Категории: Все - friendship - adversity - teamwork - collaboration

по Yousof Al Mghari 6 месяца назад


In "Shrek", friendship emphasizes the importance of collaboration, exemplifying the benefits of facing adversity together.

The narrative underscores the importance of friendship and collaboration through the characters of Shrek and Donkey. Their teamwork is highlighted in various scenes, such as when they fight guards together and when Donkey uses the dragon to help Shrek.


In "Shrek", friendship emphasizes the importance of collaboration, exemplifying the benefits of facing adversity together.


How it Relates to Thematic Statement: - It was Shrek's friendship with Donkey and his loyalty that helped rescue Princess Fiona - Shrek going on his quest with Donkey helped him appreciate others and realize how not everyone judges him at first glance - With the help of Donkey, Shrek challenged his self-image and grew throughout the film
Observations: - Shrek presented himself as a monster at the beginning of the film - He acted scary around everyone considered him a terrifying figure - He felt more peaceful and enjoyed himself when alone - When Shrek met Donkey, he was fed up with him - He eventually warmed up to him throughout the film - Donkey showed that he didn't find Shrek to be a huge, ugly ogre - Shrek feels lonely and sorrowful without Donkey and Fiona - He realized that he loved Fiona and cared for the two


Shrek and donkey staring at each other after saving Fiona
How This Relates to Thematic Statement: - Shrek and Donkey prove the thematic statement with this scene alone - Collaboration = adversities getting easier
Observations: - Lord Farquaad sent Shrek & Donkey to save Princess Fiona In exchange for retrieving possession of Shrek's swamp - Shrek encourages Donkey by teasing him - Donkey & Shrek split up the work in the castle - "I gotta save my steed" - Shrek - "You two. Head for the exit, I'll take on the dragon." - Shrek. - One of the first times we see the other side of Shrek

The Stargazing Scene

How This Relates to Friendship: - We have never seen Shrek be this vulnerable until this point - This ties in with Donkey's loyalty to Shrek, showing how he'll always have his back - This is a stepping stone to Shrek's friendship with Donkey and Fiona
Observation: - Shrek and Donkey stargazing - Shrek telling Donkey stories through the stars - "Sometimes things are more than they appear" - Shrek - Shrek rants about how it's only him and his swamp - He doesn't want to be around anyone when he gets his swamp back - Shrek opens up about how the world always judges him as a scary figure before getting to know him - Fiona eavesdrops on their conversation and feels bad about how people would treat him - Donkey assures Shrek that he never found him scary when they first met - Followed by serene and accepting music - They then look up at the stars again
Shrek and Donkey look up the sky and Shrek talks about the stars.


How This Relates to Thematic Statement: - This scene shows the perfect collaboration between Shrek and Donkey - They fought all the guards and Shrek even saved the donkey from getting hit - Their teamwork helped them fend off the guards and begin their quest to save Fiona
Observation: - Shrek and Donkey fighting guards together - Donkey jumps on a barrel and it starts rolling - "Hey Shrek! Tag me!" - Donkey - Shrek and Donkey defeated everyone - Farquad was impressed with their teamwork but was disappointed with the guards
Lord Farquaad's Tournament to Save Princess Fiona


Observation: - Donkey and the dragon entered Farquaad's castle through a window - The dragon eats Farquaad and burps out his crown - They save Shrek and Fiona from getting seized by guards - The dragon scares away the guards - He uses the dragon to threaten everyone - but they applaud for Farquaad's defeat - He allows Shrek and Fiona to make up - Shrek confesses to Fiona and they share a kiss
How This Relates to Thematic Statement: - Shrek wouldn't have been able to get to the castle without the dragon - Donkey and the dragon help Shrek penetrate through the guards to make up with Fiona - Donkey remained loyal to Shrek and helped him find true love
"I have a dragon and I'm not afraid to use it"-Donkey