Категории: Все - career - education - activities - interests

по Alanna Raynak 6 лет назад


career wheel

The individual has a diverse set of experiences and aspirations, with a clear career goal of becoming a criminal lawyer. While they have not yet embarked on their professional career, they are committed to the effort required to achieve this ambition.

career wheel


Definition- preforms a task and gets paid

I have had one job when i was 14 years old coaching gymnastics to younger children and as of right now I am working at Tim Hortons serving coffee to costumers.


Definition- A profession

I have not yet had an occupation, but when I do get one i would like this to relate to my career path of being a criminal lawyer.


Definition-A profession when some one does this for most of their life.

I have not yet had a profession in my personal experience. I do want to become a criminal lawyer and am willing to put in the effort to making this true. I feel like I would really enjoy this career and hope I am able make this commitment

career wheel

Special Interests


Teams & Clubs

Spring League Basketball
Wolves Basketball

Community Involvement

Basket Ball Reffing
Basket Ball Score Keeping
Essay Forms

Family & Home Activities

Walking Our Dogs
Go For Long Drives
Watch Movies

Education & Training

Young Drivers Of Canada
Baby Sitting Course Ontario
First Aid
Superior SCVI

Friends & Social Activities

Studying At Starbucks
Watching Movies

work For Wages

Gymnastics Coach
Tim Horton's Employee

Teams,Groups & Clubs

Tim Horton's
Spring League