Категории: Все - adoption - church - faith - family

по Leila Lawrence 5 месяца назад



The journey of a person's life is marked by pivotal experiences, starting from childhood where bullying was a significant challenge. Church provided a sanctuary where connections were easier to form compared to school.


My Life Will Continue With God



TBD/ new chapter

I am now in grade 12. The last year of high school and I have learned many different sides of Christianity. My family and I do not go to Church as often anymore but I make sure to keep my faith and belief strong in God. I have met new friends and kept them close. God has taught me how to manage friendships and relationships. I am now starting a new chapter in my life as I am on my way to College in the fall. As I continue my Journey, God will be with me all the way.

high school

When I entered high school I experienced meeting new people. Other people with different religions that I gained knowledge about. It was nice learning about them but Christianity always stuck with me. High school is when life got really challenging and I had to move from my childhood city to an unfamiliar one. My original high school was not very nice and I connected with God and started reading my bible way more to find a good amount of guidance in God.


Middle and Elementary school was when I first experienced bullying. It is also when I had a chance to meet and lose people in my life. I learned how to connect with other children in Church but school is much different because there might not already be a connection. Whenever I would experience bullying I would try my best to pray and feel like God was by my side but I would start doubting him. I would pray that he would make it go away and when it did not immediately, I would doubt his abilities.


My family introduced me to Church and the celebration of Faith, which has continued to strengthen my bond with Christ throughout my life this far. Learning to pray and meeting people from the community created a bond with like minded individuals gave and me a sense of love and belonging.


At some undisclosed time in the past, I was adopted by my life long family. They have supported me and my journey with God.


I was born June 15th, 2006 and unlike most, I had a very unconventional family. Over time I began to realize that I didn't receive the love and caring nature of a family so i sought that nurturing experience from God.