Categorii: Tot - estrés - ayuda - síntomas - depresión

realizată de VIOLETA LUZMILA GAMARRA HONORIO 3 ani în urmă



La depresión en la infancia y adolescencia es un problema de salud mental que puede manifestarse de diversas formas, incluyendo síntomas físicos como palpitaciones, dolor de cabeza y molestias abdominales.


molestias físicas (somatización/ alteración del apetito) o disminución del rendimiento escolar. Pérdida de interés en juegos y amigos

cambio de caracter y conducta reciente, mayor rebeldía, desobediencia, inicio de consumo de drogas, alcohol y conductas de riesgo

en adolescentes

en niños

la gravedad de la depresión varía enormemente

Los neurotransmisores influyen en el estado de ánimo

sentimientos de desesperanza

sentirse triste

Ánimo bajo

alguna circunstancias que aumentan el riesgo de depresión

Abusar del alcohol o consumir otras drogas

Algunas medicinas

Enfermedad física grave

Haber sufrido traumas físicos o psicológicos

negligencia en el cuidado

Situaciones conflictivas en el entorno

experiencias de pérdidas o estrés

problemas en las relaciones interpersonales
cambios de estilos de vida
incluyendo fallecimiento de seres queridos

Depresión en los padres

Problemas escolares

sentimientos de tristeza que no desaparecen y se acompañan de otros síntomas que provocan malestar o dificultades para desarrollar su vida cotidiana

La depresión es la segunda causa principal de discapacidad mental a nivel mundial (Organización mundial de la salud, 2006)

Pérdida de interés


querer estar solo

síntomas fundamentales


The first division between continents was made by ancient Greek navigators, who named them 'landmass, terra firma'.

Generally classified by convention rather than any strict criteria, nowadays seven regions are regarded as continents from a geopolitical point of view.

¿Qué pueden ofrecerme los servicios de salud si tengo depresión?

Antarctica is not only the coldest place on Earth but also the highest, driest, windiest and emptiest, completely covered with ice.

75% of the world's ice and 70% of the Earth's fresh water is located here.

Summer months of December to February give 24 hours of light, while the winter months of late March to late September are pitch dark the whole day.

There are no permanent inhabitants, except for scientists maintaining research stations in Antarctica.

Servicios especializados de salud mental

There is plenty of animal life in Antarctica. It is a continent of extreme conditions but a range of well-adapted animals thrive here at various times of the year.

Name at least 5 of these animals.

Tu médico de atención primaria

Antarctica sees half a year of light and half a year of complete darkness.
Write down which months give 24 hours of light, and which are the ones that give pitch darkness the whole day.

All day dark
All day light

The coldest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth was recorded here.

Write it down.

Información y apoyo

Write down the temperatures of the Frozen Continent during the summer and the winter.


¿Cómo se trata la depresión?

You can find on this continent:

Terapia farmacológica

The largest forest, which covers 30% of South America's total area, is famous for its biodiversity. It’s crisscrossed by thousands of rivers, including the powerful Amazon.

Name this forest as well as its type.

¿Me cambiará la medicación?
riesgo de recibir tratamiento
¿Cuánto tiempo tomarlo?
posibles efectos secundarios
sobre que síntomas actúa
necesitan de algún tiempo para obtener resultados
Terapias psicológicas

The world's highest uninterrupted waterfall can be found here.

Write down its name, height and the country in which you can find it.

terapia interpersonal
Terapia cognitivo-conductual
Técnicas de autoayuda

There are 12 countries that make up South America.

Name as many of you can! Don't forget about their capitals.

Abuso de alcohol y otras drogas
Problemas del sueño
Actividad física
Manejo del estrés
Planifica el día

¿Cómo puedo ayudar a alguien con depresión?

North America has five time zones and it is the only continent with every type of climate.

North America was named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci and is also known as the 'New World'.

The world's largest sugar exporter among the seven continents - Cuba - also called the 'sugar bowl of the world' is located here.

Si estas al cuidado de alguien encuentra tiempo para ti
Toma en serio cualquier pensamiento de suicidio
Anímale a mantener el tratamiento
Elogia cada uno de sus avances
Dedícale parte de tu tiempo
Ayúdale a llevar una vida sana
Anímale a ser más activo
Ayúdale a reconocer las fuentes de estrés

The specialty of some animals is they are found only in a particular region and nowhere else in the world. North America is home to many of such amazing animals.

Name at least 6.

No pienses que la persona con depresión no desea mejorar

Native Americans have lived along this river and its tributaries for thousands of years. Most were hunter-gatherers, but some formed agricultural societies.

Formed from thick layers of the river's silt deposits, this river's embayment is one of the most fertile regions of the United States; steamboats were widely used in the 19th and early 20th centuries to ship agricultural and industrial goods.

Name this river.

Considérate a ti mismo como parte del equipo de apoyo y tratamiento

The world's largest freshwater lake by surface area and the third-largest freshwater lake by volume can be found here. It provides a route for the transportation of iron ore, as well as grain and other mined and manufactured materials.

Large cargo vessels called lake freighters, as well as smaller ocean-going freighters, transport these commodities across this lake.

Name this lake.

Lake type
Aprende sobre la depresión

There are 23 countries that make up North America.

Name as many of you can! Don't forget about their capitals.


¿Qué es la depresión?

Interfiere en:

Asia is the world's largest continent of the seven continents in size, as it covers one-third of the earth's surface.

It includes 50 countries, and it is the most populated continent, 60% of the total population of the Earth lives here.

Desarrollo académico
Desarrollo social
Capacidad de aprender
Capacidad de pensar

¿Qué puedo hacer si creo que tengo depresión?

Australia is the world's smallest continent and is also known as an 'island continent' as it is surrounded by water on all sides.
It includes 14 countries and it is the least populated continent.

Its name comes from the Latin word 'australis' meaning 'southern' because it lies entirely on the south of the equator.

no pienses que es cuestión de endurecerte ni recurras al alcohol y drogas; esas cosas en lugar de ayudarte te hundirán más
Si hablas con alguien y sientes que no te entiende, busca alguna otra persona con la que puedas hablar

The largest coral reef can be found here.
Name this coral reef, add its length and mention what type of coral is it.

recurre a amigos y familia para que te ayuden
dieta saludable
actividad física diaria
Si piensas que puedes estar deprimido, solicita ayuda lo antes posible

Out of 14, how many countries you can name?

How about these countries' capitals?

aprender algo mas de la depresión
si tienes pensamientos de hacerte daño, habla con alguien de tu confianza. También puedes hablar al número de emergencias
hablar con tu médico u otro profesional sanitario
hablar con alguien de tu confianza sobre tus sentimientos

Según Bella.R, Jing. T (2015) la prevalencia

La mayoría de los estudios coinciden que alrededor del 1% al 2% de los niños pre-púberes y cerca del 5% de los adolescentes sufren de depresión clínicamente significativa en algún momento.
La depresión afecta alrededor del 2.8% de los niños menores de 13 años y al 5.6% de los adolescentes entre los 13 y 18 años.

Tipos de Depresión

Of the seven continents of the world, Africa is the second largest.

Africa comprises 54 countries and it is the hottest continent.

The equator passes through the middle of Africa and it receives direct sunlight throughout the year.

The world gets 66% of its chocolate, 50% of the gold and 95% of the diamonds from Africa.

depresión moderada

What are the major animals found in Africa?
Also, there are a few species that can be found only in Africa.

Name at least 6 of these animals.

depresión leve

The largest hot desert in the world which used to be a lush region with many plants and animals.

The current climate makes it a difficult place for any life to exist. It is hot, dry, and windy.
Very hot during the day but the temperature can drop sometimes to below freezing at nights.

It rarely rains, some regions can go years without seeing a drop of rain.

Name this desert.

episodio de depresión

The world's longest river can be found here, famed for its ancient history and the archaeological sites along its shores.
This river gave rise to the early Egyptian civilization.

Name this river and add its length.

depresión mayor

Out of 54, how many countries you can name?

How about these countries' capitals?

Causas que generan depresión

Factores psicológicos
Factores ambientales
Factores biológicos
factores genéticos

¿Cuáles son los síntomas de la Depresión?

Europe is separated from Asia by the Ural mountains and the Caspian Sea.

It is surrounded by water on three sides: Mediterranean Sea in the south, Atlantic Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north.

Three-fourth of the world's potatoes grow in Europe.

otros posibles síntomas
Preocupaciones constantes

que le produce

miedos infundados


Síntomas físicos

molestias abdominales

palpitaciones cardíacas

dolor de cabeza

Ideas suicidas:

irse para siempre

querer morirse

Pensamientos negativos, excesivas críticas hacia uno mismo
Sentimientos de inutilidad o culpa
Dificultad para concentrarse o problemas de memoria

que afecta su rendimiento escolar

Aumento o disminución del apetito
Problemas de sueño

no querer levantarse por la mañana

problemas para quedarse dormido por la noche

Pérdida de energía o cansancio
Ganas de llorar sin motivo aparente

Europe has many exceptional animals, birds, and reptiles with unique methods of staying and hunting.

Name at least 4 of them.


Europe is a large region, with several major rivers that connect its many countries. There are five primary rivers in Europe, and one of them flows through 10 countries, more than any other river in the world.

Name these rivers.