Категории: Все - rebellion - government - invasion - reparations

по Juan Cruz Fenandez 4 лет назад


Germany 1918-1923

Between 1918 and 1923, Germany faced a multitude of challenges and significant events. The period began with political turmoil as the Kaiser abdicated and the Treaty of Versailles imposed severe restrictions and reparations on Germany, reducing military capacity and territorial holdings.

Germany 1918-1923



Nothing was paid for reparations
In the summer Walther Rathenau, Ebert´s foreign minister, was murdered


In March of 1920 Wolfgang Kapp led 5000 freikorps to berlin in a rebellion, the army refused to fire at freikorps which looked that the goverment was doomed but the ebert goverment was saved by industrial workers
In 1920 there were more communist agitations in Ruhr industrial area so police, army, and freikorps clashed with communists again


In November Adolf Hitler attempted to a rebellion in Munich
In August a new goverment under Gustav Stresemann took over
In January, because of not paying the reparations, French and Belgian troops entered the Ruhr and took what was owed to them in the form of raw materials and goods.This, wasn´t illegally because they weren´t paying reparations that the Treaty of Versailles said


In April was announced that germany had to pay 6600 millions of pounds of reparations
By the end of the yaer Germany only paid 50 millions


In May, Germany had another problem which was the Treaty of Versailles and Germany lost
Moreover they had less military power, the army was reduced to 100.000 they couldn´t have airforce and their navy was reduced in adittion they had to pay reparations
-10 percent of its land -all overseas colonies -12,5 percent of their population
In May, because of the murder of Eisner, communists seized the opportunity to declare a soviet republic in Barvaria, led by Eisner which now was dead, but Freikorps(anti communist soldiers) moved in to crush revolt
Early 1919 Spartacist (communist party) launched their bid for power and they set up soviets in many town
In February Kurt Eisner, Ebert ally, was murdered by political opponents
By January of 1919 Germany had their first free elections

By November 10 Friedrich Ebert became new leader of Germany

Ebert also announced that german people had freedom of speech, freedom of workship and better working conditions during his goverment
Ebert immediately signed and armistice with the allies so the war was over.

By the 9 of November the kaiser abdicated his throne to the Netherlands

In Autumn the allies had won the WW1 and Germany was in state of chaos

Germany 1918-1923