Категории: Все - feedback - homeostasis - organization - metabolism

по felipe chavarria 5 лет назад


System Properties

Systems possess properties such as recursivity, where components within a larger system also exhibit system-like characteristics, making them independent yet interconnected. Organizations, as administrative structures, aim to achieve goals through the collective effort of people, leveraging human talent and social interactions.

System Properties

System Properties


It is a property of living organisms that consists in their ability to maintain a stable internal condition by compensating for changes in their environment through the regulated exchange of matter and energy with the outside (metabolism). It is a form of dynamic equilibrium that is made possible thanks to a network of feedback control systems that constitute the self-regulation mechanisms of living beings. Examples of homeostasis are the regulation of temperature and the balance between acidity and alkalinity (pH).

The laws of Thermodynamics

La termodinámica se ocupa de las propiedades macroscópicas (grandes, en oposición a lo microscópico o pequeño) de la materia, especialmente las que son afectadas por el calor y la temperatura, así como de la transformación de unas formas de energía en otras.
Laws of thermodynamics are nothing more than the laws into which thermodynamics is divided; from the Greek thermo, which means "heat" and dynamic, which means "force." It is a branch of physics that studies phenomena related to heat. In essence, thermodynamics studies the circulation of energy and how energy infuses movement.

Open Systems

es un sistema que tiene interacciones externas. Dichas interacciones pueden tomar la forma de información, energía o materia de transferencia al interior o al exterior de dicho sistema, lo que depende de la disciplina en la cual se defina el concepto. Un sistema abierto contrasta con el concepto de sistema cerrado, el cual no intercambia ni materia ni información con su medio ambiente. Un sistema abierto es también conocido como un sistema de volumen constante o un sistema flotante.


Organizations are administrative structures and administrative systems created to achieve goals or objectives with the support of human beings themselves, and / or with the support of human talent or other similar characteristics. They are social entities that allow the association of people who interact with each other to contribute through their experiences and relationships to the achievement of specific objectives and goals.


The information is an organized set of processed data that constitute a message that changes the state of knowledge of the subject or system that receives said message.

REFERENCES:https://www.ecured.cu/Leyes_de_la_termodin%C3%A1mica https://sites.google.com/site/ingenieriadesistemasegfl/2-propiedades-y-caracteristicas-de-los-sistemas/2-1-propiedades-de-los-sistemas/2-1-5-homeostasis https://definicion.de/equifinalidad/ https://sites.google.com/site/ingenieriadesistemasegfl/1-la-teoria-general-de-sistemas/1-3-conceptualizacion-de-principio/1-3-3-recursividad https://definicion.de/entropia/ https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neguentropía https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informaci%C3%B3n


It refers to the ability of an open system to arrive at the same final state in different ways and starting from different initial conditions. This assumes that the system is in a position to reach a certain goal moving along different paths.


It is understood as the fact that an object, a system is composed of outputs with characteristics that in turn are systems and subsystems. Regardless of its size, it has its properties which change it into a complete one, that is, it is an independent element. This applies to systems within larger systems and certain particular characteristics, rather functions or conductors specific to each system that are similar.


Entropy is also understood to measure the disorder of a system. In this sense, it is associated with a degree of homogeneity. The entropy of formation of a chemical compound is established by measuring the one that conforms to each of its constituent elements. The greater the entropy of formation, the more favorable its formation will be.


it is the entropy that the system exports to keep its entropy low; It is at the intersection of entropy and life. To compensate for the process of systemic degradation over time, some open systems manage to compensate for their natural entropy with contributions from subsystems with which they relate.


Synergy is a principle of the General Systems Theory that describes how the cooperation of two different causes helps to generate the same result. A system is a totality, and its components and attributes can only be understood as functions of the total system. This represents an organization formed by inter-dependent elements, where the behavior and expression of each one of them, influences and is influenced by all the others, generating a reality that surpasses the linear logic cause-effect.