Категории: Все - innovation - unemployment - prices - equality

по Thomas Enns 2 лет назад



In a command economy, the government centrally determines production, investment, prices, and incomes. This can lead to inefficiency as smaller companies struggle against larger ones due to high administrative costs.




Command Economy an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.


Smaller companies are easily driven out by bigger companies since the smaller companies simply cant afford to run themselves. This is due to the amount of red tape, and administrative costs, that come along with a command economy.


The lack of competition is good for optimal prices, but it also hinders progress and innovation. The good prices seen in a command economy don't make up for the lack in innovation.

For the same reason the wealth gap is smaller, unemployment is also lower. The government can pretty much control unemployment rates in a command economy, which obviously means lower unemployment rates.


Although it isn't perfect, the amount of government control helps to even out the wages among workers, and create a smaller wealth gap overall.

Mercantilism belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism.

The high amount of natural resources being used will eventually come to end, when there's nothing left. Obviously this varies depending on the resource but many will run out, and some may become extremely dangerous to take, such as oil.

Similar to other economies, its easy for the rich to get richer, while the rest stay at the bottom. This can be caused by the need to sell low and buy high to keep trades going well.

Unemployment rates

Because there is such a high focus on building the local economy, there is always job opportunities, and ways for people to stay employed.

Natural Resources

Contrary to most economic ideologies, mercantilism encourages the use of the country's own natural resources rather than trading with others. This leads to a more developed way of using natural resources.

Capitalism an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Consumer culture

Its unhealthy to define you identity based on a product, and this is exactly what consumer culture does. Consumer culture heavily supports this by pushing people to buy their new products, since they are the "new trend". If people all had the same budget and owned the same things, like in communism, this would now be a problem.

Housing market

Real estate investors buy homes then sell them for a profit or rent them out for a high price. This sort of practice has been happening for a long time, and doesn't tend to be bad, but has recently gotten out of hand. This forever rising prices have made it ridiculously hard for people to buy a house, and people question if they will ever be able to buy a home.

In capitalism, the as the rich get richer, it continually becomes easier to get richer. On the contrary as the poor get more poor, the opportunity to make money becomes harder and harder. An extreme example this is Elon Musk could sway the stock market with ease to make millions. But a homeless person would find it extremely hard to even get a job.

Opportunity for corruption

Because business owners are constantly trying to lower production costs to increase profits, they often look to shady ways of making their products. This includes sweat shops in foreign countries, where they can pay people less, and work them more, legally.

Encourages advances

Because people have multiple choices of where they want to buy different products, business owners are encourages to create the best product possible. As more and more competition arises, the quality of product tends to go up.

With capitalism people get the choice of what they want to do for work and what how they want to run their businesses. Although this is true for some other economies as well it is still a huge plus.


Although this is not always true, often times, the amount of effort you put into making money, results in the amount of money you get. This is not true for ideologies like communism.

Free market an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses

Market failure

With government involvement being so low, it becomes much easier to give out shady loans or to get short term profits rather than the safe long term profits. These things often lead to terrible market crashes, and is why government involvement in needed to a certain extent.

The lack of government involvement often leads to companies taking advantage of employees by paying them less and avoiding safety protocol.

Choice of product

This is similar to capitalism in which products are driven by consumer wants and needs. This results in better products.


The lack off bureaucracy in a free market allows business owners the ability to make their own choices, and to spend less money on administrative costs, and more on the company itself.

Mixed Economy an economic system combining private and public enterprise.


When the economy has more government involvement, it also requires higher taxes.

Government involvement

Sometimes in a mixed economy the government involvement will be too little, but often its too much. This often leads to unfair prices and a poorly managed economy.

equal distribution of control

Similar to capitalism, mixed economies give lots of control to both the people and the government. Governments obviously have control over private companies such as, hospitals and schools.


Prices are generally determined by supply and demand in a mixed economy. This leads to things that aren't in demand very much, being priced lower, and things in high demand being priced accordingly. Although this could be seen as a con as things people desperately need may be overpriced.


Communism a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs

Incentive to work

In communism, since you have a guaranteed job that you may hate, and its hard to accumulate wealth anyways, the incentive to work hard is not very existent.


In a communist government you have very little choice of what you want to do. This sucks as you may be forced to work a job you hate forever.

Food supply

In a communist government food is pretty much a guarantee, which is something other governments may not offer.

Low unemployment

Communism offer you a guaranteed job, which is fantastic as many people that cant find work, finally have it.

Almost everyone has a similar wage in a communist government. Alhough this tends to mean everyone's poor, they all do have the same wage.

Oligarchy a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution

Puppet leader

Usually the leader in an oligarchy doesn't actually do much. The power lies with the people surrounding him or her. This is somewhat misleading to the public, as the leader may be a figure the people look up to, yet they don't actually do anything.

Little growth

Because the people who rule in a oligarchy, grew up around the people who last ruled the oligarchy, the people in power tend to share similar political motives. This leads to a lack of innovation as things never really change.


People that come into power in an oligarchy, tend to growing up preparing for the role. This would include being educated and just gaining general experience, as they are literally around the other political leaders all the time.


Even if whoever is in rule changes, the government will be almost exactly the same, and causes people little stress when this transition happens.

Democracy a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Cant meet everyone's needs.

Although meeting the majorities needs is good, democracy will never meet everyone's. An example being, people from dense cities having different needs to meet than someone from out in the country. This will almost always result in the city voters getting their way, as there is simply more people.

Voters must be informed

Although this could almost be seen as a pro, as it helps voters get involved, very often voters choose not to research politics, and make an uninformed, and potentially bad vote. This has been especially problematic in recent times, as many people get their information from social media. This information is often false, biased, or skewed, and leads people to make terrible votes.

The right to vote

Both educated and uneducated people can vote

Freedom of choice

In a democracy, the people vote for what they want, in contrary to some other political ideologies, where choices are made by very few people. When choices are made by a very small group of people, it often goes against what the majority want.

Promotes involvement

When people have to research what they want to vote for, it creates involvement in the politics. This leads to a more politically educated population. At least in theory, I don't think it has actually helped with that much.

Fascism a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

In a fascist government, criticism is not tolerated, which inherently gets rid of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is needed to show what the people really want, and what problems they want to face. When this is disallowed, the problems different groups of people are seeing, may never be solved.


Fascism makes it extremely easy for a dictator to do terrible things to certain groups of people. An example being Hitler, who killed 6 million Jewish people under his fascist rule.

Power abuse

The amount of power one person holds in a fascist government is way too much. If the dictator is corrupt, it may lead to extremely bad decisions being made, with nobody else in power to say something against it.


A fascist government prioritizes the welfare of the country. Some examples being the amount of money the government puts into the military to keep the country safe, and also investing in culture, and building landmarks to keep up tourism.


The crime rate in a fascist government in extremely low in due to the heavy punishment that may be in play. The government tends to put overly heavy punishments on crimes just to scare people out of committing it.

Decisions can be made extremely quickly in a fascist government, as there aren't the usual hoops to jump through such as other people having their say, and whatnot. The dictator can make the decision they see fit, and immediately implement it.

Dictatorship a country governed by a dictator


The reason crime rates are so low, is purely fear. Although it clearly works, it is a terrible way to do it. It does not fix the problem of people wanting to commit crime, it simply suppresses it. This not only affects crime doers, but regular people as well.

Wealth gap

A dictator may have wealthy friends, or just generally favor rich people, and he will create laws to support them in becoming more and more wealthy. The dictator may do the same to poor people, and keep them poor.

Freedom of speech

Opposition to a dictatorship simply is not allowed, and if you do openly oppose the government, you will be punished. This leads to a lack of meaningful innovation, as not everyone's true wants and needs will be met.



Stupid people cant vote


Also similar to fascism, a dictator does not need to wait for a bunch of people to approve his decision, he just does what he feels is right for the particular situation.

Low Crime

Similar to a fascist government, harsh punishment can be brought to those who commit small crimes. The fear of this significantly drives down crime rates.