic issues
Imperialism - created competition between countries for influence and territory
Nationalism- The belief that your country is the best and others should be like yours increased tension
Militarism - It was largely sought after to have a big military. This made the war far worse
Alliances - There were alliances between major countries with a lot of power. This increased tension