Categorii: Tot - enzyme - biotechnology - cells - genes

realizată de Serrina Her 5 ani în urmă



Modern biotechnology involves the manipulation of organisms or their genetic material to achieve desired traits or benefits. This field encompasses a variety of techniques and concepts, such as recombinant DNA, genetic engineering, and gene therapy.


BIOTECHNOLOGY "manipulation of organisms or their genetic compound"

Types of Cells

Totipotent "cell that can generate a new organism"
Transgenic "organism that has DNA that's been artificially introduced"

Genetically Modified Organisms "organisms where the DNA has been altered"

Stem Cell "can reproduce itself indefinitely"
STRs "variations in repeats of DNA sequences"
Gene Therapy "alteration of an afflicted individual's genes"
SNP "single base-pair sites"

Recombinant DNA "nucleotide sequences from 2 sources

Genetic Engineering "direct manipulation of genes"
Nucleic Acid Probe "fragment that's complimentary to another

Nucleic Acid Hybridization "process of nucleic acid identifying complimentary sequence

Genetic Profile "individual's unique DNA sequence"

Gene Cloning "using bacteria to make copies of gene"

Gel Electrophoresis "Indirect method of analyzing + comparing genomes"

Northern Blotting "combines gel electro. of mRNA followed by hybrid. with a probe on membrane"

Southern Blotting "combines gel electro. of DNA with nucleic acid hybrid."

Complimentary DNA "made by cloning DNA in vitro"

cDNA "represents the subset of genes transcribed into mRNA"

Restriction Enzyme "cut DNA molecules"

DNA Ligase "enzyme that seals bonds"

Restriction Fragments "many cuts made by restriction enzymes"

Sticky Ends "fragments that bond with other fragments

Restriction Sites "DNA sequences"

Plasmid "small circular DNA molecules"

Expression Vector "introduces a specific gene to target cell"

Electroporation "introducing DNA to bacteria using electricity"

Polymerase Chain Reaction "can produce many copies of a target segment of DNA"

Bacterial Artificial Chromosome "large plasmid that's been trimmed and can carry large DNA insert"

Yeast Artificial Enzyme "chromosomes derived from the DNA of yeast"

Cloning Vector "can carry foreign DNA to a host cell and replicate there"

Cloning "creating copies of cells/DNA"

DNA Microarray Assays "compare patterns of gene expression"