Categorii: Tot - delivery - efficiency - software - ergonomics

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McDonalds 2019

The text discusses various ergonomic and efficiency improvements in different job roles. For McDonald's food wrapping, it suggests using bags instead of wrapping to reduce repetitive wrist movements and proposes future automation for enhanced efficiency.

McDonalds 2019

McDonalds 2019


Workers have to reach out of the window to deliver whatever they need to car with their shoulder, so doing the same things over and over again may result in pain.
Having a little ramp that moves the food down from the window to the car window may be helpful.

keep everything in easy reach

Mcdonalds App Software engineers

When you are working on a laptop, you do not move around much, causing lack of blood flow.
In the future, there can be desks with exercise material built it into it, such as a treadmill, elliptical, and an excercise bike. That way you can do your work on the desk with your hands typing, while your legs are running. That way your blood is flowing, while you work.
There are now tables that exist that can be moved to standing desks and back down to sitting desks at the press of a button. This table makes people want to stand up more, instead of sitting down
Constantly working on a laptop or desktop computer so your eyes begin to get tired
Turning on the setting off "blue light", will be better for your eyes especially when it is dark outside or in the room you are working in.


When driving, your neck and head are all in one position, looking straightforward so over time, you may develop issues around that area.
Work in neutral positions
There is something you can put on your car that holds your neck properly when driving. It can help with having a natural, comfortable and safe position for your neck while driving.
You have to drive constantly meaning parts of your legs will get sore from constantly pushing the pedals.
The driver can have a comfortable position in the car with it being propped up to a ergonomic position. That means his legs are close enough to the pedals for it to be ergonomic design.
If the Mcdonalds has a lot of people at it and it is popular, purchasing a self driving car may be valuable because it means the driver doesn't have to be pushing his feet on the petals constantly.


They are on the move constantly,walking around everywhere.
In the future, they can have an option where the manager can work from home and communicate through technology, like through skype or facetime.
Having comfortable shoes as a part of their uniform to help with possible foot pain.
Voice may hurt over time because you are constantly talking loudly, to customers and workers as well.
Use a megaphone to prevent having to yell constantly


Your eyes can be strained from typing for long if your documents are digital
Having a 10 second break in between 20 minutes of screen time can prevent eye strain
Your hands can get tired from constant writing if the documents are on paper
Reduce the excessive motions
Maybe use a stamp for signatures instead of writing it every time to

Outdoor seating area

Since it is too sunny, it might bother the workers greatly with their eyes.
Have a glass ceiling above outdoor seating area with UV glass protection, would be helpful because it prevents UV rays from reaching workers.
Wear specific sunglasses that protect eyes from UV rays.

Cooking Food

Preparing Food means you are near oil, microwave or an oven so it may get too hot to be comfortable.
Using an another way of warming/cooling food can be used in the future such as an airfryer
Leave a window open near the cooking area

Maintain a comfortable environment

Wrapping Food

Wrist may hurt over time because of constant repetitive movement.
In the future, have a machine to wrap food to be more efficient as well as ergonomic
Put food inside of a bag instead of just wrapping it because you move your wrist a lot less

Reduce excsessive motions


Lifting heavy trash cans or boxes of food repetitively ingredients may result in wrist pain
Having a large cart or a dolly to move heavy things around could be helpful

Reduce excessive force

Your doing physical work constantly, which may cause soreness throughout your entire body.
Taking breaks can help with soreness.
Bending down to clean lower cabinets may result in back issues
Having a brush or a mop with a longer stick can be helpful so you do not have to bend down as much.

Work at proper heights

Doing the repetitive motion with your hand with a spray bottle
Creating a spray bottle that is a more natural position for your hand may help

Reduce excessive motions

Grilling food (burgers)

Workers are standing up constantly on uncomfortable surface
Make a comfortable environment
Get rid of the job of grilling in total by creating a machine
Use an automated spatula that flips by itself mechanically
Have a mat or carpeted surface where the grillers are standing so they are more comfortable