Categorii: Tot - politics - diversity - trade - separation

realizată de Vareesha Zuberi - Rick Hansen SS (2542) 4 ani în urmă


Canada 2030 predictions

By the year 2030, Canada is expected to witness significant political and socio-cultural changes. Politically, there will likely be more female candidates running for office, reflecting a growing trend in diversity within government roles.

Canada 2030 predictions

Canada 2030 predictions

Socio-culture changes

There will definitely be an increase in the amount of technology used and made. Eventually we will all be living in smart homes, driving smart cars which are better for the environment. Technology hasn't reached it's peak yet and is still going to continue to develop further.
The 2020 Coronavirus pandemic will have lifetime after effects. Not only in the way people interact with one another but also the way people will live. Everything will be taken in the concept of "Is this something we can do at home instead of going out to do it?" Majority of things will be online due to the current pandemic and stay that way since it is more efficient and convenient. There will be a cure for Covid by then however people may still be experiencing longterm health affects after getting Covid. There will also be multiple mutations of the virus out and a decline in people's immune system.
Religious relations
Many people will not have religious beliefs in 2030. This is for many reasons. 38% of Millennials and 38% of Gen Z already don't identify with a certain faith and the other 62% of people are scattered over many religions. The newer generation of people aren't as connected to their faith since they believe more in the scientific side of things, as well as covid separating them from their families on religious holidays creating a separation between them and their faiths.
Violence in society
There will probably be more violence in the future with the way the world is progressing right now. In the future people will have more access to harmful things to society and will use them to act against governments and social principles.
Racial relations
In 2030, the fight for racial equality will still continue to happen. There will still be racism in society and people will still discriminate against others because of their skin tone. Much progress won't be made and the fight for racial equality will continue.

Environmental Changes

Water pollution
By 2050, 6 billion people will struggle from clean water shortages. This is the result of rising water demand, decreased water supply and growing water pollution, powered by drastic population and economic growth.
Air pollution
If air pollution is not controlled, the air will become so toxic by 2030 that an oxygen kit will have to be used to actually breathe. Premature ageing will also result from increasing air pollution.
Global warming
By 2030 factors such as Ocean Currents, Changing Precipitation, Rising Sea Level, and Acidic Ocean Water will play a huge role in the world.

Economic Changes

The Auto industry
Many changes will be considered in the auto industry such as cost pressure, Diverging markets and Digital demands.
Health Care: public
Health care workers are working on a system that could impact the future drastically. Five stages of public health are at work.
Mexico and Canada are covered from any potential US auto tariffs by the deal. This means that there would be many more jobs created in the next decade

Political changes

Concerns about Quebec seperation
There will be little to no concern that Quebec will separate from Canada. This is because for the most part Canadians have come to an agreement, a sort of coming together. Unless a really big new issue comes up from now until then, one that can't be ignored, I don't think Quebec has any intention of separating.
Federal political party leaders
By 2030 there will be more female candidates running for office or at least in the House of Commons. We have already seen an increase in diversity in Trudeu's cabinet, and I think this will continue throughout the years. I also believe we might have a female prime minister by then. The political party leaders campaigns will include more environmentally friendly Canada because of how bad the pollution will have gotten by then.
Relationship with the US
The relationship with the US will still be strong in 2030 with trade relations still well undergoing since they are Canada's biggest trade partner, it is unwise to not trade with them. For both economies it is necessary to keep the trade going. However due to the pandemic and difference in reaction to the virus, it has been unwise to go against the President's wishes even at the expense of Canadian interests. So I think this will definitely change by 2030 and Canada will look out for ourselves more than we do right now.