Categorii: Tot - cultural - flexibility - education - perspectives

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Promotion of L1 in the Classroom

Developing skills in multiple languages during primary education has several advantages. It enhances problem-solving abilities, fosters mental flexibility, and promotes cultural awareness and stability.

Promotion of L1 in the Classroom

Promotion of L1 in the Classroom

Multilingual Approach

Example multilingual strategies:
Providing bilingual support like "room partners" or "cross grade tutors" who can help the student with key learning concepts (14)
Writing first drafts of projects in their L1; IE, outlines, notes, etc. (14)
Creation of multilingual signs and displays (14)
Allowing same language partners to discuss a topic and brainstorm in their L1 before switching to English. (14)
Dual language assignments like a bilingual advertisement brochure (14)
Allows a holistic approach to language acquisition; reinforcement of the L1 at home is the foundation of their learning. (20)
Facilitates a synthesis of the knowledge gained in both languages.

Continued use of L1 builds from prior language knowledge, instead of rejecting it.

Reduces the loss of language, which can be anxiety inducing for students.
Teachers should continuously reaffirm the advantages to knowing multiple languages to their ELL students (19)
Emphasizes interdependent transfer of concepts and thinking skills between languages. (14)
Students would not necessarily need to relearn concepts, but just structures and labels associated with those concepts (18)

Dual Language texts

Examples of dual language strategies: (15)
Creating Dual-language assignments, like the creation of books in both languages. (15)
Designing activities that take advantage of then presence of multiple languages in the class. (IE, making comparisons between the different languages in relations to different things, like numbers) (15)
Giving ELL students chances too work with other students who speak the same first language. (IE, think, pair share) (15)
Allowing ELL students to develop ideas in their own language. (IE, mind maps) (15)
Encouraging students to write in their first language when they're new to English. Initial journals are an example. (15)
Why use Dual Language texts?
Dual language texts can support parents with a better understanding of classroom activities and tasks. Facilitates improved communication between teacher and parents of the student. (14)

Documents, assignment sheets and important info should be provided in dual language forms so that parents are closely involved with their children's learning.

Teachers should maintain communication with parents to remind them of the ELL services that are available to them and the importance of reinforcing of L1 at home.

Reinforces learning at home, alongside the classroom.

Parents can be involved in the structure and design of projects. Examples include include surveys and storytelling.

Parents should know that competencies developed with their children in their first language are carried into the classroom.

Allows the transfer of knowledge and skills from home-life into academic life.

Promotes diversity and inclusion. (17)

The student's history becomes recognized as a valuable asset in the classroom.

Allows a student to operate at their best capacity.
Working in dual languages allows existing competencies to provide a foundation for extending student learning.


50/50 bilingual language programs demonstrate that learning isn't negatively effected when two languages are fostered. (18)
Source Bilingual Children's Mother Tongue: Why Is It Important for Education?
Draws from the students prior knowledge including existing academic, linguistic and cultural knowledge. (17)
Skills and knowledge transfer from an L1 into the L2.
Developing skills in two or more languages throughout primary school helps students gain a deeper understanding of language.
Developing a students first language promotes: (16)

Source: Many Roots Many Voices. Supporting English Language Learners in every Classroom, pp. 14-16

the opportunity to expand career opportunities.

An awareness of cultural diversity and multiple perspectives

An understanding of one's own cultural and family values

Cultural Stability and continuity

Mental Flexability

Problem solving skills