Категории: Все - environment - biodiversity - carbon - erosion

по Chin Yi xuan ethan (Peircess) 3 лет назад


Sustainable Management Of Tropical Rainforests and Mangroves

Tropical rainforests and mangroves play crucial roles in environmental protection and human well-being. They provide significant defense against coastal and soil erosion. Mangrove roots stabilize sediments and reduce the energy of waves, thus protecting coastal areas.

Sustainable Management Of  Tropical Rainforests and Mangroves

Sustainable Management Of Tropical Rainforests and Mangroves

What Relationships Do Tropical Forests Have With The Environment and People

How can Tropical forests be managed sustainably ?
Promoting public education

Important strategy in attempting to reduce deforestation

Rehabillitating disturbed areas


Regulating forestery activities

Companies are allowed only to cut down old trees or a particular species

establishing protected areas

Put laws in place to ensure that people do not damage these protected areas ,such as illegally cutting down trees

How are Tropical forests used by people
source of raw materials

Best known for being valuable sources of wood for buliding and carpentry . Wood from mangrove trees are used to make houses

source of food

Bananas and mangoes, vegetables like cucumbers and egg plants

Place for recreation

Trekking, camping and birdwatching

Place for habitation

Depend on their physical environment to meet their basic needs ,such as food, water , shelter and clothing

What are The consequences of Extracting External resources from Tropical Forests
Enhanced greenhouse effect

Earth´s atmosphere is behaving similar way to a green house .

Green house gases consists of carbon dioxide , nitrous dioxide and methane , these gases are capable of trapping heat

They keep the Earth´s average temperature warm at 15 degrees celscius

Carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases found naturally in the Earth ' s atmosphere

Deforestation is responsible for approximately 20% of the total amount of carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere as a result of human activities


The permanent removal of tropical rainforests is known as deforestation

What are the environmental functions of tropical rainforests ?
Provide protection from coastal erosion

The dense roots of mangroves plants help to trap and stabilise loose sediments on the coast

Sediments are less likely to be washed away by waves , currents and tides

The roots ,trunks and branches of mangrove plants causes friction with waves hitting the coast

The waves loses a significant amount of energy , thus reducing coastal erosion

provide protection from soil erosion

The leaves , branches and stems of rainforest plants slow down falling raindrops before they reach the ground

More water can infiltrate and percolate into the soil , thus reducing surface runoff

Raindrops hit the soil with less force

The roots of rainforest plants also bind the soil together , making its hard to erode .

The soil erosion is minimised

Provide habitats for diverse animal life

Tropical rainforests are rich in biodiversity . Their warm climate and the abundance of water and food sources all around

contribute to carbon storage

They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis.

The absorbed carbon dioxide is been absorbed in solid form in the plants - in their leaves, branches, stems and roots . Dead leaves and branches that fall to the ground add carbon to the soil .

generate oxygen

They generate oxygen through photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process in which they absorb carbon dioxide , water and sunlight to produce food for their own survival and growth . Further more, they are capable of producing oxygen throughout the year as they are evergreen