Categorii: Tot - stress - memory - grammar - punctuation

realizată de deanna moriarty 12 ani în urmă


mind map of mind maps

Utilizing various memory techniques can significantly enhance recall abilities. Mnemonic devices, such as acrostics and the method of loci, help by associating new information with familiar routines or words.

mind map of mind maps

Thank you for listening

Memory methords


Make a mind map on what this was all about. Renember to keep it yours and simple you have 3 minutes.
Then fill in the missing areas
Then what are the sub topics
In my mind map I used 3 main branches with the exeption of this one what are they
Grammer and punctuation

Dont over do it using to much punctuation gives less impact

Only use punctuation to highlight more certain areas of importance!!!!!


Theres only you using it so theres no point making it perfect

Correcting grammer like allot of people do when making mind maps wastes time

Your going to be using it so if you understand it its good enough

Bright and Colourful

Keep it light hearted so its easyer for you to renember


Use Yellows Blues Greens there are so many colours that you can


Duller colours for less important points

Bright bold colours for the inportant information so that them areas are easyer to renember

Colour is a great simple tool to use by colour coading its easyer to group information.

Set it out
Only use relevent information

A mind map is so you can have a re-jog of information

Keep it short simple and relevent the 3 main points to the mind map


It dosnt need to be neat just clear to you because your the one who is using it.

Most people have issues with keeping a mind map clear to you

Keep your sentences as small as posible

If you need more make another branch.

May be use small bits of text like this. try to keep them less than 2 lines.

Obviously it is hader for you to visualise your mind map if the text within it is in larger chunks. Make the text smaller chunks. If not the information will be losed in the vast capasity of your brain with no function as it is harder to prosses and renemebr larger chunks of text

Mnemonic devices

Relate what you want to renember to a word

methord of loci

Relate things you wish to renember to a common routine

Life style
Recreational time

Diffrent things will give a permanent pathway that broadens your mind and allows room for more memorable moments.

its intressting so been social while studying will help you renember

Been social actives areas of the brain assosiated to the memory

Eat and sleep

exersise incresses oxigen to the brain so exersise and keep heathy

Eat heathy and sleep regular hours

Even if its the week end try and stay on a routine

This isnt a difficult task eat sleep and give yourself time to do these things

Dont stress
Your memory is better than what you think as it renbers so much more than what you think

The memory is limitless and so much bigger than what you think. What is your earlist memory to find out?

Stress gives negitive thoughts chill and dont stress because it gives you a negitive information block
memorising things can be stressfull dont allow yourself to be overwelmed