Categorii: Tot - opposition - occupation - strikes - weaknesses

realizată de Kate Kim 1 an în urmă


Weimar Germany 1918 - 24

In the early years of Weimar Germany, from 1918 to 1924, the fledgling democratic government faced severe challenges from both internal and external forces. Right-wing opposition, epitomized by the Kapp Putsch led by Wolfgang Kapp, sought to overthrow the government and restore autocratic rule.

Weimar Germany 1918 - 24

Weimar Germany 1918 - 24

Sparticists Uprising

Communist uprising (left wing) - Rosa Luxemberg, Karl Liebknecht - remove, overthrow Weimar + establish communism - Ebert used Freikorps to deal with uprising - 50K workers went on strike - attempt to seize Berlin - take over newspaper/communicaations - Weimar fled Berlin to avoid violence - 100 communists killed by Freikorps - governments lack of professionalism + power, needing to use Freikorps

French Occupation of Ruhr

Germany couldn't pay back reparations in time for ToV - French + Belgians need to pay own war debts French occupied a heavily industrialised (coal) area of Germany instead of cash payments - Ruhr took all profits of Ruhr Germany could not take military action passive resistance - strikes from German workers, no produce, French cannot take French put their own men into Ruhr + gained profit - 100 French civilians killed - hyperinflation as government couldn't pay their workers wages + printed more money - temporary support to govt. - resisted France + provided strike pay


more money in circulation, less value Causes: - Impact of WW1 - wrecked economy, wartime loans - ToV - reparations (paid in gold currency + material goods - Ruhr - policy of passive resistance 1923 - 300 paper mills 2000 printing shops Wealthy - assets, land property value increase with inflation Workers: - loans paid off easily - shortages, starvation - savings become worthless - fixed salaries becomes worthless, but could negotiate daily wage rises Farmers: - cost of produce increased

Kapp Putsch

opposition to Weimar from right wing (nationalist) - make Germany great again + autocratic - ex-army - Wolfgang Kapp - Ebert tried to use Freikorps, but Freikorps felt sympathy for protesters (troops do not fire on troops) - Ebert flees Berlin - strikes - cut gas, electricity, food, coal - in Berlin - could not function/paralysed by strike - uprising stopped as it was not working + strikes - support from working class by obeying government with strikes - govt. lacked military support

Reaction to Treaty of Versailles

Reparations of £6B - Saar coalfields given to France for 15 years - raised tax
no say in terms of treaty - diktat
took all war blame/guilt - total responsibility for causing WW1 - didn't believe that Germany was in blame for war
Army reduced to 100K no air force Rhineland demilitarised - angered nationalists
Land: - colonies given to victorious countries

strengths and weaknesses of Republic

Strength - fresh start for Germany - democracy established - PR - parties given fair share of seats - Bill of Rights - personal liberty + expression of opinion - states have power + could oppose national govt.
Weakness: - coalitions + PR = no agreement in Reichstag - small extremist parties won seats - Article 48 - could be abused + used against power

Abdication of Kaiser + German Revolution

abdicated after losing war 1918
Weimar Constitution created day after abdication - Social Democratic Party Ebert signs armistice - stab in the back myth - SDP won 40% of seats in Reichstag
food shortages + poverty + rationing + grieve + loss of 2million soldiers 750 Germans died