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Claremont Colleges Library: Keck Science Map

Claremont Colleges Library: Keck Science Map

Claremont Colleges Library: Keck Science Map

Created by Sean Stone, 3.20.2012

For general information contact Velda Ross, Program Administrator (Room 110, Keck Science Center, vross@jsd.claremont.edu)


◦Biology—Professor Emily Wiley (ewiley@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Chemistry—Professor Kathleen Purvis-Roberts (kpurvis@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Physics—Professor Stephen Naftilan (snaftilan@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Biochemistry—Professor Mary Hatcher-Skeers (mhatcher@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Economics & Engineering—Professor James Higdon (jhigdon@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Environmental Analysis—Professor Kathleen Purvis-Roberts (kpurvis@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Environment, Economics, and Politics (EEP)—Professor Emil Morhardt (emorhardt@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Human Biology—Professor Newton Copp (ncopp@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Management-Engineering—Professor James Higdon (jhigdon@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Molecular Biology—Professor Emily Wiley (ewiley@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Neuroscience—Professor Newton Copp (ncopp@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Organismal Biology—Professor Marion Preest (mpreest@jsd.claremont.edu)

◦Science & Management—Professor Andrew Zanella (azanella@jsd.claremont.edu)


Stephen Naftilan
Adam Landsberg
James Higdon
Scot A.C. Gould
Thomas Dershem
Andrew W. Zanella
Scott Williams
Anna G. Wenzel
Babak Sanii
Colin R. Robins
Kathleen Purvis-Roberts
Thomas Poon
Jennifer Luft
Aaron Leconte
Mary Hatcher-Skeers
David E. Hansen [Dean]
Anthony Fucaloro
Thomas Davis
Kersey Black
Branwen Williams
Emily Wiley
Diane Thomson
Bryan Thines
Zhaohua Irene Tang
Lars Schmitz
Susan Schenk
Marion Preest
Emil Morhardt
John Milton
Donald A. McFarlane
Daniel A. Guthrie
Sarah Gilman
Patrick M. Ferree
Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert
Newton Copp
Melissa J Coleman
Cheryl Baduini
Jennifer A Armstrong


PHYS 178 Biophysics


PHYS 114 Quantum Mechanics

PHYS 107 Materials Science

PHYS 079L Intro to Energy & the Environmental Issues

PHYS 077L Great Ideas in Science

PHYS 115 Statistical Mechanics

PHYS 105 Computational Partial Differential Equations

PHYS 102 Intermediate Electricity & Magnetism

PHYS 100 Computational Physics & Engineering

PHYS 034L Principles of Physics

PHYS 031L General Physics

PHYS 108 Programming for Science & Engineering

PHYS 101 Intermediate Mechanics

PHYS 035 Modern Physics

PHYS 033L Principles of Physics

PHYS 030L General Physics


EA 104 KS Oceanography (Williams,B)



CU KS 101

M-W--- 12:00pm 1:10pm

EA 055L Phys Geography & Geomorphology

Robins, C


CM BC 35

M-W-F- 9:00am 9:50am



SC VN 100

M-W-F- 10:00am 10:50am


F- 1:15pm 3:15pm

EA 100L Global Climate Change

EA 030L Science and the Environment

EA 030L KS-01 — Science and the Environment

Robins, Colin R — credit: 1.0

30L. Environmental Analysis. This course is an introduction to the basic principles of environmental science with applications in chemistry, ecology, and geology, and is part of the core course requirements for the Environmental Science major. Topics covered include a discussion of ecosystems, climate change, energy and food production, land resources, pollution, and sustainable development. A full laboratory accompanies the course and will include an emphasis on introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping and analysis. Laboratory fee: $50. K. Purvis-Roberts.

CU — MWF — 10 a.m.–10:50 a.m. — Keck Science Center, Room 125

PZ — T — 12:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. — Broad Hall, Room 213

CORE 002 Chaos and Narrative
CORE 001 Core 1

CHEM 191 Senior Library Thesis

CHEM 190L Senior Experimental Thesis

CHEM 189L Senior Thesis Summer Research Project

CHEM 188L Senior Research

CHEM 175 Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry

CHEM 174L Solution Thermodynamics

CHEM 172 NMR Spectroscopy

CHEM 136 Modern Molecular Photochemistry

CHEM 134 Introduction to Molecular Modeling

CHEM 128 Inorganic Chemistry

CHEM 124 Bioanalytical Chemistry

CHEM 123 Advanced Organic Chemistry

CHEM 119 Natural Products Chemistry

CHEM 052L From Ancient to Modern Science

CHEM 051L Topics in Forensic Science

CHEM 177 Biochemistry

CHEM 139 Environmental Chemistry

Purvis, K


CU KS 125

M-W-F- 9:00am 9:50am

CHEM 130L Inorganic Synthesis

CHEM 127L Advanced Lab in Chemistry

CHEM 121 Physical Chemistry

CHEM 117L Organic Chemistry

CHEM 081L The Science and Business of Medicinal Chemistry

CHEM 070L Land Air & Ocean Science

CHEM 015L Basic Principles of Chemistry

CHEM 177 Biochemistry

CHEM 126L Advanced Lab in Chemistry

CHEM 122 Physical Chemistry

CHEM 116L Organic Chemistry

CHEM 029L Acclerated General Chemistry

CHEM 014L Basic Principles of Chemistry


BIOL 191 One-Semester Senior Thesis

BIOL 190L Senior Thesis Research Project 2nd Semester

BIOL 189L Senior Thesis Summer Research Project

BIOL 188L Senior Thesis Research Project


BIOL 187B Special Topics in Biology: Molecular Ecology

BIOL 187A Special Topics in Biology: Epigenetics

BIOL 187S Special Topics in Biology: Microbial Life

BIOL 180L Neotropical Biology

Pitzer Study Abroad Program in Costa Rica

BIOL 171 Biology of Cancer

BIOL 167 Sensory Evolution

Schmitz, L

BIOL 166 Animal Physiological Ecology

BIOL 163L Plant Physiology & Biotech

BIOL 160 Immunology

BIOL 144 Drugs and Molecular Medicine

BIOL 140 Selected Topics in Neuroscience

BIOL 135L Field Biology

BIOL 084L Genetic Engineering & Biotech

BIOL 083L Science, Management & Technology: Neuropharmacology

BIOL 080L Behavioural Neurobiology

BIOL 071L Biotechnology

BIOL 069L Discovery, Innovation & Risk: Energy

BIOL 064L The Living Sea

BIOL 062L Environmental Science

BIOL 057L Concepts in Biology

BIOL 056L Genetics of Human Disease

BIOL 187P Special Topics in Biology: Herpetology

BIOL 177 Biochemistry

BIOL 176 Tropical Ecology



CU KS 39

T-R-- 9:35am - 10:50am


BIOL 173L Molecular Bio Seminar/Lab

BIOL 170L Molecular Biology

BIOL 169L Marine Ecology

Gilman, S.


PZ FL 106

M-W-F- 11:00am 11:50am

CU KS 39

W--- 1:15pm 5:15pm

BIOL 159 Natural Resource Management



CU KS 101

T-R--12:00pm - 1:10pm

BIOL 158 Cell Cycle, Diseases & Aging

BIOL 156L Genomics and Bioinformatics

BIOL 155L Selected Topics in Computational Neuroscience

BIOL 151L Developmental Biology

BIOL 150L Human Anatomy & Biomechanics

BIOL 149 Neuroscience 2 : Systems

BIOL 143 Genetics

BIOL 131L Vertebrate Physiology

BIOL 095 Foundations of Neuroscience

BIOL 082L Plant Biotechnology in a Greener World

BIOL 044L Introductory Biology

BIOL 199 Senior Thesis

BIOL 187C Special Topics in Biology: Neural Organization of Behavior

BIOL 177 Biochemistry

BIOL 175 Biostatistics

BIOL 170L Molecular Biology

BIOL 165 Advanced Topics in Environmental Biology

BIOL 161L Neuroscience 1: Cell & Molecular

BIOL 157L Cell Biology

BIOL 154 Animal Behavior

BIOL 147 Biogeography

BIOL 146L KS Ecology

Don McFarlane

Ecology is offered in the Fall semester, and provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of ecology with an emphasis on quantitative principles of population and community ecology.


BIOL 145 KS Evolution

Don McFarlane

Evolution is offered in the Fall semester, and provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of evolutionary biology, with an emphasis on the history of life and macroevolutionary theory.


BIOL 143 Genetics

BIOL 141L Vertebrate Anatomy

BIOL 139 Applied Ecology and Conservation

BIOL 138L Applied ecology and conservation

BIOL 137 EEP Clinic

BIOL 133L Dynamical Diseases: Introduction to Mathematical Physiology

BIOL 132L Comparative Physiology

BIOL 120 Research Tools in Organismal Biology

BIOL 062L Environmental Science (Global Ecology and Environmental Issues)

BIOL 043L Introductory Biology

BIOL 039L Analyses of Human Motor Skills


ASTR 066L Elementary Astronomy


AISS 002A/BL Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence


AISS 001A/BL Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence

Common Learning Outcomes

Effectively communicate scientific concepts both verbally and in writing
Articulate applications of science in the modern world
Develop hypotheses and test them using quantitative techniques
Use foundational principles to analyze problems in nature


Science and Managament

Professor David Hansen (dhansen@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Gain experience in the world outside the classroom

Master the fundamental principles of economics and accounting

Master the principles in their specific sequence/track (molecular biology, environmental biology, chemistry, physics, or other fields) and acquire the ability to apply them to solving problems including research questions

Sequences: All majors must complete one of the following four sequences

Environmental Sequence (7 courses)

Conservation Biology course*

* Or substitute, if not offered, in consultation with Science and Management advisor

Economics 120. Statistics

Chemistry 70L. Land, Air, and Ocean Science

Biology 146L. Ecology

Biotechnology Sequence (7 courses)

Biology 177. Biochemistry

Biology 157L. Cell Biology, or Biology 170L. Molecular Biology

Biology 143. Genetics

Biology 43L-44L. Introductory Biology, or both semesters of the AISS course

Physics Sequence (7 courses)

Differential Equations

Mathematics 32. Calculus III

Physics 114-115. Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Methods

Physics 101. Intermediate Mechanics

Physics 35. Modern Physics

Chemistry Sequence (7 courses)

Mathematics 31. Calculus II

Advanced chemistry course

Chemistry 126L. Advanced Laboratory in Chemistry

Chemistry 121-122. Principles of Physical Chemistry

Chemistry 116L-117L. Organic Chemistry

Core Program (minimum of 11 courses)

Senior Thesis in Science: Majors must complete one of the following: One- semester thesis (191), a two-semester thesis (188L-190L) or (189L-190L)

Internship or Practicum

Economics 151. Strategic Cost Management

Economics 102. Intermediate Macroeconomics

Economics 86. Accounting for Decision Making

Computer Science 51. Introduction to Computer Science

Physics 33L-34L. Principles of Physics (for Physics or Chemistry track), or Physics 30L-31L. General Physics (for others), or both semesters of the AISS course

Chemistry 14L-15L. Basic Principles of Chemistry, or Chemistry 29L. Accelerated General Chemistry, or both semesters of the AISS course


Professor Adam Landsberg (alandsberg@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Intelligently analyze, interpret, and assess the reasonableness of their experimental results

Have proficiency with standard methods of data analysis (e.g., graphing, curve-fitting, statistical analysis, fourier analysis, etc.)

Indentify and appropriately address the sources of systematic error and statistical error in their experiment

Demonstrate a working familiarity with standard laboratory equipment (e.g., oscilloscopes, DMMs, signal generators, etc.)

Make basic order-of-magnitude estimates

Design an appropriate experiment to test out a hypothesis of interest

When confronted with an unfamiliar physical or dynamical system or situation, our students should be able to

Intelligently analyze, interpret, and assess the reasonableness of the answers obtained and/or the model's predictions

(a) If the mathematical model/equations are analytically tractable, carry out the analysis of the problem to completion (by demonstrating knowledge of and proficiency with the standard mathematical tools of physics and engineering); (b) If the model/equations are not tractable, develop a computer code and/or use standard software/programming languages (e.g., Matlab, Maple, Python) to numerically simulate the model system

Math 110 Introduction to Engineering Mathematics

Chemistry 14L Basic Principles of Chemistry

Physics 191, or 188L-190L, or 189L-190L Senior Thesis in Physics

Physics 115 Statistical Mechanics

Physics 114 Quantum Mechanics

Physics 108* Fortran for Science and Engineering

* or Computer Science 51, Introduction to Computer Science, or other computer science course chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor.

Physics 102 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism

Physics 101 Intermediate Mechanics

Physics 100 Computational Physics & Engineering

Physics 35 Modern Physics

Physics 33L, 34L, Principles of Physics or both semesters of the AISS course

Differential Equations

Math 30, 31, 32 Calculus I, II, III

Organismal Biology

Professor Marion Preest (mpreest@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Articulate how science relates to current problems in the modern world, especially contemporary concerns such as conservation biology, climate change, and ecosystem degradation

Use appropriate quantitative approaches for data analysis, data presentation, and modeling

Refine critical, analytical, and scientific thinking skills by developing scientific questions and using a variety of research tools and methods towards answering them

Apply foundational principles, especially evolution, in different biological subdisciplines

Articulate the foundational scientific principles and findings in physiology, ecology, and evolutionary biology

Pre-med and pre-Vet students should plan to take two semesters of organic chemistry (Chem 116L and 117L) in their junior or senior year.

Students planning careers in biology should seriously consider taking additional upper division biology courses beyond the minimum required for graduation.

Six upper division biology courses, including 3 with lab, at least one from each group AND at least three from Group 1 or 3. Other courses also may be appropriate to fulfill the group requirements, if approved in advance by the biology faculty.

Group 3

- Biology 135. Field Biology

- Biology 138L. Applied Ecology with Lab

- Biology 139. Applied Ecology without Lab

- Biology 145. Evolution

- Biology 146L. Ecology

- Biology 147. Biogeography

- Biology 154. Animal Behavior

- Biology 169L. Marine Ecology

- Biology 176. Tropical Ecology

- Biology 187. Special Topics in Biology

- Off-Campus Study at an advanced level (OCS courses may substitute for courses in Groups 1, 2, and 3; approved summer research experience may substitute for OCS by prior arrangement.)

- A one- or two-semester thesis (Biology 191; or Biology 188L and 190L; or 189L and 190L).

Group 2

- Biology 143. Genetics

- Biology 144. Drugs and Molecular Medicine

- Biology 151L. Developmental Biology

- Biology 156L. Genomics and Bioinformatics

- Biology 157L. Cell Biology

- Biology 158. Cell Cycle, Diseases, and Aging

- Biology 161L. Neuroscience I. Cell, Molecular

- Biology 170L. Molecular Biology

- Biology 177. Biochemistry

- Biology 187a. Topics in Biology: Epigenetics

- Biology 187b. Topics in Biology: Molecular Ecology

Group 1

- Biology 131L. Vertebrate Physiology

- Biology 132L. Comparative Physiology

- Biology 133L. Mathematical Physiology

- Biology 140. Topics in Neuroscience

- Biology 141L. Vertebrate Anatomy

- Biology 149. Neurobiology

- Biology 150La. Human Anatomy: Limbs and Movement

- Biology 150Lb. Human Anatomy: Back and Core

- Biology 163L. Plant Physiology and Biotechnology

- Biology 166. Animal Physiological Ecology

- Biology 187c. Topics in Biology: Neural Organization of Behavior

Biology 120 Research Tools for Organismal Bio

Physics 30L, 31L, General Physics or both semesters of the AISS course

Biology 175 Biostatistics, or equivalent

Mathematics 30, Calculus I or a new Biomath course

Chemistry 14L, 15L Basic Principles of Chemistry (or 29L Advanced General Chem.) or both semesters of the AISS course

Students with a strong background in Chemistry (AP 4 or 5) should take the placement exam for the one-semester accelerated introductory chemistry course (Chem 29L) in place of the two-semester Chem 14L and Chem 15L sequence.


Critically evaluate published scientific literature

Design experiments, analyze data and think critically

Understand a number of research techniques in neuroscience and gain training in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of various methods

Understand the structure and function of the nervous system at various levels of organization

A one- or two-semester Senior Thesis (Bio 191 or Bio 188L and 190L or Bio 189L and 190L) on a topic related to the student’s selected Neuroscience Sequence

Neuroscience Sequence (4 courses)

A coherent grouping of four elective courses to be determined in consultation with an adviser in Neuroscience and approved by the Coordinator of the Intercollegiate Neuroscience Program. Areas in which a student may elect to specialize include, but are not limited to,

Behavioral Neuroscience,

Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,

Cognitive Neuroscience,

Computational Neuroscience,

Motor Control, or

Philosophy of Neuroscience.

Developmental Neuroscience

Common Neuroscience Core (10 courses)

Second Tier—Choose 3 courses from the following

Research Methods: Psychology 92 PZ, 104/104L SC, 110 CM, 111L CM or approved equivalent course.

Computer science: Biology 133L, Physics 100, or approved equivalent course.

Mathematics: Math 31 (Calculus II), statistics (Biology 175 KS or Psychology 91 PZ, 103 SC or 109 CM), or approved equivalent course.

General Physics: two semesters of Physics 30L-31L KS or 33L-34L KS or equivalent or AISS 1a,b and 2a,b).

First Tier

Neuroscience 1: Cell, Molecular: Biology 161L KS.

Neuroscience 2: Systems: Biology 149 KS.

Foundations of Neuroscience (Neuro 95 JT or approved substitute).

Basic Principles of Chemistry (two semesters: Chemistry 14L-15L KS or equivalent or AISS 1a,b and 2a,b).

Introductory Biology (two semesters: Biology 43L-44L KS or equivalent or AISS 1a,b and 2a,b).

Molecular Biology

Professor Emily Wiley (ewiley@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Design controlled experiments to test specific hypotheses

Interpret data, including identification of control versus experimental samples

Discuss and analyze original scientific research articles in molecular biology

Understand foundational scientific principles and findings in current molecular biology

One additional lab course from a defined set of electives or other approved electives: Developmental biology (Bio 151L), Comparative Physiology (Bio 132L), Vertebrate Physiology (Bio 131L), Ecology (Bio 146L), Marine Ecology, or approved selection from Pomona or Harvey Mudd.

One- or two-semester Thesis in Biology - Two-semester thesis is preferred

Chemistry 121 Physical Chemistry I

Biology 170L Molecular Biology

Biology 157L Cell Biology

Physics 33L,34L Principles of Physics

Physics 33L, 34L are recommended, but Physics 30L, 31L may substitute

Biology 173L Mol. Biol. Seminar/Lab

Chemistry 116L,117L Organic Chemistry

Biology 143 Genetics

It is recommended that students take Genetics before Cell Biology and Molecular Biology

Mathematics 30,31 Calculus I, II

Chemistry 14L,15L or 29L Introductory Chemistry or both semesters of the AISS course

Biology 43L Introductory Biology

3-2 Engineering (Scripps)

Computer Science 51 or Physics 108

Two advanced physics course (normally 101, 106 or 107)

Physics 33L, 34L, and 35

Mathematics 30, 31, 32 and Differential Equations (SC Math 102, CMC Math 111, HMC Math 82, or PO Math 102)

Managment Engineering (CMC, Pitzer)

In a laboratory setting, students should be able to

Have proficiency with standard methods of data analysis

Identify and appropriately address the sources of error in their experiment

Demonstrate a working familiarity with standard laboratory equipment

Communicate their findings either verbally and/or via written expression

Analyze and assess the reasonableness of the answers obtained

(a) If the equations are analytically tractable, carry out the analysis of the problem to completion; (b) If equations are not tractable, develop a computer code and/or use standard software to numerically simulate the model system

Translate the conceptual framework into an appropriate mathematical format

Develop a framework for understanding the system by identifying the key physical principles underlying the system


Biomedical engineers should take Biology 43L-44L

Chemical engineers should also take Chemistry 15L, Principles of Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry 116L-117L or Physical Chemistry 121-122

Course in computing (CS 51, 62 or Physics 108)

2 Level TWO Economic courses

Economics 86, 101, 102

Physics 33L, 34L, 35, 101 or 106 or 107

Chemistry 14L

Mathematics 30, 31, 32, 110 (preferred) or Differential Equations

General Education Requirements in Social Sciences

1 course in Psychology

Gov 20 or Hist 80

Econ 50

Human Biology (Pitzer)

Professor John Milton (jmilton@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Cross-Cultural Health and Healing Option

Create and develop a comprehensive senior thesis research project that integrates their study and experience

Demonstrate their understanding of course material and its linkages to their participation in an internship or practicum experience

Critically identify, discuss, and evaluate micro- and macro-level issues affecting medical practice in local, global, and community health settings

Identify, describe, understand and evaluate traditional, cultural, and/or indigenous (non-allopathic) healing modalities

Have some understanding of human interactions with each other and with their environment

Have some understanding of the origins of human structure, physiology and behavior

Option 2: 7 courses from at least 3 of the following fields




Political Studies

International and Intercultural Studies

One appropriate practicum or internship course must be included

Option 1: 7 courses from at least 2 of the following 3 fields

Anthropology (1 must be in biological anthropology)

relationship of culture to environment

human evolution


physiological psychology

abnormal psychology

perception psychology

developmental psychology


population and demography


health and medicine


RECOMMENDED: A course in statistics is strongly recommended

Human Biology Thesis - Topic selected in consultation with Faculty: Copp, Snowiss, Martins, Bonaparte, Thomas, Milton

4 additional courses in Biology; at least 2 with lab; at least 3 from among courses of the types listed






Comparative Anatomy


Chemistry 14L, 15L (or 29L Advanced General Chem.) Basic Principles of Chemistry or both semesters of the AISS course

Biology 43L, 44L, Introductory Biology or both semesters of the AISS course

Environmental Analysis

Professor Donald McFarlane (dmcfarlane@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Contribute knowledge and action regarding environmental issues to the public through service learning, internships, community-based-research, and other activities

Be able to craft well-researched, informative and effective scholarly presentations

Develop well-reasoned solutions to environmental predicaments, testing them against relevant criteria and standards

Critically analyze, evaluate, and interpret scholarly arguments and popular discourse and be able to communicate this analysis to a variety of communities

Understand and apply both disciplinary and interdisciplinary analysis to environmental issues

Understand and describe the complex social, scientific and humanistic aspects of environmental issues

Pitzer Requirements

Environmental Science Track

Senior Thesis/Capstone (2 courses) - A one-semester thesis (Bio/Chem/Phys 191 plus EA 190PO) or a two-semester thesis (Bio/Chem/Phys 188l and 190L)

Environmentally focused study abroad semester strongly recommended

1 environmental policy course – e.g., EA 95; EA 120; HM POST 114

At least one earth sciences course – e.g., PO GEOL 20x

2 Introductory Core courses

EA 20 Environmental Values, Literature, and Current Affairs

EA 10 Introduction to Environmental Studies

Environmental Policy Track

6 Track-related Courses (including 1 additional natural science course and 1 course outside of the policy sciences)

EA 86 Introduction to Environmental Justice or POLI 136PO Politics of Environmental Justice

Environment & Society Track

Capstone Seminar: Critical Environmental News

Environmental Internship

6 Track-related Courses (including 1 additional natural science course and 1 environmental policy course)

4 Core courses

An Ecology course for those in the Environmental Policy and the Environment and Society Tracks

EA 30L Science and the Environment

EA 86 Introduction to Environmental Justice

EA 10 Introduction to Environmental Studies

Scripps Requirements

Recommended Off-Campus Study Programs

Scripps students must petition to the Committee on Study Abroad to participate in either of the following two programs

New Zealand – Earth Sciences (University of Auckland)

Earth systems field module semester

3 courses in Dept of Geography, geology and Environmental Sciences.

Costa Rica – Restoration Ecology (via Pitzer)

Fundamentals of tropical ecology

Independent Study in restoration ecology

Kenya – Wildlife Ecology (SFS)

Techniques of Wildlife management

Wildlife ecology

Directed research in wildlife ecology

Costa Rica – Tropical Ecology (CIEE)

Tropical diversity

Tropical community ecology

Independent Study in tropical biology

Environmental and Society Specialized Field

Senior Thesis/Capstone

Five EA-society courses

At least one EA-policy course

An internship (summer internship, approved independent study, etc.)

An upper division ecology course (eg. Biol 146L, Biol 169L or equivalent)

Environmental Policy Specialized Field

Senior Capstone (2 courses)

Five EA-Policy courses from the approved list

POST 114 HM, Comparative Environmental Politics

EA 90 PZ, Economic Change and the Environment in Asia

EA 86 PZ, Environmental Justice

GOVT 120 CM, Environmental Law

POST 140 HM, Global Environmental Politics

EA 120 PZ, Global Environmental Politics and Policy

POLI 60 PO, Global Politics of Food and Agriculture

GOVT 144 CM, Political and Social Movements

GOVT 111 CM, Politics and Population

EA 72 PZ, Protecting Nature: Parks, Conservation Areas & People

GOVT 112 CM, Public Policy Process

EA 154 PZ, The Political Economy of Global Production and Natural Resources

POLI 136 PO, The Politics of Environmental Action

GOVT 118 CM, The Processes of Environmental Policymaking

SOC 180 HM, Tropical Forests: Policy and Practice

EA 95 PZ, U.S. Environmental Policy

One upper division ecology course (i.e., Biology 146L, Biology 169L, or an equivalent course)

At least 1 EA-Economics course

Introductory Core: EA10, EA20, and EA30

Environmental Science Specialized Field

An environmentally-focused Off-Campus Study program is strongly recommended

Senior Capstone (2 courses) - One-semester thesis (Bio/Chem/Phys 191) plus EA 190PO or a two-semester thesis (Bio/Chem/Phys 188L and 190L)

6 upper division courses, including:

Biology 146L, Biology 169L, or equivalent ecology course

At least one Earth Sciences course, e.g., GEOL 20 PO

At least 1 policy course from the approved list

EA 100L KS, Global Climate Change

BIOL 135L KS, Field Biology

BIOL 146L KS, Ecology

BIOL 147 KS, Biogeography

BIOL 169L KS, Marine Ecology

BIOL 176 KS, Tropical Ecology

BIOL 138L KS, Applied Ecology and Conservation with Lab

BIOL 159 KS, Natural Resource Management

BIOL 165 KS, Advanced Topics in Environmental Biology

BIOL 166 KS, Animal Physiological Ecology

BIOL 187P KS, Special Topics in Biology: Herpetology

BIOL 175 KS, Applied Biostatistics

GEOL 110 PO, Looking at the Earth: Using GIS and Images from Space to Explore our Environment

Chemistry 14L and 15L, Basic Principles of Chemistry

Biology 43L and 44L, Introductory Biology or Chemistry 29L, Accelerated General Chemistry

Introductory Core: EA 10, EA 20

CMC Requirements

Environmental Analysis: Environment and Society Track

Students who are particularly interested in human ecology, indigenous studies, or art and the environment may pursue this version of the major through Pitzer College.

Environmental Analysis: Policy

The requirements for this major are the same as those for the Environment, Economics, and Politics (EEP) major with the following substitutions:

Students must complete a Senior Thesis/Capstone of either a one-semester thesis and Environmental Analysis Senior Seminar, PO EA 190 (Spring), OR a two-semester thesis; the one- or two-semester thesis must be in a department approved by the EA Steering Committee

Students may petition to substitute an upper-division elective approved by the EA Steering Committee for Bio 137 (EEP Clinic)

For students not planning advanced work in science, EA 10, EA 20, and EA 30L are also included among the courses that may be substituted for Chem 14L and 15L

Environmental Analysis: Science

Senior Thesis/Capstone [either a one-semester thesis, Bio/Chem/Phys 191 (Fall) and Environmental Analysis Senior Seminar, PO EA 190 (Spring), OR a two-semester thesis, Bio/Chem/Phys 188L–190L or 189L–190L]

1 upper-division policy course – e.g., Econ 171; Gov 118

6 upper-division EA science courses, including one in ecology (Bio146L, Bio169L, or equivalent)

At least one earth sciences course – e.g., PO Geol 20x

[The requirement for Introductory Biology and Introductory Chemistry may be met by completion of both semesters of the Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence (AISS)]

Introductory Chemistry: Chem 14L, Chem 15L or Chem 29L

Introductory Biology: Bio 43L, Bio 44L

Introductory Core: EA 10, EA 20

Environment, Economics, and Politics (CMC, Scripps)

Professor Emil Morhardt (emorhardt@kecksci.claremont.edu)

In addition to the Keck Science overall learning outcomes, EEP students should achieve an understanding of biology, economics, and government policy similar to, if not quite as extensive as, majors in these disciplines.


Honors Program in Environment, Economics and Politics

A student who is majoring in Environment, Economics and Politics may apply for honors if she has a minimum grade point average in the major of 10.5. This includes all the courses counted toward the major. She must also earn an A or A- on the Senior Thesis. She should inform her Scripps EEP advisor or Professor Morhardt in Keck Science of her intention, preferably by the latter part of her junior year.

The honors candidate who fulfills these criteria is required further to defend the senior thesis before her thesis readers, plus two additional faculty representatives – one from the Keck Science Department, and another from either the Politics or Economics Department at Scripps. It will be the responsibility of the student, once she is accepted for honors candidacy, to make all arrangements for the defense.

Major Requirements

EEP 191. Senior Thesis

Electives (8 courses chosen in consultation with major adviser)

One course from the list of mathematics/statistics courses

One course from the list of economics courses

One course from the list of biology courses

Economics 86. Introductory Accounting (or one course from the list of biology courses).

Chemistry 15L. Basic Principles of Chemistry (or one course from the list of biology or policy courses).

Chemistry 14L. Basic Principles of Chemistry (or one course from the list of biology or policy courses).

Politics 113. Social Change in Third World Societies (or Economics 144, Economic Development).

Politics 103. Natural Resources in World Politics

Core Requirements (4 courses)

Economics 170, Environmental Economics (PZ) (or Economics 118, Processes of Environmental Policymaking or Economics 172, Politics and Economics of Natural Resource Policy in Developing Countries, both CMC)

Prerequisites (4 courses)

Politics 120. Introduction to American Politics

Economics 52. Principles of Microeconomics

Economics 51. Principles of Macroeconomics


Prerequisites for EEP Majors

Government 20. Introduction to American Politics

Economics 50. Principles of Economic Analysis

Mathematics 30. Calculus I

Substitutions for EEP Major Requirements

Students interested in additional work in ecology may substitute appropriate advanced biology courses for Economics 86, Government 50, or Government 121.

Students not planning advanced work in science may substitute environmental science and/or policy courses for Chemistry 14L-15L. Students must consult with the program advisor as to the appropriateness of substituted courses.

Senior Thesis

EEP majors must complete either a one- or two-semester thesis in Biology (Biology 191, or Biology 188L-190L or Biology 189L-190L) or X 190. Senior Thesis. For further information, see “General Education Requirements” and “Senior Thesis in Science.”

Topic Courses (6 courses): one from each of the following 6 groups

Government 119. Introduction to Environmental Law and Regulation, or Government 120. Environmental Law

Government 111. Politics and Population, or Government 118. The Processes of Environmental Policymaking, or Government 144. Political and Social Movements

Government 50. Introduction to Public Administration, or Government 121. Organization and Management

Biology 146L. Ecology, or Biology 159. Natural Resource Management, or Biology 169L. Marine Ecology

Economics 102. Intermediate Macroeconomics, or Economics 104. Foundations of Political Economy, or Economics 167. Law and Economics

Economics 120. Statistics, or Mathematics 31. Calculus II, or Biology 175. Biostatistics

Core Requirement (7-8 courses)

Note: - The introductory courses in biology and chemistry may also be completed by both semesters of the Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence.

Economics 171. Environmental and Resource Economics

Economics 101. Intermediate Microeconomics

Economics 86. Accounting for Decision Making

Biology 137. EEP Clinic

Chemistry 14L-15L. Basic Principles of Chemistry, or Chemistry 29L. Accelerated General Chemistry

Biology 43L-44L. Introductory Biology

Economics-Engineering (CMC)

Professor James Higdon (jhigdon@kecksci.claremont.edu)

In a laboratory setting, students should be able to:

Have proficiency with standard methods of data analysis.

Indentify and appropriately address the sources of error in their experiment.

Demonstrate a working familiarity with standard laboratory equipment.

When confronted with an unfamiliar physical system, our students should be able to:

Communicate their findings either verbally and/or via written expression.

Analyze and assess the reasonableness of the answers obtained.

(b) If equations are not tractable, develop a computer code and/or use standard software to numerically simulate the model system.

(a) If the equations are analytically tractable, carry out the analysis of the problem to completion.

Translate the conceptual framework into an appropriate mathematical format.

Develop a framework for understanding the system by identifying the key physical principles underlying the system.

Engineering Elective (for example: 82hm. Chemical and Thermal Processes, 83hm. Continuum Mechanics, 84hm. Electronic and Magnetic Circuits and Devices, or 85hm. Digital Electronics and Computer Engineering)

Engineering 80hm. Experimental Engineering

Engineering 59hm. Introduction to Engineering Systems

Engineering 8hm. Design Representation and Realization

Engineering 4hm. Introduction to Engineering Design

Computer Science 51. Introduction to Computer Science, or Computer Science 5hm. Structured Programming and Problem Solving, or Physics 108. Programming for Science and Engineering

A level two course in economics (see “Economics.”)

Economics 125. Econometrics I (level II economics course)

Economics 102. Intermediate Macroeconomics

Economics 101. Intermediate Microeconomics

Economics 86. Accounting for Decision Making (level I economics course)

Mathematics 62hm. Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Mathematics 111. Differential Equations

Mathematics 90. Linear Algebra

Mathematics 32. Calculus III

Mathematics 31. Calculus II

Physics 100. Computational Physics and Engineering, or Physics 101. Intermediate Mechanics, or Physics 102. Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism

Physics 33-34. General Physics, or both semesters of the AISS course

Chemistry 29. Accelerated General Chemistry

Biology 43. Introductory Biology


Professor Katie Purvis-Roberts (kpurvis@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Have a mastery of techniques and skills, used by chemists

Be able to identify, formulate and solve complex problems

Possess a breadth of knowledge in analytical, physical, organic, analytical, inorganic and bio-chemistry

Be able to apply knowledge of chemistry, physics and math to solve chemical problems

Dual Major

A dual major in chemistry requires seven upper-division chemistry courses, in addition to senior thesis. This reduces the load of a regular chemistry major by two courses. The seven courses must include: Organic Chemistry 116L and 117L, Physical Chemistry 121 and 122, at least one semester of Advanced Laboratory (either 126L or 127L), and either Inorganic Chemistry 128 or Biochemistry 177. The remaining elective can consist of either a single upper-division course or two halves. All lower-division courses and prerequisites in other disciplines (math, physics) must still be met. Students doing a dual major in chemistry are not eligible for the ACS accredited major.

NOTES: Mathematics 31, Calculus II is co-required of Chemistry 121, and Mathematics 32, Calculus III is co-required for Chemistry 122 and Biology 43L, Introductory Biology is co-required for Chemistry 177. Additional electives in chemistry, mathematics, physics and computer science are strongly recommended for all chemistry majors.

Senior Thesis in Chemistry: chemistry majors must complete a one- or two-semester thesis in Chemistry - students must do a two-semester thesis (Chem 188L-Chem 190L or Chem 189L-Chem 190L) to complete the ACS accredited major in Chemistry.

Electives: one advanced elective (or two halves) in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, or interdisciplinary electives involving chemical concepts of techniques, chosen in consultation with the chemistry faculty

Chemistry 177. Biochemistry

Chemistry 128. Inorganic Chemistry

Chemistry 126L-127L. Advanced Laboratory in Chemistry

Physics 33L-34L. Principles of Physics, or Physics 30L-31L. General Physics, with permission of adviser, or both semesters of the AISS course

Chemistry 121-122. Principles of Physical Chemistry

Chemistry 116L-117L. Organic Chemistry

Chemistry 14L-15L. Basic Principles of Chemistry, or Chemistry 29L. Accelerated General Chemistry, or both semesters of the AISS course


Professor Scot Gould (sgould@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Students who have completed a major in Biophysics, when confronted with a natural phenomenon, should be able to examine, model and analyze the system and effectively communicate the findings.

Effectively communicate their findings (either verbally and/or via written expression) to diverse audiences

Intelligently analyze, interpret, and assess the reasonableness of the answers obtained and/or the model’s predictions

Use with proficiency standard methods of data analysis (e.g., graphing, curve-fitting, statistical analysis, Fourier analysis, etc.)

(a) If the mathematical model/equations are analytically tractable, carry out the analysis of the problem to completion (by demonstrating knowledge of and proficiency with the standard mathematical tools of physics and engineering). (b) If the model/equations are not tractable, develop a computer code and/or use standard software/programming languages (e.g., MATLAB, Maple, Python) to numerically simulate the model system.

Translate that conceptual framework into an appropriate mathematical format/model

If required, develop a physical experiment to analyze the system within the framework. This includes: Designing the experiment; Making basic order-of-magnitude estimates; Working with standard data-measuring devices such as oscilloscopes, digital multi-meters, signal generators, etc.; Identifying and appropriately addressing the sources of systematic error and statistical error in their experiment;

Develop a conceptual framework for understanding the system by identifying the key physical principles, relationships, and constraints underlying the system

Requirement 4 – For Biophysics majors, PHYS 030LKS-PHYS 031LKS may substitute as a prerequisite for PHYS 033LKS-PHYS 034LKS.

Requirements 1, 2, and 3 will also be completed by both semesters of the Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence

8. One computer programming course (CS 05HM – Computer Programming and Problem Solving; CSCI 051CM – Introduction to Computer Science, or PHYS 108KS-Programming for Science and Engineering)

7. Differential Equations

6. MATH 032CM – Calculus III

5. PHYS 178KS – Biophysics

4. PHYS 035KS – Modern Physics

3. PHYS 030LKS – General Physics-PHYS 031LKS – General Physics, or PHYS 033LKS – Principles of Physics-PHYS 034LKS – Principles of Physics

2. CHEM 014LKS – Basic Principles of Chemistry-ChEM 015LKS – Basic Principles of Chemistry, or CHEM 029LKS – Accelerated General Chemistry

1. BIOL 043LKS – Introductory Biology-BIOL 044LKS – Introductory Biology


A study abroad experience is strongly encouraged but not required.

3. A one- or two-semester thesis.

2. Two (2) upper-division physics courses.

1. Three (3) upper-division courses from Biology, at least one of which must include a laboratory component. Organic Chemistry, CHEM 116LKS, may be substituted for one of the three upper-division Biology courses, but one of the remaining two (2) upper-division Biology courses must still include a laboratory component.


Professor Mary Hatcher-Skeers (mhatcher@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Be able to communicate results and findings

Have a mastery of techniques and skills

Be able to design and conduct experiments

Read and understand original research

Be able to identify, formulate and solve complex biochemical problems

Possess a breadth of knowledge in organic, physical, and bio-chemistry, as well as genetics, molecular biology and cellular biology, 3) be able to identify, formulate and solve complex biochemical problems

Be able to apply knowledge of chemistry and biology to solve biochemical problems

Bio/Phys/Chem 191 or 188L/190L or 189L/190L* One or two-semester Thesis in Science (* Biochemistry majors are encouraged to do a two-semester thesis)

Mathematics 30, 31 Calculus I, II

Physics 30L ,31L, General Physics (or 33L, 34L, Principles of Physics)

Chemistry 126L, 127L, Advanced Laboratory in Chemistry

Chemistry 121,122, Principles of Physical Chemistry

Chemistry 116L, 117L, Organic Chemistry

Chemistry 14L, 15L, Basic Principles of Chemistry (or 29L Advanced General Chem.) or both semesters of the AISS course

Biology 177 Biochemistry

Biology 170L, Molecular Biology

Biology 157L, Cell Biology

Biology 43L, and either Biology 44L, Introductory Biology or Biology 143, Genetics


Professor Jennifer Armstrong (jarmstrong@kecksci.claremont.edu)

Learning Outcomes

Read, understand and critique original research articles

Develop critical thinking and analytical skills by developing specific hypotheses and designing controlled experiments to test those hypotheses

Understand foundational scientific principles and findings in the student's major field of biology


Biology 191 or 188L/190L or 189L/190L, One or two-semester Thesis in Biology

6 Advanced courses in Biology (at least 3 with lab)

Physics 30L, 31L, General Physics (or 33L, 34L, Principles of Physics) (or both semesters of the AISS course)

Mathematics 30 Calculus I (should be taken before Physics)

Chemistry 116L, 117L, Organic Chemistry

Chemistry 14L, 15L, Basic Principles of Chemistry (or 29L Advanced General Chem, or both semesters of the AISS course)

Biology 43L, 44L, Introductory Biology (or both semesters of the AISS course)