Categorias: Todos - cyberbullying - psychological - power - sexual

por Esmeralda Nohemí Pérez García 5 anos atrás


Types Of Workplace Harassment There are so many types of workplace harassment and so many interpretations that even the most diligent HR professional could miss the signs.

Workplace harassment encompasses various forms, each with distinct characteristics and impact. Discriminatory harassment is defined by its intent to target individuals based on factors like age, race, or sexual orientation.

Types Of Workplace Harassment
There are so many types of workplace harassment and so many interpretations that even the most diligent HR professional could miss the signs.

Types Of Workplace Harassment There are so many types of workplace harassment and so many interpretations that even the most diligent HR professional could miss the signs.

Now we will explain about Discriminatory Harassment and Personal Harassment.

2. Personal Harassment. Personal harassment is a form of workplace harassment that’s not based on one of the protected classes (such as race, gender or religion). Simply, it’s bullying in its most basic form and it’s not illegal but can be damaging nevertheless.
1. Discriminatory Harassment. All unlawful workplace harassment is discriminatory in nature. But, unlike verbal or physical harassment, discriminatory harassment is defined by its intentions instead of how it’s carried out.
1.6. Age-Based Harassment Unfortunately, this harassment is sometimes an attempt to wrongfully push the individual into early retirement.

A person facing age-based harassment might be: • Teased and insulted, • Left out of activities or meetings, or • Unfairly criticized.

1.5. Sexual Orientation-Based Harassment Sexual orientation-based harassment is starting to gain traction and recognition as a legitimate type of workplace harassment. People of any sexual orientation (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc.) may experience this form of harassment depending on their line of work.
1.4. Disability-Based Harassment Disability-based harassment is a type of workplace harassment directed towards individuals who either:

• Suffer from a disability themselves • Are acquainted with a disabled person or people • Use disability services (sick leave or workers’ comp)

1.3. Religious Harassment Religious harassment is often interconnected with racial harassment, but narrows in specifically on the victim’s religious beliefs.

• Intolerance toward religious holidays • Intolerance toward religious traditions • Intolerance toward religious customs • Cruel religious jokes • Degrading stereotypical comments • Pressures to convert religions

1.2. Gender Harassment Gender-based ase don t is discriminatory behavior towards a person based on their gender. Negative gender stereotypes about how men and women should or do act are often the center of the Harassment.

• A male nurse faces harassment for having what is perceived as a woman’s job • A female banker hits the glass ceiling and taunted for not being “leader material” • A male colleague displays material (comics, posters) that’s degrading to women

1.1. Racial Harassment A victim may experience racial harassment because of their race, skin color, ancestry, origin country or citizenship.

• Racial slurs • Racial insults • Racial jokes • Degrading comments • Disgust • Intolerance of differences

There are eleven types of harassment in the workplace. (

11. Verbal Harassment.
10. Third Party Harassment.
9. Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment.
8. Sexual Harassment.
7. Retaliaton.
6. Cyberbullying.
5. Psychological Harassment.
4. Power Harassment.
3. Physical Harassment.
2. Personal Harassment.
1. Discriminatory Harassment.