Categorii: Tot - signs - subtraction - fractions - integers

realizată de Griscel Alcala 3 luni în urmă


K-8 Math for Teachers

Teachers often employ various methods to help students understand mathematical concepts, especially when dealing with integers and fractions. For addition and subtraction of integers, visual aids like color counters or symbolic representations using plus and minus signs can be effective.

K-8 Math for Teachers

K-8 Math for Teachers

Week 8

Exam 4

% symbolizes a ratio. amount per 100

30% is 30 / 100

Using the logic that it is out of 100, we can draw 10 frame boxes as a way to show percent. Each box is equal to a tenth of the total (100).

40% would have four boxes colored in

70% would have seven boxes colored in

35% would have 3 and one half boxes

20% of 40

10% of 40 is 4 (move the decimal to the left one spot)

A 10 frame that represents 40 would have 4 in each box

20% would be two of the boxes

4 + 4 = 8

20% of 40 = 8

45% of 80

10% of 80 is 8

40% of 80 would be 8x4 = 32

5% of 80 would be 4 (half of 10%)

32 + 4 = 36

45% of 40 = 36

42% of 120

10% of 120 is 12

1% of 120 is 1.2 (move the decimal one more spot to the left of the 10% total)

40% is 12x4 = 48

1.2 + 1.2 = 2.4

48 + 2.4 = 50.4

42% of 120 = 50.4

Order of Operation



D/M divide/multiple, left to right

S/A subtract/add, left to right

groups are made with an add or subtract sign

-12 - 4(2) + 5

bring down the - and +


add the inverse

-12+ (-8)

-20 + 5


-24 / 2 x 4

-12 x 4


Remember to go LEFT TO RIGHT

20 - 4^2 x 3 / 2

20 - 16 x 3 / 2

20 - 48 / 2

20 - 24


-4^2 + 8 - 3^2 - 4

-16 + 8 - 9 - 4

-8 - 9 - 4

-17 -4


(-7)^2 = 49

-(7^2) = -49

(-7^2)= -49

-7^2 = -49

-(7)^2 = -49

Week 7 - Integers

Multiply & Divide

Building Integer Multiplication

3 (-5)

3 groups of 5 negatives


3 (-5) = -15

-4 (3)

0 TAKE AWAY 4 groups of 3 postives

0 - 4 (3)




take away 4 groups of 3 positives

12 negative is left

-4 (3) = -12

-3 (-2)

zero take away 3 groups of 2 negatives



take away 3 groups of 2 negatives

6 positives are left

-3 (-2) = 6

Solving Multiplication and Division

If the signs are the same, the answer is positive

if the signs are different, the answer is negative

-25 (-30)

same sign, answer will be positive

-25 (-30)=750


signs are different, answer will be negative

-100/20 = -5

Showing Subtraction - use + and - instead of color counters

5 - (-2)



5 - (-2) = 7

Solving Subtraction

Add the inverse - this is the same as making a zero bank

-18 - (-15)

-18 + (+15)

Now I can use Hector's Method

-18 + (+15)

- - +

subtract the two numbers


a negative is still left outside the circle

-18 + (+15) = -3

-53 - 20

-53 + (-20)

- - -


53 + 20 = 73

negative sign left outside the circle

-53 + (-20) = -73

2-Color Counters - Subtraction

5 - 3

5 take away 3




-6 - (-2)

6 negatives take away 2 negatives


-6 - (-2) = -4

4 - (-3)


Wait, we have no negatives, how can I do this??




4 - (-3) = 7

3 - 6


I don't have enough positives to take away 6. I need a zero bank



3 - 6 = -3

Week 6

Exam #3
Integers - Show & Addition

Instead of color counters, use + or -

-5 + 7


- - - - -

zero bank leaves you with 2

-5 + 7 = 2

Hector's Method - only works for addition

-30 + 27

- - +

The bigger pile gets two of whatever it's sign is

Circle together one sign from each side

If the signs are different, we subtract

If the signs are the same, we add

The sign outside of the circle will be the sign for the answer


-30 + 27 = -3

-320 + (-430)

- - -

circle, same sign means add


a - is on the outside of the circle so the answer will be -

-320 + (-430)= -750

Integers - 2 Color Counters


Use two color counters

RED is negative

1 positive with 1 negative is a ZERO PAIR

Build -5 using 9 tiles



The two zero pairs make a ZERO BANK

4 + (-3)



Zero bank cancel each other out

The answer is 4 + (-3) = 1

2 + (-5)



Zero bank cancels out

2 + (-5) = -3

Solving Fractions

Solving Fractions - use logic!

20 + (7/8)

Just add them together

20 + 7/8 = 20 7/8

13 - 1/5

Remember that a number over the same number is 1

12 5/5 - (5/5) is the same as the original problem

= 12 4/5

14 - 6 3/8

take away your wholes first

14 - 6 = 8

8 - 3/8

7 8/8 - 3/8 = 7 5/8

Unlike denominators, use fraction trees

7/10 - 5/12

10 - 2 * 5

12 - 2 * 6

2 in common to both

Multiple the fraction by 1, using what it is missing from the other fraction (REMEMBER THAT ANY NUMBER OVER THE SAME NUMBER IS 1)

7/10 (6/6)

5/12 (5/5)

42/60 - 25/60 = 17/60

FUNKY ONES, simplify first, then multiply - I love this!!

14/36 * 7/21

factor each number - try to see if you can find numbers in common

2*7/9*4 x 9*3/3*7

Remember that a number OVER the same number is 1

I can make a 1 with the two 7s (numbers can't both be on the top or both on the bottom numerator/denominator)

1 with the two 9s

1 with the two 3s

I now have (2*1*1*1)/(1*4*1*1) = 2/4

14/36 * 7/21 = 2/4 = 1/2

5 * 8/15

You'll want to make the whole number into a fraction and then do Funky Ones

5/1 * 8/15

3 3/5 * 2 2/4

same as Funky Ones but make it into an improper fraction first.

denominator times the whole number, add that to the numerator, that total goes over the original denominator

18/5 * 10/4

continue with Funky Ones

(8/15) / (4/5)

Keep Change Flip - Fact Families is why we can do this

8/15 * 5/4

Funky Ones

Week 5 - Fractions


Use color counters

Building Multiplication

(2/3) * (1/4)

2/3 groups of 1/4 are red

multiply the denominators

12 pieces total




Only need 2/3 of the group




of the 2/3 we only need 1/4 to be red




(2/3) * (1/4) = 2/12

Showing Multiplication

Area Model

use rectangles

Draw one less line than your denominator - if you need 4ths, then you will draw 3 lines.

I like to make my bigger number vertically since that seems to be easier to draw than the horizontal lines

With multiplication you will only have one rectangle

The answer is the part that will have both colors shaded in



Build subtraction

3/4 - 1/3

build the first fraction on the board and the second on off the board

3/4 take away 1/3

check if the take away number fits into the first number

Convert both fractions using the same size pieces

We would use 1/12 tiles

3/4 would convert to 9/12

1/3 would convert to 4/12

We now have 9/12 - 4/12 and we can do this because they are now the same size pieces

We take away 4/12 and are left with 5/12

3/4 - 1/3 = 5/12

Show Subtraction

Area Model

use rectangles

Draw one less line than your denominator - if you need 4ths, then you will draw 3 lines.

I like to make my bigger number vertically since that seems to be easier to draw than the horizontal lines

With subtraction you will have two boxes

2/3 - 1/2


Build Addition

2/5 + 1/2

Show Addition

Area Model

use rectangles

Draw one less line than your denominator - if you need 4ths, then you will draw 3 lines.

I like to make my bigger number vertically since that seems to be easier to draw than the horizontal lines

With addition, you will have three rectangles

3/4 + 1/5

Week 4 - Fractions

Building Fractions

Area Model

Linear Model

Set Model

Exam 2
Comparing Fractions

Which is bigger?

[3/8] or 3/11 - same number of pieces but the smaller denominator means the pieces are bigger

[9/17] or 7/15 - 1/2 anchor fraction, 9 is more than half of 17 and 7 is NOT more than half of 15

13/23 or [20/23] - more pieces of 23 - same denominator

15/17 or [27/29] - both missing 2 pieces to become whole, 29 is a smaller piece so more of this one is filled in

Important Fraction Info

Numerator: number of pieces you have

Denominator: tells me the size of my piece

Inverse relationship

17 is bigger than 5 BUT 1/17 is smaller than 1/5 - the pieces are smaller in 1/17 than in 1/5

LCD for adding or subtraction fractions but you don't need to for multiplication, why?

Multiplication is _____ groups of ______

so 2/3 x 3/4 is, 2/3 groups of 3/4, and does not need a LCD

Week 3

Divisibility Rules & Prime Factorization

Divisibility Rules

2: even

3: sum of the digits can divide by 3

4: last two digits divide by 4

5: ends in 5 or 0

6: #2 and #3 works


8: last 3 digits can divide by 8

9: sum of the digits can divide by 9

10: number ends in 0

Prime Factorization

Prime number - only factors are 1 and itself (i.e. 2, 3, 5, 7)

Factor Tree

48 < 4 x 12

4< 2 x 2

12< 3 x 4

4< 2 x 2


2^4 x 3

Upside down division - use an upside down "house", use only prime numbers

40 < 5 x 8

8< 2 x 4

4< 2x2

2x2x2x52^3 x 5

Use prime factorization to find LCD

use whichever is bigger

2^2 x 3 x 5^4 x 11 and 3^3 x 5^2 x 7^2

LCD = 2^2 x 3^3 x 5^4 x 7^2 x 11

Division - Build, Show, Alt Algorithms

Build - 12/3

Show - 129/25

Repeated Subtraction

Subtraction Area Model

Upwards Division

Multiplication - Build, Show, Alt Algorithms

3 (4) - 3 groups of 4 units


Show - drawing, no blocks, flats, longs, units - 3 x 4

Teach multiplication facts in this order:

1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 9s, doubles, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s

Week 2 - Addition & Subtraction

Alternative Algorithms

What makes a good algorithm?

Is it expandable, efficient, and based on solid math principles?


Expanded Form


Friendly Numbers = numbers that end in 0

Trading Off - like Friendly numbers but only moving part

Subtraction - take away

Expanded Form


Equal Addends - this works because subtraction is the measurement, amount, distance between two numbers.

Exam 1

squares = flats

lines = longs

dots = units


if you have enough longs to make a flat, close the 10 longs with a Z




i.e. 3 + 2 would have 3 units + 2 units = 5 units (you did not fill a long)

In non-base 10


i.e. 17-9

In non-base 10

12 base 8 take away 6 base 8 would need to exchange a long for units. A long equals 8 units (NOT 10)

Week 1

Homework and Tests

Ployas Problem


Method for solving problems

Base 10 and other bases

i.e. Base 6 is 6 unites make a long and 6 longs make a flat

i.e. 356 base 4 is impossible but 356 base 7 is ok