Categorii: Tot - multimedia - e-learning - assignments - social

realizată de anna uttaro 8 ani în urmă


UoL and digital tools

Adult education is increasingly leveraging digital tools to enhance learning experiences. Platforms like Edmodo facilitate multidisciplinary group interactions and foster relational and communicative skills among students and teachers.

UoL and digital tools

Adult education: UoL and digital tools

Production: from knowledge to competence

Digital story telling: to rework learned contents and communicate them by a personal narration. Ability of synthesizing, thinking critically and problem solving by realizing short animations using coding (and computational thinking). Classroom and online activity assignments with e-tutoring.
Scratch to realise animations by writing some simple code lines
Interactive images: using multiple communication channels with students with most lingual difficulties: images, videos, web pages to put together contents and express their own story about a topic. Classroom and online activity assignments with e-tutoring.
Thinglink to realize interactve images with tags to link hypertexts

CO-building knowledge

Audio-visual work: learning and focus on concepts by videos with short questions about shown contents. Classroom and online activity assignments with e-tutoring.
Edpuzzle using videos from youtube, ted, rai, khan academy, etc. or realised by the teacher
working on texts: reading, summarizing, recording, testing. Working on texts puts together competence about both specific topics and literacy on comprehension and production of texts. Classroom and online activity assignments with e-tutoring.
Evernote to realize, share and record texts


Social learning: e-learning enhancing with social features to study online and stay in touch with collegues and teachers, developing also relational and communicative skills
multidisciplinary level groups (classes) with Edmodo
Beyond books: a tool to collect and organise sources, from texts to video, slides and outcomes realised by students and/or teachers inside or outside the classroom
Organising and using different sources in a blended way with Blendspace (tes)

CO-definition: field of study

mind map: organising brainstorming's results to build together a mind map of topics to develop and study
collaborative multimedia mind mapping with Mindomo
brainstorming: what is the knowledge of the group about this topic? Bringing together everyone's knowledge
digital wall with padlet
positioning: what do I know about this topic?
let's quiz with kahoot
