Categorii: Tot - conspiracy - balance - defense - survival

realizată de angel garcia 5 ani în urmă


Cool facts about my field of study

The Strategic Defense Initiative, proposed by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, was an ambitious plan to develop a space-based missile defense system. Though often criticized as unrealistic and technologically unfeasible at the time, it aimed to protect the United States from potential Soviet attacks.

Cool facts about my field of study


Angel David Suancha García


Why anarchy doesn't end the system of states?
Balance of power

All the states try to stop a state that is becoming the hegemon

The primary goal of all the states is survive
Conflictive context
Anarchy isn't equal to disorder o chaos
There are some bodies of rules that a lot of states accept

International Law

Every single state is an indepent unit
There isn't a hegemon
Hegemon: organization or state capable to regulate the behavior of all the other states
There isn't an universal set of obligatory laws for all the states


Conspiracy theory about this strategic
The implicit idea of this strategic was to frighten the Soviet Union and start an arms race

In this way, the Soviet Union's budget was mostly invested in the arms and defense development and affecting their economy

Some people argue that this caused the end of the Soviet Union

However, the technology to develop this strategic had not been created for that time
A lot of people started to think that Reagan took his inspiration from Star Wars to create this strategy
The explicit idea was to build an anti-missile dispositive in the space to detect an attack from the Soviet Union
This idea was cataloged as unreal and impossible
In 1933 the president of U.S. Ronald Reagan proposed the "Strategic Defense Initiative"


The main idea to build the headquarters f UN was to create an independent city but at the end it was stablished in NY
One of the most interest critics about the UN is that this organization only promotes all the liberal values and interest of the U.S.
In 1948 was proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to promote liberty, equality and justice by the organization
In 1945 the United Nations was founded by 51 countries, but in the past other nations tried to create a similar organization called the Nations Society