Categorias: Todos - invasion - causes - treaties - consequences

por Arman Grewal 3 anos atrás


The Invasion of Poland

The invasion of Poland marked a significant turning point in history, serving as Adolf Hitler's defiance against the post-World War I treaties and restrictions imposed on Germany. This event, occurring on September 1, 1939, unofficially triggered the onset of World War II.

The Invasion of Poland

Long Term Causes


→ "Between 1921 and 1925 Adolf Hitler developed the belief that Germany required Lebensraum (living space) in order to survive" (Noakes, 2011).
→ This led to the invasion of Poland as Poland had Germany's previous land, and with the belief of Lebensraum they decided to colonize them later on in the years.

The Treaty of Versailles

→ The terms agreed to in the Treaty of Versailles after World War One were based on hatred and revenge that Britain and France had towards Germany. (Armstrong, 2017) (History, 2009).
→ Little did they know that these terms they made to stop another war against Germany would push them into another war."(Armstrong, 2017) (History, 2009).

Long Term Consequences


→ WW2 started after Britain and France declared war on Germany for invading Poland.(History, 2009)
→ This war took the lives of over 55 million people. (History, 2009)

→ Ending in 1945 it is one of the bloodiest and most brutal wars the world has ever seen. (History, 2009)

The Holocaust

→ "The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its allies" (Holocaust Encyclopedia, n/d)
→ This was all apart of the Nazi's main priority which was racism against many different cultures. (Holocaust Encyclopedia, n/d)

Short Term Causes

German-Soviet Nonaggression act

→ "On August 23, 1939–shortly before World War II (1939-45) the Nazi and the Soviet Union signed the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (History, 2009)
→ This act would mean that no Military action could be taken between both countries for 10 years. (History, 2009)

→ The act was later broken by Germany when they invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. (History, 2009)

Hitler Winning Election

→ Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933. → This caused the invasion of Poland as it inspired Hitler to bring his country out of major poverty.(History 2009)

Short Term Consequences

Conscription in New Zealand

→"New Zealand immediately joined the war effort to help Britain. (Armstrong, 2017)
Men were pressured into military service by government and society when conscription was introduced. Not going to war was seen as a cowardly thing to do. "(Armstrong, 2017)

Britain and France Declare War

→ Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany" (History, 2009)

The invasion of Poland was Adolf Hitler’s way of breaking the barrier of treaties and rights that had been set over Germany after WW1. It occurred on the first of September, 1939 unofficially starting WW2. (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC).

→ Both short term consequences relate to the event because they are the aftermath of it.

→ For example, Conscription in New Zealand and the forcing of young men to become soldiers wouldn't have occurred if t wasn't for the invasion of Poland. This is because Britain had to declare therefore forcing New Zealand to help.

→ Both long term consequences connect to both short term consequences

→ This is because the short term consequences are causes for the long term consequences.
→ For example, Britain and France declaring war on Germany is the reason why The Holocaust and WW2 occurred.

→ Both short term causes relate to the event because they are the reason it has occoured

→ For example, the Nonaggression act made by Germany and the Soviet Union was one of the main reasons for the Invasion of Poland. This is because now Germany would be able to freely attack Poland without much trouble.

→ Both the long-term causes and short term causes connect very well with each other

→ This is because the short term causes are consequences for the long term causes.
→ For example, hitler won the election because of his idea of Lebensraum and the Treaty of Versailles.

The Invasion of Poland