Categorii: Tot - minerals - vegetation - greenhouse - soil

realizată de Fernando De Francesca 3 ani în urmă


Physical Environment Interactions Pt. 2

The interaction between soil and vegetation is influenced by several factors, including the size of rock particles which determines the mineral content available to plants. True soil comprises four essential components:

Physical Environment Interactions Pt. 2

Physical Environment Interactions Pt. 2

Climate Regions


Lowest in the middle of the year

Highest at the beggining and end of a year

Goes below 0°

Lower Lakes

Gets higher throughout the year

Goes under 0°


More in summer, less in winter


More in middle of the year

Low precipitation

Goes under -20°


Low precip.

goes under 0°

Large temp. range


High precip.

More in summer, Less in winter

Doesn't go below 0°



Less in summer, More in winter


doesn't go below 0°

Small temp. range

Types of Precipitation

5. Precipitation occurs
4. Moisture condenses into clouds
3. Air cools
2. Warm air forms and rises
1. Sun heats earth's surface
6. Precipitation occurs
5. Moisture condenses into clouds
4. Air cools
3. Warm air forced up by cold air
2. Spin
1. Warm & cold air collide
4. Precipitation occurs
3. Moisture condenses into clouds
2. Air cools
1. Air mass forced up by mountains

Soil & Vegetation

Which trees could survive harsh climate, Coniferous or deciduous
deciduous trees

Can not survive in winter

Coniferous trees

Their needles can conduct photosynthesis on warm days even out season

Branches and needles shack of snow easily

Have waxy needles to prevent water loss in droughts

Have sap that works as anti-freeze

They can extract minerals from bad soil

Difference between leaching and calcifiction
Calcification: Soil gives water to plants
Leaching: When soil takes water underground so plants cant use it
Why does size of rock particle matter to soil
The bigger the rock the more minerals it has
How long did it take topsoil to form
6000-1200 yrs
How is topsoil formed
Oganic materials are added to the top
Four components that make true soil

Water dissolves nutrients into soil so plants can suck them up


Plants need air in the roots

Bacteria and organic materials

Gives soil its dark color

Decomposed plants and animals. That give nutrients to plants


Minerals needed by plants and animals

Factors Affecting Climate

L.O.W.E.R. Near water
Near Water

Closer to water bodies = colder summers, warmer winters & more precip.

Farther away from water bodies = hot summers, cold winters & less precip.


Windward = wet side

Leeward = dry side, Nickname: Rain shadow

As the moist air rises up the windward side at mountain range it expands & cools

Mountains block precipitation


Higher elevation = more moisture

As air expands it loses heat

When air rises, it expands, because there is less air pressure

The higher the elevation the lower the temperature

Wind & air masses

Oceans contain moisture

Less precipitation inland (Continental loocation)

Air moisture releasing precipitation

Ocean Currents

When 2 currents meet the weather is often damp & foggy

Ocean currents affect the temp. of air that passes over it


The higher the latitude the lower the temperature

Climate Basics

Temperature Range
Highest temp. minus lowest temp.
Climate Vs. Weather



Precipitation (rain,snow,hail)


Day to day


Average weather of a place, over long period of time

Climate Graphs
Two graphs in one

Growing season

Colour the space between the line and your red temp line

Draw a line at 5.6°C

Bar graph showing precipitation

Colour them blue

Y axis on right side

Measured in mmper month

Draw bars for each month precip

Line graph showing temperature

Coneect dots with a red lign

Plot monthly values in middle of each column

Y axis on left side

Measure in°C

Climate Change

Why would warmer climate be a good thing
More space for people to live
Fewer power outages
More cruises holidays and trips
Fewer bus,plain, train delays
Longer construction season
More time at the beach
More food
Longer growing season
What are greenhouse gases

Water vapor


Nitrous oxide


Carbon dioxide

Gases that trap heat in the earths atmosphere
The greenhouse effect
3. Greenhouse gases trp some reflected heat
2. Some heats earths surface: some is reflected
1. Solar radiation enters earths atmosphere